"Don't talk, don't talk..." she was hurt so badly, but she still cared if he was hurt.

Qin Xian feels that her heart is more and more empty, and the hole in her heart is bigger and bigger.

"Luo Er, you will be ok... You will be ok... Baby, baby will be OK, you must live, live..."

The sound of the strings was intermittent, with unprecedented fear.

On one side, Bai Su's face was pale. She gave Mu Yuntian to Zixuan and Chu Qinghuan, ran to Mu ziluo and held her wrist.

"How is she?" Qinxian said anxiously, "you are a disciple of Yixian. You can save her, right?"

As mu ziluo passed the pulse, Bai Su's face was even whiter: "little ten, she has serious internal injury, and she is powerless to return to heaven."

The body of Qin Xian shudders suddenly!

"No! No way Qin Xian pushes Bai Su away and puts mu ziluo in front of him. His palms do not hesitate to transport his deep internal force into mu ziluo's body. "Luo Er, you will be OK, you and your children will be OK! I won't allow you to do anything! "

At the moment the string may not be aware of what he said, those words, just an instinctive reaction.

Bai Su looked at his nervousness and closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

As she expected, in Qinxian's heart, she was attracted by muzilo and fell in love with her.

However, he didn't know the emotional change, and he was still obsessed with the illusory feelings of Perilla.

People are like this, won't cherish, about to lose, only to realize that feelings for themselves how important.

However, when I look back, it's too late.

At the moment, Qinxian is as affectionate to Mu ziluo as Mu Yuntian is to Bai su.

He didn't hesitate to save mu ziluo with his whole body cultivation, only for her to live well and not to leave him easily.

Unfortunately, mu ziluo had fallen into a coma and was dying. He didn't see this scene at all.

Bai Su thought that if Mu ziluo could see this scene, he would be too excited to die.

All the internal power in Qin Xian's body was input into mu ziluo's body, but her eyes were still closed, and there was no sign of awakening.

"Luo Er, wake up, wake up... Wake up, OK?" The forehead of Qin Xian is full of sweat. The whole person seems to be possessed, and his eyes are red like blood.

Even, Bai Su saw that Qin Xian's black hair gradually turned white one by one

If you don't make half a cup of tea, your hair will turn grey!

He's anxious, he's angry, he's sad, and the self reproach in his heart makes him white in a hurry!

"Luo'er..." Qin Xian slowly drew back her hand and looked at mu ziluo who was still motionless. She was in agony.

Who says hateful people have no love?

Ziyang loves Chu Qinghuan. For her request and to help her relieve her guilt for Bai Su, she does not hesitate to sacrifice herself.

Qin Xian loves mu ziluo deeply, but he doesn't know love. It's too late for him to know.

Bai Su doesn't love Qin Xian, but she loves her younger martial sister mu ziluo.

What a nice person, is that how to go?

"Ah --" the sound of the string was hoarse and sad, which moved the audience.

Just imagine, just understand their own mind, will watch their beloved and belly of the child died, or he was hurt, how can he bear?

"Xiao su'er, I've calculated the time. Should there be two more Baihua Xuming pills I gave you? Give it to her quickly Purple night looked at Bai Su and said.

Bai Su reacts and takes out Baihua Xuming pill from Mu Yuntian and feeds it to Mu ziluo.

Her face was still tight, looking at the purple night, her voice was so hoarse that it was hard to send out: "Baihua Xuming pill can only continue her life for a while, her injury is still too serious, there is no way..."

Purple night is silent.

Qinxian heard the conversation between the two, and the whole person completely collapsed.

Just at this time, a gray figure floated into the room, snatched muzzlo away from Qinxian, and quickly disappeared with her unconscious like a shadow.

"Who are you? Give me lol back! " The string suddenly reacts, flies up and chases out.

Bai Su was stunned and frozen in the same place. When she was thinking about going after her, a low and easygoing voice came from afar: "little su'er, you should take good care of your mother when you give her the younger martial sister as a teacher.""Master?" Bai Su recognized that the low-level and easygoing voice was from her master Yixian, and she couldn't help looking happy. "Little ten may be saved."

Bai Su is not sure if her master can save the child, but if she takes Xiaoshi away, that means he will save Xiaoshi.

Poor little ten, I hope she can live well.

As for Qin Xian, master will not let him find Xiao Shi easily. He should suffer a little.

Looking at the five color Xuanyu in her hand, Bai Su's face became more dignified.

This is what she spent half a year searching for, which can save muyuntian's life!

Now, at last, it's back in her hands.

Looking back at the unconscious muyuntian, Bai Su's resolute face became gentle.

"Yuntian, this time, nothing can threaten us to be together." Bai Su looked back at ziye and said, "father, I still call you father. There are some things I'm waiting for you to explain to me. Now, please help me save him

Chu Qinghuan was afraid of any change. He looked at ziye and said very seriously: "night, no matter what you wanted to do in the past, now please give priority to your daughter. Is that ok?"

Purple night looked at Bai Su and Chu Qinghuan, nodded solemnly: "of course."

He said, looking back at Hou Qingquan: "cabinet leader..."

Although he didn't say anything, Hou Qingquan understood what he meant, nodded to him and said, "go and be busy. Just give it to me here."

Ziye takes Mu Yuntian from Bai Su, holds his body, and says to Bai Su, "take him to rest first. Later, I'll tell you how to grind the unicorn horn for medicine."

"Well." Bai Su follows behind the purple night, falsely supports Mu Yuntian, looking back at Qin Mo and Mu Zixuan and others with some worry, "Hou Qingquan, please take good care of them."

Qin Mo, Mu Zixuan, Lin Shu and junior one were all seriously injured by Qin Xian. Now, Bai Su really can't take care of them without her body.

Especially Qin Mo, who always supports her and gives her warmth.

To Qin Mo, Bai Su's guilt is deeper.

"Sister, I'll stay and help." When Zixuan's clear voice rang out, she had already run to Qin Mo, who was closest to her. Looking at Bai Su's eyes, she could easily understand her heart, "elder sister, don't worry, I will take care of him for you."

Bai Su was very pleased. Her sister, who knew how to read the mind, was really understanding: "thank you, Xiao Xuan. Don't be sad. He's gone where he should be. It's a relief

"Well, I understand." Zixuan knew that the words behind Bai Su meant Ziyang's death.

It's night.

With the help of purple night, she made the medicine and fed it to Mu Yuntian. After that, Bai Su's whole heart was settled.

clear and scant-started.

As soon as I came out to take a breath, I heard a deep voice: "do you have time to chat?"

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