Perilla is immersed in her extremely depressed thoughts, suddenly approached, and heard such ambiguous words

Suddenly, her face a fever, suddenly step back, eagerly explained: "that is artificial respiration! I didn't kiss you in public

This urgent, also can't care about what honorific.

But Yang Xiaotian didn't care. He stepped forward and said with a smile: "is that right?"

"Of course

It must be! Can she kiss him in public! Don't even think about it!

"Then why did you take advantage of my palace to visit my palace?" Yang Xiaotian's appearance of "I don't listen to my palace, I just don't listen to my palace" has to be aimed at the fact that she kisses him.

What made him most happy was that he fainted last night, which must have interrupted Xiqin xuanwang's desire to marry perilla.

Moreover, when zisu kisses him with "artificial respiration" in order to save him, he is also seen by the xuanwang. It's time for him to give up.

Hum, if you want to rob a woman from my palace, you are looking for abuse!

"..." the Perilla is also speechless enough. How could the prince hold her to do artificial respiration for him.

Looking at the enlarged handsome face close at hand, she stepped back and gritted her teeth and said, "I'll explain for the last time that I did artificial respiration for you to save you.

If you have to ask me what mouth to mouth is needed for artificial respiration, I can only explain it to you——

When the patient is unconscious, or even the heartbeat will stop temporarily, the airway can be unblocked by unarmed method after removing the airway foreign body. If there is no spontaneous breathing, artificial respiration should be given immediately to ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply to patients and prevent irreversible damage of important organs due to hypoxia.

During artificial respiration, the amount of air given to the patient should be slightly greater than the normal, so that the absolute value of oxygen content is not less than that of spontaneous respiration, so as to ensure the oxygen supply of important organs of the body, and avoid the damage of important life organs due to hypoxia.

That is to say, if I don't give you artificial respiration, you will definitely die because your heart stopped temporarily last night. See?

You don't know how much effort I wasted last night to save you! I'm still here

In a hurry, perilla used a large section of technical terms learned in modern times.

Then, looking at the prince with a confused face, she remembered that this was ancient times. She told him that some of these things were useless!

"I don't understand." Yang Xiaotian stepped forward and said with a smile, "my palace only knows that you kiss my king in public."


Perilla was suddenly hit by 10000 points. I really want to die.

Why can't she explain it to him?

Yang Xiaotian has a smile on the corner of his mouth. He just likes to see her face crazy and can't kill him.

She stepped back, he went further, and soon pushed her against the wall.

Perilla stick to the wall, hands raised to stick to the wall, looking at the man less than an inch away from himself, blinked his eyes and said: "you, what do you want to do?"

Yang Xiaotian looked at the poor perilla with eyes as bright as elk in front of him. He could not help but approach her. The evil spirit laughed and said, "since you have kissed our palace in public, then you must be responsible for our palace..."

"You are sick!" Zisu felt that she must have met a fake prince, "you are such a prince! It's so funny to ask me to be in charge? If you want to say that you have suffered a loss, it's also a loss for me, isn't it? "

Zisu really felt that the masked prince was as shameless as someone in her memory!

Yang Xiaotian! That guy doesn't seem to show up since the Qiqiao Festival!

I broke my appointment that ghost day. I'm a real nuisance.

Yang Xiaotian didn't know what she was thinking, but when he heard her words, his eyes narrowed and he said with a smile, "well, my palace is responsible for you..."

"No need!" Zisu didn't want to push her away. "I'm not interested in you."

She quickly moved aside for a few steps. Her eyes turned and turned away from the topic. Her eyes showed a happy way: "Your Highness, are the maids in your East Palace so fond of chewing the tongue? Hum, it's really irritating to seduce, stick upside down and be shameless

Yang Xiaotian's eyebrows suddenly twisted into a straight line.

Those two maids are too much to stay. They don't need such people in his palace.

"Su Su, don't worry. My palace will help you teach them a lesson." Yang said with a smile.Perilla shivered. Looking at the prince who was sometimes evil and sometimes cold, she had a kind of familiar feeling.

She felt that the person in front of her seemed to be someone in her memory.

However, if that person was the prince, how could he go out of the palace to deal with cases, play and visit her at night?

Zisu felt that she must have thought too much.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaotian's mind was distracted, and she didn't continue to tangle and let her be responsible.

There was a eunuch waiting behind him. When he learned that the prince was awake, he informed the emperor and queen.

Later, the emperor and the queen came to visit the prince. The emperor rewarded the perilla and sent someone to send her out of the palace.

When zisu left, the prince gave her a meaningful look.

That eye, let perilla have a kind of creepy feeling.

After she rushed back to the Shifu, she rushed back to Ziyuan and went to sleep with her head covered.

Don't want to, don't want to, all in the past, all in the past, she can still live like before what heart also don't worry about the day.

It's evening when I wake up after a sleep. On the first day of junior high school, I prepared bath soup, took a bath with perilla, ate dinner, and began to practice internal skills.

During this period of time, I was sick and I was hurt because of my master's leaving without saying goodbye, so I was sluggish in practicing martial arts.

When I pick it up again tonight, I always feel a little tired.

Previously, with the help of her master, she had broken through the third level of mental Dharma and entered the fourth level of mental Dharma.

It's not difficult to practice the mental method that master gave her. It's like a beginner's mental method used by people who have just learned martial arts.

With the help of Shifu, she broke through the first three floors in a short time, and practiced in the fourth room for a while.

According to the speed of the past, zisu thought that she should be able to break through the last difficulty of the fourth level mental method tonight, but she didn't expect to break through even in the middle of the night.

She couldn't calm down at all. When she calmed down, she would think, why did master leave without saying goodbye?

I don't know if she was distracted because she was always thinking about her master. She felt that she had almost gone wrong several times.

Zisu wants to break through the last difficulty of the fourth level mental method, so that she can practice the fifth level mental method tomorrow night.

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