The next few days, perilla is still in the daytime to the evil prince after an injection prescription, waiting for him to drink.

It's just that not every time a needle is put on his head.

His body is a little wasted. Besides needling and activating blood circulation for him, he also needs a lot of tonic.

But he has congenital heart disease, perilla in the medication, to avoid this disease can be medication.

Fortunately, after studying with her master for three years, she was very proficient in the medical theory of the mainland. After her research on congenital heart disease in the 21st century, she was very successful in using medicine.

The prince's condition is getting better day by day. Although he is not awake, his inner breath has been adjusted slowly.

The Nanyang emperor and empress came to see him once and felt relieved. They were even more grateful to the Perilla. They wanted to satisfy her every request.

But perilla now really has nothing to ask for.

If you really want something, it is that she has been in the palace for seven days, and really miss her sister Zixuan.

Now I just hope to cure the evil prince as soon as possible, and then go out of the palace to live a happy life.

On the eighth night.

Shadow couldn't bear to see the Perilla again. She said to her, "Miss perilla, why don't you go to the side hall and have a rest for one night? I'll guard here tonight. If there's any change in his highness, I'll call you right away, OK

"No, go to bed early. I've had a rest in the daytime, and I'm in good spirits. " Purple perilla is using cotton swab dipped in water to smear on Yang Xiaotian's lips to keep his lips from cracking. Seeing the golden butterfly mask on his face, he can't help but say to the shadow, "how shameful is your prince in the end? Don't let anyone take off his mask when he's in a coma? "


Shadow mouth corner smoked to smoke, his highness looks good or not, that still use to query?

His highness doesn't let people take off his mask. It's not because he's afraid that his face will be shown by the purple perilla girl in front of him. He is Yang Xiaotian, who has friendship with her outside the palace.

Shadow's heart is bitter. These days, he quietly takes down his Highness's mask and washes his face while Miss perilla is away.

Without his Highness's command, who dares to let his goddess see him.

Shadow had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he had to smile and said, "Your Highness, this face has attracted countless peach blossoms, so people are wearing masks.

His Highness's orders are like mountains. Who dares to marry his mask without his Highness's orders. "

In fact, it's not too much to say that. Your Highness's face is really evil. How many women are fascinated by it.

Zisu curled her lips, disdaining to say: "pretending to be mysterious, who rare to see him."

She got up, put the water bowl on little shadow's hand, looked at the people on the bed with disdain, and turned to the soft couch.

"Little shadow, go to bed early. Remember to tell me to go on. I want to eat tomorrow morning... "

"I know, I know." The shadow quickly said, "tomorrow's breakfast is guaranteed to satisfy the girl."

The past few days together let shadow find that this perilla girl is not as unruly and difficult to get along with, but extremely easy to get along with - the premise is to satisfy her stomach.

Shadow secretly thought that when his highness woke up, he would tell him the secret.

In this way, your highness will win more points, won't you?

When I think about it, shadow really thinks that he is so smart.

Perilla was sleeping on the soft couch until midnight, and I heard a very faint voice coming from the bedside.

"Water... Water..."

Maybe because of the internal skill, her listening became very good.

At first, I didn't pay attention to it because I was too sleepy, but after listening to the sound more and more pitiful, the Perilla suddenly woke up.

"Evil prince? Wake up? " She suddenly opened her eyes, read a, then spring sit up, quickly jump off the soft couch, toward the bed.

"Hello, Prince evil, are you awake?" Perilla excitedly called him, holding his wrist to feel his pulse.

A moment later, I felt that he really had a sign of soberness, and I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"You wait. I'll get you some water." She ran quickly to the table, looking back at the people on the bed and pouring tea.

After pouring a full glass of water, he carefully went to the bedside, raised his head, took the cup to his lips, and fed him little by little.It seems that he really regained consciousness and knew that he was really thirsty after swallowing. He soon finished a whole glass of water.

The purple perilla put the teacup on the short table to one side, then helped the evil prince to lie down, leaned over his ear and said, "I'm talking to you. Can you hear me, right? You're awake, aren't you

The evil prince's eyelashes shook gently.

Although he still did not open his eyes, all his actions showed that he was conscious.

Perilla was very excited. Holding his hand, she said excitedly, "my efforts are not wasted! You are really saved by me

In fact, at first, she was not so sure that she could cure him.

However, if she showed that she might not be cured at all, the emperor and queen of Nanyang would not agree to let her take risks.

However, the situation of the evil prince obviously can't wait.

She could only make a decision for herself immediately, so she pretended to be angry and put pressure on the emperor and queen of Nanyang to let them agree to her treatment of the evil prince.

These days, she has tried a lot of methods, which is to treat the person in front of her as an ordinary person.

I didn't expect to be cured by her.

It can be imagined that her inner excitement at the moment is totally unspeakable.

Perilla lying beside the prince's bed, said a lot to him, not only said that he was very grateful for his help, but also said that he gave him the difficult and dangerous process of treatment.

Yang Xiaotian only has consciousness, but still can't move, otherwise hear her say that he will try hard to test the product to cure, really can't help jumping.

He is the crown prince! This girl is too much!

Perilla just excitedly shared her first experience of treating stubborn diseases independently in ancient times without considering who she was sharing with.

As she spoke, her speed slowed down and her eyelids began to fight.

Just as her head bit by bit, she fell on the head of the evil prince and hit his golden butterfly mask heavily.

"Er... It hurts..."

Perilla shriveled mouth, a face to cry without tears.

Looking at the golden butterfly mask on his face, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "now there is no one. Why don't I take off his mask secretly and have a look quietly to see if he is as good-looking as the legend?"

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