Princess Against the World

Chapter 1435: What tricks

But it doesn't.

From start to finish, the silver net remains the same, safe and sound.

Now that the three of them presented the silver net again, she couldn't help being a little curious, what tricks these three were playing!

With her hands around her arms, she stood calmly, dragging the Primal Chaos Spirit with her fingertips, continuing to abuse her.

Even though the three of them are all the cultivation bases of the Qi-Building Realm, it is still very difficult to resist under the domineering soul-storing power of the Nine Turns of Chaos Clock.

After just a few breaths, the bodies of the three people were already trembling, and at this time the silver net was not fully opened.


Wan Quan trembled, and Xue Zhian quickly opened his eyes.

"Wanquan, hold back!!"

Wan Quan barely sat down, but it seemed that he was on the verge of forbearance, and his body was trembling visibly.

Under the control of the gold element, the silver net finally slowly spread over the three people's heads.

Ling Luoyu's eyes fell on the silver net, and his eyes trembled for a moment.

The silver net is melting slowly, and the mesh is getting smaller and merging.

"What's up?!"

She frowned slightly.

Even if a net becomes a whiteboard, it doesn't seem to have any effect?

Do they want to build a house for themselves on the whiteboard and protect themselves? !

The brain hole was wide open, and I saw irregular protrusions on the silver net.

The protrusions slowly condense and grow, like a sugar-blower, slowly taking shape.

"They... won't be trying to fix... something out... right?!"

Although this idea is absurd, it is currently the most reasonable explanation.

A little bit of cohesion of that thing finally reached its most primitive form.

"this is……"

At a glance, this is what a chimpanzee looks like.

They are so good, why do they make a chimpanzee?

If there was a sword or something, she would still understand.

Is it to borrow this chimpanzee to break her chaotic clock? !

But is this nonsense?

Not to mention the lifeless chimpanzee, even if King Kong comes, she can't open her chaotic clock! !

Ling Luoyu was wondering, the chimpanzee moved!

It seemed to have a life suddenly, suddenly jumped up, and hit the chaotic nine-revolution clock with all its strength.


The chaotic nine-turn clock rang.

Ling Luoyu felt the shock at the same time.

"not good!!"

The gold element in the chimpanzee's body, at the same time it impacted, directly attacked the Primordial Chaos Spirit with an acceleration force.


Under the blow of the Chaos Yuan Ling, the fluctuation was unstable.

While the chaotic nine-revolution clock trembled, the surrounding enchantment also trembled.

But fortunately, Ling Luoyu's Primal Chaos Spirit was pressurized again, and it was not destroyed.

The chimpanzee had no results with a single blow, sank to the ground, and slowly turned to look at Ling Luoyu.

Suddenly, it moved towards the barrier step by step.

It is originally composed of gold elements, and has no real shape at all.

At the moment it touched the barrier, it faded out of the barrier in an invading form.

Ling Luoyu beeped the dog instantly.

The Nine Turns of Chaos Clock is soul-satisfying, and it only has an effect on living creatures that have souls and lives. Dead creatures like chimpanzees have no effect.

Said it had no life, but its eyes fixedly looked at Ling Luoyu.


The chimpanzee suddenly let out a low growl and killed Ling Luoyu.

It is full of the power of gold elements, even if Ling Luoyu is not broken, it will be damaged.

But if you avoid the chaos, the chaotic nine-turn clock will lose control.

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