Princess Against the World

Chapter 1459: Knock on the mountain

He suddenly reduced his voice, glanced at his surroundings alertly, and lowered his tone.

"At that time, I received a letter saying that I was asked to discuss the Dragon Mai issue somewhere on a certain day of a certain year and month. I didn’t think too much about it, so I went, but after I went, I found out that everyone was there. ...Except for the few people in the old league!"

Ling Luoyu's eyes darkened slightly: "Elder Ge isn't there?"

"Of course, he is the leader of the old league...definitely not here!"

Honghe didn't understand Ling Luoyu's question of what Elder Ge did, so he responded casually.

"But there was no distinction between the new alliance and the old alliance at the time! Ge is always the leader, and the new leader will definitely not send him an invitation letter!"

Honghe picked up Ling Luoyu's half cup of tea and poured it into his throat, his eyes were quite excited.

"At that time, we didn’t know what was going on. We were guessing at each other, and the new leader appeared! He said at that time, we want to form a new alliance to distinguish it from the old one! Because we people are all opposed to it. Find the dragon veins and rebuild the power of the dragon people!"

Ling Luoyu raised his eyes slightly, staring at him.

"You are all opposed to finding dragon veins? Don't you want the human race to grow?!"

Honghe twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at Ling Luoyu's eyes, trying to figure out what she meant.

However, Ling Luoyu's eyes had no traces of fresh water, and the waves were calm, and there was really no clue.

"! After all, we are also Human Race, right! In the big right and wrong, we must stand on the position of our Human Race! But... just like the leader said, the demons and demons are forgotten by history. Race, even if they are given a chance, can’t afford to rise. Our human race has already made a big bet, so why waste energy and time searching for the destroyed dragon veins?!!!"

Ling Luoyu's lips picked out a sneer: "So, you also agree with this statement?!"

"Forget it! Anyway, we think it makes sense! With that time, it's better to think about your own interests!"

Hirowa waved his hand fiercely with a look of disdain.

"Seriously, when the leader said that, we agreed, but when he said to be our leader, we naturally disagree...but..."

Suddenly, he suddenly looked at Ling Luoyu quite mysteriously.

"Guess what happened?!"

"In this case, violence and bloodshed are the fastest and most effective way to solve everything!"

"Not bad!"

Hiroshi's eyes flickered, remembering the scene at the time, and there was deep jealousy in his eyes.

"You haven't seen... he just waved his hand... the people in the house were killed in a nest! That nest, there were five sect masters and more than seventy of their subordinates!"

After a pause, Hirowa fell into the memories of the time, trembling all over his body.

"The cultivation bases of these sect masters are all above the five levels of qi entering, and even more have reached the state of building qi! But this kind of cultivation base, under the leader's crush, they are all dead... It is a group of ants without any cultivation base!!!"

Honghe fell into silence again, and after a long time, he shuddered.

"He showed that hand, it played the role of absolutely knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger! Think about it, the Qi building realm has been crushed and killed at will, what qualifications do we have to say no?! Therefore, each of them consciously acquiesced to his leader. Identity! Fortunately, he is also interested and never let us do anything too dangerous...As time passes, we will get used to his existence as the leader!"

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