Princess Against the World

Chapter 6990: Variable-20

However, compared to Gu Lan, this guy is still a bit conscientious, knowing to leave her dry food and water.

"Two days and one night..." Ling Luoyu glanced at the direction where Mo Xuanchen had disappeared, and walked down the horseshoe print.

It can be seen from the trail of horseshoes that there are not only two horses walking on this path.

In addition, there are three or four horseshoe prints.

"Judging from the traces, they are all the most recent... Are these guys forming a team... the game??"

Gu Lan said very clearly at the time, worried that someone behind him would catch up with him.

In this way, this is what a group of people are playing.

Since there is a competition, there can be no only two of them, there should be others.

Sure enough, in the next half day, Ling Luoyu saw five fast horses galloping away again.

However, none of them stayed, passing by, leaving Ling Luoyu alone to eat the dust.


In the dust in the sky, Ling Luoyu screamed at the horse hysterically.

What has she been tossed into during this long time? !

She used to be like a tall fairy, but now she has a gray head and face, and she has never been embarrassed.

The dress, which was originally just a little dirty on the skirt, had now completely turned into grayish brown with dust all over his head, and his face became dirty from sweat, covering his original appearance.

As the night fell, the open land became gloomy and cold.

"damn it……"

Ling Luoyu has many years of field survival experience, knowing that the temperature drops so fast, it is not a good thing.

"It's just getting dark right now, and it is estimated that it will be even more gloomy in the middle of the night... Your uncle, I won't be frozen to death here alive, am I?"

There is a wilderness all around, and no grass grows.

Even if she wants to find a piece of wood to make fire, she has no raw materials! !

Whatever you are afraid of.

As the night fell, Ling Luoyu gradually surrounded Ling Luoyu with an unprecedented coldness.

In the previous life, there were clothing to keep out the cold, and even for survival in the wild, there were also necessary cold-proof equipment.

After being reborn, she was automatically immune to all cold and heat because of the chaos elemental spirit body.

But now?

The long-lost, piercing coldness gradually filled the body.

It was like a count of nine cold winters, at minus 30 degrees, after throwing her into the water, she was shut out of the gate again, fending for herself.

"Why is it so cold... I knew it, I wasn't so stubborn just now... At the very least, it can be a little warmer? If I freeze to death here, fat man... I must discuss it with Lord Yan and try to give you a favor. A dream, at least, won’t let you wait there!"

There was a bit of grumbling on his mouth, but Ling Luoyu didn't dare to show any negligence at his feet.

She knew that she could not stop.

Once it stops, the body temperature will drop again.

At that time, it is estimated that I will really freeze to death here!

What a pity, all wishful thinking is beautiful!

Ling Luoyu was wrapped in a blanket, although he kept admonishing himself not to stop, but to move forward, even if he was struggling to climb forward, he had to crawl.


When the hands and feet lose consciousness because of the cold, everything can't help her.

While struggling, she fainted to the ground.

"...The heavens are good fortune, and God's will makes people... I am alone, struggling, working hard, and living desperately until now... Actually, just to... be frozen alive here?"

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