Chapter 1334 Idiot

  The day Jiang Kui took over the Jiang’s family, he was screened for social news.

  As one of the top families in China, any changes in the Jiang family are the focus of the world. What's more, the changes in the head of the Jiang family have not only surprised every family in China, but also netizens just talk about it.

  On Weibo, the official Weibo quickly informed the public about the news, and it was also shown on the divorce agreement between him and Zou Man.

  【Can I say something that is not very good, what is the Chinese saying goes, get promoted, make a fortune, and die? . . . Jiang Kui, can this be regarded as the three happy events coming together? 】

  【Zou Man is so miserable. . . It was hard to accompany the prince to the end. Now that the prince is enthroned, she herself has been abandoned. She also talked about fairy love. This fairy love is too shabby. 】

  【When the two of them were on variety shows together, they were very fake, but now they finally can’t pretend to be? ? Zou Man is miserable. . . . 】

  As netizens said, Jiang Kui is now proud of the spring breeze. After he became the heir, he first launched a large number of attacks against the Jun Group.

  Like the information he had obtained, the Jun family group had no leader. Although Lin Jing was barely supporting him, under the full pressure of such a huge Jiang family group, they finally retreated steadily.

  In these days, the stock of Jun’s Group has fallen all the way down, falling into the lowest period in its history.

  Various domestic gossips have begun to spread, and Jiang Kui is about to take the opportunity to destroy the Jun family and lead the entire Jiang family to become the most powerful family in China.

  Looking at Jiang Yun, who was packing up and preparing to leave, Jiang Kui smiled triumphantly, "Sister, didn't you expect it? Are you ready to be the heir?"

  Jiang Yun glanced back at Jiang Kui, "I know you are stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

  Jiang Kui's eyebrows instantly frowned, "What do you mean?"

  Jiang Yun hadn't spoken yet, Jiang's father looked at the thing in her hand, his eyes full of displeasure, "Where are you going?"

   "Jiang Kui let me go."

Father Jiang glanced at Jiang Kui reproachfully, then squeezed a smile on his face and walked to Jiang Yun, "Yun'er, there are still many things in the company that cannot be separated from you, and the only person you can trust with your brother is you. One, if you leave, what do you ask your brother to do?"

  Jiang Yun sneered in his heart, "Then what do you say I want to do?"

   "Let's do this, you stay to help your brother, as long as you don't mention leaving, the Jiang family group will always open the door to you. Is the family closer than outsiders?"

  The ridicule in Jiang Yun's heart is almost overwhelming, open the door? ? Open the door and let her work as a cow and horse for the Jiang family, and let her be a stepping stone for Jiang Kui.

  This is a big family. As long as there is a man, no matter how good a woman is, the ultimate inheritance will fall into the hands of the man, and the woman in the family will become the stepping stone for this man.

  The expression on Jiang Yun's face was very calm, "Okay, then I will stay."

  Speaking, Jiang Yun sat down again in his seat, Jiang's father pulled Jiang Kui outside, "Who told you to drive her away? Isn't your sister's ability to work unclear?"

   "Yes, I knew it was wrong." Jiang Kui lowered his head.

  "You, although I have handed over the Jiang family to you, you still have to learn more about how to manage the house and how to use people."

   Jiang Kui was not convinced, but he nodded, "Yes, I know,"

  Father Jiang sighed, and finally left, shaking his head.

  Looking at Jiang Yun who was working inside, Jiang Kui’s eyes were full of disdain.

  What's the use of a woman with strong working ability? Now his foundation is not stable, and when his foundation is stable, no one will stop him.

  Jiang Kui is now a man in the circle of the imperial capital. Numerous entertainments have come to the door. Soon after dinner, Jiang Kui sent an invitation to Jiang Kui. Jiang Kui left the company's affairs behind and happily went to the appointment.

In   Emperor Capital Hospital, Lin Jing is reporting to Jun Shiling, "Mr. Jun, our business has been controlled by Jiang Kui."

   "Yeah." Jun Shiling wiped Xia Wanyuan's face, while responding, "Keep on."


After Lin Jing left, Xia Wanyuan on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

  "Are you resting?" Jun Shiling turned around and grabbed Xia Wanyuan's hand, "Would you like to lie down for a while."

  Xia Wanyuan gently shook his head,

  As early as two days ago, Xia Bangyuan had successfully woke up. After various tests, it was shown that the AS drug sent from K was completely normal, and there was no abnormality.

  Under the protection of powerful drugs, Xia Manyuan’s body gradually recovered. Nowadays, he can simply say a few words.

  Looking at Jun Shiling's unshaven appearance, Xia Wanyuan's lips moved slightly, "I'm sorry."

  Jun Shiling's expression slightly sinks, "Tell me these nonsense,"

  Xia Wanyuan’s eyes were stained with a smile, her fingers were slightly bent, and she hooked the palm of Jun Shiling’s hand.

   Perceived this little movement, somehow, Jun Shiling's heart was sour and soft, and the strength he had been supporting these days, it fell apart in this little movement of Xia Wanyuan,

  He turned around, secretly wiped away the tears from his eyes, calmed down, then turned around again, "Fortunately you are back."

  Watching Xia Wanyuan’s heart stop in the operating room was probably the time Jun Shiling would never think about it.

  Xia Wanyuan blinked, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.


  Jiang’s Group was in the limelight for a while, madly annexing and acquiring the Jun’s Group’s industries, and even seizing the Jun’s Group’s industrial lines, with a strong momentum.

   "Patriarch, Mr. Jiang just called again." The housekeeper walked into the yard and reported the situation to Lin Qingyuan.

  Lin Qingyuan took a sip of tea, a flash of contempt in his eyes, "Idiot."

  "." For a while, the butler did not know whether Lin Qingyuan was scolding him or Jiang Kui, "That"

   "You don't need to answer Jiang Kui's phone in the future, this kind of stupid, pig-like brain." Lin Qingyuan, who has always been elegant, rarely used vulgar language this time.

  (End of this chapter)

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