Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1337: Obsessed with cracking text

  Chapter 1337 Obsessively Cracking Text

   At the time when the explosion occurred, Xuan Sheng was in the center of the explosion. Xia Man Yuan suffered such severe injuries only after being affected by the aftermath, not to mention Xuan Sheng who was in the center.

  When Xuan Sheng was lifted out from the scene, his whole body was already blurred, and his side was longer than Xia Wanyuan’s surgery.

After   AS medicine arrived, Jun Shiling took half to Xia Wanyuan, and the other half was sent to Xuansheng’s operating room.

  With this life-saving medicine, Xuan Sheng has recovered a life, but until this moment, Xuan Sheng is still in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up.

  Xia Wanyuan blinked, Jun Shiling understood what she meant, "You can't move now, you can't go to see him now. When you get better, I will accompany you."

  Xia Wanyuan nodded gently.

  Different from the scene where Xia Wanyuan was surrounded by various relatives and friends, Xuansheng’s ward on the third floor was deserted and only Lu Li was walking around outside.

  The doctor brought the nurse to the ward round, and when he saw Luli, he was a little surprised, "Why didn't the little girl go in and wait?"

  Luli looked at the doctor cautiously, "Will it bother him?"

  The doctor shook his head, "Of course not. Although the patient is in a coma, his hearing is still sensitive. If you can speak with him more, you may be able to wake him up."

   "Okay." Lu Li nodded heavily, put on protective clothing and followed the doctor into the ward.

  Xuan Sheng's entire mind was injured. At this moment, only a pair of eyes were left wrapped in gauze. Seeing him like this, Lu Li's eye sockets instantly turned red.

  After checking, the doctor left Luli in the ward. Luli sat on the side of the bed, talking to Xuan Sheng in a low voice.

   "President Xuan, I just went downstairs to see Sister Xia. She is recovering pretty well. She cares about your situation. When will you get better?."

  Just now, the doctor said that the patient’s hearing is responsive. Luli talked to Xuan Sheng in a whisper and talked to Xuan Sheng no matter what topic, and sang to Xuan Sheng when he didn’t know what to say.

  Later, after a long time, Lu Li also discovered that when she mentioned Xia Banyuan, Xuan Sheng’s ECG always had some fluctuations.

  She is now Xia Manyuan’s personal assistant, and she often follows Xia Manyuan’s side, so she picks up various details of Xia Manyuan’s life to Xuan Sheng.

  Talk about Xia Bangyuan likes to drink ice American, like ice cream when the weather is hot, like pork and not beef

Xia Bangyuan in Luli’s mouth is a side that Xuan Sheng will never see.

  The more Lu Li talked about, the more fluctuating Xuan Sheng’s ECG was. Lu Li was encouraged and turned on the TV in the room to show Xia Wanyuan’s movie.

  In a place that no one had ever noticed, Xuan Sheng's little finger trembled slightly. The arc was so small that no one noticed it.

  Downstairs, Xia Yu wandered around at the door of Xia Wanyuan’s ward, seeing that Xia Wanyuan was able to talk to Jun Shiling normally, the worries in her heart finally dissipated a lot.

  He stood outside the door and looked for a while, then closed the door of the ward and walked towards the other side of the hospital.

  However, as soon as he entered the ward, Xia Yu discovered something was wrong. The bed was empty and the quilts were neatly folded. He strode in, and a letter was neatly placed on the folded quilt.

  Xia Yu opened it and took a look, her face changed.

  There is a divorce agreement signed by Lin Yi in the envelope, and there is also a very brief letter.

   "Thank you, goodbye, I'm fine, don't need to find me."

  Xia Yu called Lin Yi, but no matter how many times he called, the other side could not be connected.

  In the Imperial Capital Airport at this time, an airplane was cutting through the blue sky and heading towards F State.


  In the Imperial Capital Hotel, Su Yao was sitting by the window, looking at the plane outside the window in a daze.

  Chu Yi sat on the sofa behind to deal with work, occasionally raised her head to look at Su Yao, and saw that Su Yao was obviously lonely, Chu Yi frowned, and she wanted to say something when her phone rang suddenly.

   is a call from the old house on F Island, "Young Master, our people, have deciphered part of the text in the coffin."

  Chu Yi sits upright, "Say, wait a minute, I will go back now, wait until I go back to talk, it is not safe on the phone."


    There will be updates at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning



  (End of this chapter)

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