Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1340: Jiang Kui arrested

   Chapter 1340 Jiang Kui is arrested

   Jiang Kui walked out, the phone kept ringing,

   After Jiang Kui took a few more, his face has completely sunk, "You trash!! These things can't be done!!"

   "Mr. Jiang, most of the investors who had already agreed to cooperate have now regretted it. We have invested too many projects during this period, and now we can't support it anymore."

  In fact, the assistant would like to say that Jiang Kui was too high-profile during this time, and the tree was very popular. Now there are problems, and most of them are people who have fallen into trouble, so that the original situation has become worse now.

   "Wait for me to pass!"

  Half an hour later, Jiang Kui arrived at the company. During this half an hour, the situation has been rapidly deteriorating.

  Jiang Kui’s projects during this period are too vain. Now the problematic projects are falling down like dominoes.

  "Where is the oil project we are cooperating with abroad?" Jiang Kui didn't even look at the documents in front of him. What he cares most about is the 100 billion project that has just been signed.

   "Mr. Jiang," the assistant looked rather ugly, "Something happened. The company we are cooperating with is a leather bag company. They forged various documents. Now the company is an empty shell, and our funds are locked up."

  Jiang Kui's face suddenly turned blue and purple, "contact the bank first"

  Jiang Kui hadn't finished speaking, the assistant answered the phone, and when he hung up, the assistant's face turned pale. He looked at Jiang Kui in shock, "Mr. Jiang, we were cheated by Jun Shiling."

   Jiang Kui had a bad feeling, "What did you say?"

   "The Junjia Group did not have any problems at all. Some time ago it was only deliberately by them. Now that there is a problem with the funds on our side, the Jun Family Group is fighting back. Mr. Jiang?!"

  In the middle of the assistant, Jiang Kui was already slumped in his seat, "Damn Jun Shiling!!!"

  He should have thought, how could someone as cunning as Jun Shiling be defeated so easily? !

   "Assemble people quickly, I want to have a meeting."

   "Yes." The assistant responded while walking outside. As soon as he reached the door, the door was opened from the outside, and a team of police officers walked in.

"You are?"

  The police opened an arrest warrant in front of the assistant, “Jiang Kui is suspected of illegal conduct. We will arrest him in accordance with the law.”

  Speaking, the police forcefully handcuffed Jiang Kui.

   "You are presumptuous!!" Jiang Kui angrily wanted to get rid of the handcuffs, and was forcibly suppressed by the police one by one.

"Do you know who I am?! Dare to catch me??! You wait for me!!!" Jiang Kui was taken by the police downstairs, passing the office area, and the employees were shocked when they saw Jiang Kui being arrested. ,

   Soon, the news that Jiang Kui was arrested by the police spread all over the social network.

  【The reversal of the past few days has made me feel confused. Wasn't Jiang Kui still attending the exchange meeting on behalf of China a few days ago? ? ? How could this be taken away. 】

  [I heard from my relatives in the imperial capital that the Jiang family has a dark background in business. People from a big family like Jiang Kui must have dirty things on their hands, but no one checked it before. 】

   [Hurt, can the Jiang family commit a crime? It is estimated that the penalty shots will go through a cutscene and then they will be released. 】

  However, things were not as simple as netizens thought. After Jiang Kui was taken to the police station, the police station interrogated him overnight.

  Jiang Kui was thinking of not admitting it, waiting for Jiang’s lawyer team to rescue him.

  However, after only two minutes in the interrogation room, Jiang Kui’s psychological defense collapsed.

   "Received the report, you were involved in smuggling five years ago."

   "Received the report, you colluded with the official three years ago, won the bid illegally, and committed various bribery."

   "Received a report that you instructed someone to transport a batch of unapproved raw materials four years ago. During this period, because it was discovered by an unrelated policeman, you gave an order to kill people."

  The police read out the things Jiang Kui had committed one after another. What made Jiang Kui even more collapsed was that the police had a full set of evidence in their hands!

"It was Jun Shiling who made you do this?!" Jiang Kui couldn't explain it, he was completely crazy. The handcuffs on his wrist shook the sky, his eyes were red, and he looked at the policeman angrily, "No matter what you are. What do you say, I just haven't done it!!!"

  Even in the face of Cheng Shan’s evidence, Jiang Kui refused to admit it. He knew the way. He knew that as long as the lawyer team helped him, he would be able to get out of trouble.

  As he expected, from the time he first entered the police station, Jiang’s father sent someone to hire the best lawyers in the world to do his best to bring Jiang Kui to justice.

  The first step is to destroy the authority of the police in the public domain and put pressure on the police station.

  So that night, various rumors spread, and the lawyers deliberately reduced Jiang Kui’s arrest this time into a family struggle, and the police station was used.

  In this way, Jiang Kui’s criminal behavior faded in the hearts of everyone, and it became a dispute between the two families, a kind of grievance between the two families.

  At the same time, the team of lawyers also found a lot of people to anonymously report on the Internet that the police station where Jiang Kui was located was Jun Shiling’s private hall, and Jiang Kui was personally threatened as soon as he entered.

  The perfect explanation compiled by a group of elite lawyers naturally bluffed the people who didn’t know the truth.

  Everyone saw that powerful people like Jiang Kui were being bullied. Wouldn’t they lose their lives if ordinary people entered? !

  For a time, many people began to speak for Jiang Kui, and many others called the police station to report.

  The police station was already very busy, and now it has to answer all kinds of abusive calls. Some policemen cannot withstand this psychological pressure, and the atmosphere in the whole area is a bit low.

  The lawyers took advantage of this time gap to frantically help Jiang Kui to collect evidence of laundering, and also asked him to be released on bail.

  After the operation of the lawyer team, Jiang Kui was able to succeed immediately,

  At this moment, a user registered as "Liu Yanping" posted a Weibo post,

  "Hello everyone, four years ago, my name was Liu Yanping, and now my name is Liu Tanyu."

  (End of this chapter)

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