Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1355: Black robe man

   Chapter 1355 Black-robed Man

  Xuansheng nodded, “Don’t worry, I won’t find you if something goes wrong.”

  Shen Xiu sighed softly in his heart, and then went to help Xuan Sheng prepare the medicine for him to go out.

  In the office, Xuan Sheng watched the lights go off and off, thinking of the time when life was hanging by a thread.

  In fact, he didn’t have much desire to survive at that time.

  Sometimes think about it, he doesn’t know the meaning of his life, as if his death will not have any impact on anyone’s life.

  Thinking about this, Xuan Sheng felt that there was nothing wrong with just lying on the hospital bed.

  But in the chaotic darkness, hearing Xia Wanyuan’s voice, Xuan Sheng seemed to have grasped the light again.

  Xuan Sheng sighed softly, “I originally came back to China with you as a prey. Now, let’s try to survive and die for the prey.”

  At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Xuan Sheng withdrew himself from the chaotic thoughts, "Come in."

  The assistant walked in and put a piece of information in front of Xuan Sheng, “Mr. Xuan, take a look, this is what we found at the scene of the accident.”

  Xuan Sheng opened it and looked at it, "It's related to Xuan Li?"

  “I’m not sure if it has anything to do with Xuanyi, but we did find people on Xuanyi’s side at the scene of the accident.”

   "Keep staring, don't startle the snake."

   "Okay." The assistant continued to ask about work, "the company will have a meeting tomorrow."

  "Not going anymore," Xuan Sheng left by the window, walked back to the desk and sat down, "I'm going to Linxi tomorrow, you clean up and go with me."

   ". Okay." The assistant had expected this a long time ago.


  O Continent, this night, for the entire O Continent, is a sleepless night,

  Because of this night, the Cape Family successfully changed hands.

   Witnessed by the family elders, the green finger symbolizing the power of the Patriarch was successfully put on An Luo’s hand.

"An Luo, the Cape family is carried forward in your brother's hands. I hope you will not let down your brother's expectations." The elder looked at An Luo lovingly, "He handed over the family to you, and you must lead it well. This family."

  Growing up under An Lin’s blessing, An Luo always looks perverse.

  However, after An Lin’s disappearance, An Luo now seems to have grown up overnight, with firmness in those blue eyes, "I will listen to my brother."

   "Okay," the elder nodded at An Luo before returning to his seat.

  Under the witness of everyone, An Luo sat on the seat that symbolized the highest power of the Cape family.

  The seat is placed high in the sky, An Luo sits on it, and quietly sweeps the people standing below.

   Suddenly there was a feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold in my heart,

  Being next to An Lin before, An Luo always felt that An Lin was very prestigious.

   Sitting on the highest seat of power, calling for the wind and rain, in the eyes of the young An Luo, that is a very powerful thing.

  However, at this moment, An Luo was sitting on it, but he felt a heavy shackle lock him up.

  Sitting here, he assumed the responsibility of the entire family,

  Once he has a problem, countless people behind him will be hurt.

  An Luo suddenly understood An Lin, but now that he agreed to An Lin, An Luo never thought of backing down. He looked at the representatives of the family in front of him,

   "I will inherit the wishes of the previous Patriarch, and I will try my best to lead the entire Cape Family to get better and better."

  In the depths of the castle, looking at An Luo who is wearing the Patriarch’s fingers in the camera, a trace of relief appeared in An Lin’s eyes.

"The young master was brought out by you, the owner of the house," the housekeeper was also very relieved to see from the side. "Originally seeing the young master as a child, in a blink of an eye he became a person who can bear the burden of the entire family. ."

  An Lin's eyes dissipated with satisfaction, and she began to feel a little helpless, "If he can, I hope he will always be the ignorant child behind me."

  He has sat in that position, and he naturally knows how heavy a responsibility he has to bear.

  As long as he can still support, he won't let An Luo look like that.

  "Master." Looking at An Lin's appearance, the butler sighed, "Don't say that. You have become like this. It's not all because of our Cape family. Master An Luo will understand your painstaking efforts."

An Lin is now too thin, and his face is very pale. He coughed slightly, and the blood vessels in his neck are clearly visible, "Well, after the ceremony is over, An Luo will definitely come over to me. You go out to block. "

   "Hmm." The butler covered An Lin with a quilt, and then walked out.

  The ward was quiet, An Lin looked out the window,

  The flowers in the garden are extremely prosperous, but in An Lin’s eyes, there is no vitality.

  Looking at these colorful flowers, An Lin sighed softly.

  If An Luo can be exchanged for his own peace, then everything he has given is worth it.

  Just as An Lin was thinking, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a man in a black robe walked in.

   "Regret it?" The man opened his mouth, his voice hoarse.

   "No regrets." An Lin shook his head, "When I chose to trade with you, I already thought that there would be today."

   More than ten years ago, Anluo and Anlin were expelled from the family by the Capé family. Anlin took Anluo to wander on the street. At that time, the two had no chance to eat their fill.

  Because of the long-term running and hiding, An Luo, who had been frail for a long time, finally did not resist and fell ill.

  An Lin took him to the major hospitals, but the Cape Family has already given the order to die, not allowing anyone to help An Lin and the others.

  What’s more, An Lin has no money, and An Luo’s illness is quite serious, and no hospital is willing to accept them.

  Just when Anluo was dying, the black robe man appeared,

  He told An Lin that as long as An Lin was willing to do one thing for him, he would be able to help An Luo treat his illness and allow An Lin to successfully retake the Cape Family.

  At that time desperate, An Lin had no choice but to agree to the black robe man,

  So, after the successful delivery of the black-robed man last night, the black-robed man also fulfilled his promise.

  He not only recovered Anluo’s body, but also gave Anlin a lot of wealth, giving Anlin the first start-up capital, step-by-step plots, and finally succeeded in regaining the Cape family.

  But things have a price,

  What the black-robed man asked him to do back then, after so long, finally began to backlash, and he could feel his own life being constantly lost.

"Heh." The black robe man chuckled, "It's fine if you don't regret it. You are basically helpless with this disease. I still need you to do something for me. After doing it, I can give you something. You can protect your brother from worry for his whole life."

  (End of this chapter)

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