Chapter 1363 Death

  The netizens who were still complaining about the high fees of the Moon Bay project the previous night, now they don’t say anything at all. They only hate that they didn’t get the tickets.

Needless to say, all kinds of beautiful scenes, what makes the audience more greedy is the art-like food in the lens. Those things are quite delicious and exquisite at first glance, and they are included in the ticket for free for tourists to eat. Yes, the audience who can only see and can't eat in front of the camera are already crying.

Xia Bangyuan’s idea is to create a real scene, a dream for tourists, so in the Moon Bay project, whether it is the towering Sendai palace or an inconspicuous stall on the street, it is all staffed by the park staff. They are carefully crafted.

  In the past few years, the national style has prevailed in Huaguo, but on the one hand, many merchants who follow the trend sell fake goods, and the ones that sell real goods are particularly expensive. Many people just like it and cannot really meet their requirements for national style clothing accessories.

  However, in the Moon Bay project, every clothing store, jewelry store, and jewelry and porcelain store purchases directly from the factories on the side of Embroidery and Porcelain, ensuring the absolute quality of the products.

  And because embroidery has many top-secret embroidery methods that have been lost, even if the outside world wants to imitate it, it can’t be imitated, and it can maintain its overall level 100%.

  In addition to everyone’s favorite clothes and jewelry, all kinds of stage, wooden crafts, silversmithing skills, lantern festivals, etc., there are only people who can’t think of it. There is no Moon Bay project that can’t provide.

  [Do you know what kind of paper was on the desk of the fortune-telling man when the camera was turned just now? It is actually the legendary Cai Hou paper, which requires 36 major processes and 72 minor processes. The paper is thin and stiff. It does not bleed when writing and painting, absorbs ink and does not fade, and it is preserved for a hundred years. Good intentions here,]

  [More than that, you may not have noticed that many of the things that are displayed in front of the small vendors are lost things, good guy, Xia Bangyuan, is this a whole treasure house of cultural heritage? ? 】

  【Wow, as a Hanfu fan, I’m about to cry. Those clothes are so beautiful just now, and it’s not for gimmicks. They are really making good improvements on the basis of following history. It’s really beautiful to cry. 】

  So many cultural heritages, even the Chinese themselves may not recognize them, let alone foreign netizens who have never been in contact with them.

  They have never been in contact with the mythology of China, so when they saw the flying phoenix blue bird, the jade rabbit pounding herbs, and the golden dragon in the water in the park, everyone only felt that their worldview had been refreshed.

  【My God, do these things really exist? Did China keep these magical animals in captivity? ? And what is that glowing tree? 】

  【Why can't these things be seen to be false at all? Who can tell me whether these things are true or not? Does this kind of fantasy world really exist? ? 】

  【If there is such a wonderland, the price of this ticket is too cheap, my God, are there any restrictions on foreigners buying tickets, I will go to see it next month. 】

  The cultural difference between China and foreign countries is a kind of barrier, which hinders the mutual exchange of two cultures.

  At the same time, it is also an opportunity. Because of the differences, it can arouse the curiosity of others.

  Just one hour after the opening ceremony, the tickets for the next day were all booked.

   There were countless people who were waiting for Xia Wanyuan's downfall, but not only did she not collapse, but she once again created a business miracle with her own hands.

  In the imperial capital at this time, listening to the information reported by the subordinates, the admiration frowned, "The opening ceremony is held normally? What about our people??"

   "I don't know where to go." The subordinate replied tremblingly, "Since eight o'clock this morning, all of our people have lost contact. It may be that they were controlled by Jun Shiling."

  "Where is Xuansheng?!" Since the opening ceremony has been successfully held, no matter how entangled it is, he only cares about the fate of Xuansheng.

"Last night, our people successfully tricked Xuan Sheng out. He should have found out when they started. The two fell off the cliff in a fight. It had just rained heavily over there, and the bodies of the two have not been found yet. ."

  Shanli frowned and knocked on the table hard, "You are really stupid! Let you do nothing!"

  The assistant shrank his neck by the yelling, he cautiously said, "We have sent a large number of people to look for it,’"

   "What are you looking for?!" Xuanyi looked at the assistant angrily, "Hurry up and get the people back for me. Are you suspecting that Jun Shiling can't find evidence?"

   "Yes, I'll get someone back right away." The assistant said as he backed away quickly.

  Shanli looked at the light outside the window, frowning,

  It’s just that the opening ceremony did not succeed, but Xuan Sheng must die.

  At this time in Linxi, the people led by Lin Jing were also doing their best to search for Xuansheng, but after searching for a whole day, they could not find a trace of information.

   Hearing Lin Jing’s report, Jun Shiling thought for a moment, “I’ll go and say hello to the officials in the city nearby, and ask them to help.”

   "Okay." Lin Jing nodded respectfully, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes.

  The urban area next to Linxi was dozens of kilometers downstream of the river. If Xuansheng were found from them, Xuansheng would basically have no chance of surviving.

  You still have to ask them to help you find it, but Lin Jing hopes that there will not be any news from them.

  At ten o’clock that evening, Jun Shiling was feeding Xia Wanyuan and drinking medicine. His cell phone rang unexpectedly. He glanced at the number, his eyes darkened.

  Jun Shiling calmly let Xia Wanyuan finish drinking the medicine, and then helped her sit on the bed, "You take a rest, I'll go wash."

   "Okay." Xia Wanyuan yawned, pulled the quilt and lay in.

  Jun Shiling walked to the bathroom with the phone and pressed the connect button,

   "Mr. Jun, I found Xuan Sheng." Lin Jing's voice was low,

  Jun Shiling frowned subconsciously, "Where did you find it?"

   "Downstream." Lin Jing simply said two words, and it said everything.

  Jun Shiling's eyebrows furrowed tighter. Although he had an answer in his heart, he still confirmed it again, "Life and death?"

   "It's a pity." Lin Jing sighed softly.

  Although Xuan Sheng and himself are rivals in love, but now that he heard the news, Jun Shiling did not have any happy emotions on his face. He whispered back, "Don't let the news reach her ears."

  Lin Jing naturally knows who she is at the mouth of Jun Shi’s mausoleum. He nodded, “Don’t worry, I have ordered all the staff around Madam, no one will divulge the news.”

  (End of this chapter)

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