Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1365: Man-made fire

   Chapter 1365 Man-made fire

  The reaction of netizens was quite fierce, and many people even reported the user who broke the news, reporting him for making up rumors indiscriminately.

"If you don't believe it, Xuansheng is the partner of the Moon Bay project. However, he was not there at the opening ceremony, and you can ask people from the World Sheng Group whether these days Xuansheng is in a state of complete loss of contact. Several large meetings have been postponed and cancelled."

  Like a large-scale meeting of a group, usually there will be public announcements on the company’s official website. Many people actually went to the group’s official website and found that this person was really right.

  In the past few days, several important meetings of the group have been postponed or cancelled, and at the opening ceremony of the Moon Bay project, Xuan Sheng did not appear.

  Now, the rumors have a certain degree of credibility.

【do not scare me. . . So a handsome guy, how could he say that he is gone? ? 】

  [The things that are often the least believed by others will prove to be correct in the end. According to this law, I am a little panicked. I hope that Mr. Xuan is okay. He is already miserable enough. Stop torturing others. 】

  【The Moon Bay project did not see Xuan Sheng, I thought it was because Mr. Jun was also there, he was avoiding suspicion. . . . Oh my goodness. 】

  Xuansheng’s popularity on the Internet was originally very high, but now that this kind of news broke, it naturally swept the hot search on Weibo.

"Mr. Jun, the matter about Xuan Sheng was stabbed on the Internet." Lin Jing had also sent someone to stop the spread of the news, but it was impossible for public opinion to be completely blocked. In the end, he could only watch the news. Spread out.

   "Yeah." Jun Shiling knew that public opinion diverged quite quickly, and he didn't want to blame Lin Jing, "Just don't let the lady know, just find out what caused Xuan Sheng's side."


  As soon as Jun Shiling hung up the phone, Xia Wanyuan walked in from the door, holding a few camellia with water drops in his hand.

   "There is too much rain in Linxi," Xia Wanyuan handed the camellia to Jun Shiling, "but this flower blooms very well."

  Jun Shiling took the flower and put Xia Wanyuan's hand in his pocket, "Is it cold?"

  Xia Wanyuan shook his head and smiled at Jun Shiling, "I'm hungry, can you help me get something to eat?"

   "Yeah." Jun Shiling pulled the blanket on the side to put Xia Manyuan on, while he went to the kitchen on the side to work.

  Looking at the figure of Jun Shiling busy in the kitchen, Xia Wanyuan's expression was slightly dark. She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Qian. A few minutes later, Shen Qian returned one.

  Looking at the message on the phone, Xia Wanyuan had a pause in his eyes and typed a few words back to Shen Qian.

  When Jun Shiling came out with the bowl again, Xia Wanyuan’s expression had returned to normal.

  "When are you going to return to the imperial capital?" Xia Wanyuan looked at Jun Shiling to the side, "I miss Xiaobao."

   Jun Shiling touched Xia Wanyuan’s hair, "Wait a few more days, I still have something to do here."

There are many doubts behind Xuan Sheng's death. Jun Shiling is here, and at least many things can go smoothly.

   "What's the matter?" Xia Wanyuan looked into Jun Shiling's eyes, "Isn't it all over?"

  "Working matters." Jun Shiling avoided Xia Wanyuan's eyes,

   "Oh." Xia Wanyuan didn't ask any more, a little worry appeared in her closed eyebrows.

  Although Jun Shiling said that he would have to wait a few days before leaving, a large number of cultural relics in the museum warehouse have already begun to be packed and ready to be taken away.

   "Be careful, you can't afford to pay if it breaks!" The staff packed and sealed the cultural relics in an orderly manner, and then put them aside, only waiting for the time to load them and take them away.

  Outside the warehouse, the curator led people to watch the situation. Behind him were several big men in black.

   "Did you see it clearly? Do I still need to take you to revisit the terrain?" The curator held up an umbrella and looked at the person to the side. The expensive dial on his wrist was wet with rain, leaving a trail of traces.

   "No need, it's already clear, thank the curator." The big guys nodded to the curator, and then left here under their umbrellas.

  Standing in front of the warehouse, watching the staff sticking up boxes of cultural relics. As the curator of the museum, he naturally knew the value of these things in his heart.

  However, he looked down at the expensive watch on his wrist.

  At the time, he entered the museum because of a passion for blood. However, under the long urging of time, the blood subsided eventually, and the temptation of life made him stand in the dark completely.

  The curator glanced at the warehouse one last time, then turned and left.

  That night, Linxi City Museum caught fire, and nothing left in the entire warehouse.

   Coincidentally, that night, a high-rise building farthest from the warehouse also caught fire, and a large number of firefighting forces were deployed to the high-rise building to rescue people.

  The fire in the museum burned all night, and it didn’t stop until the next morning.

  The fire in another high-rise building was also brought under control in the early morning, but the high-rise buildings lacked firefighting force, and the crowds were dense.

  This time the fire, due to the huge losses, this time the fire quickly became a hot search in the news.

  Many people regretted those who died, but they also noticed the location of the fire.

  In connection with this huge fire, news about the fire in the museum warehouse was also exploded.

  When everyone's attention gradually shifted to the fire incident in the museum warehouse, everyone realized that this was too strange.

  The warehouse is connected to the museum in front, but the warehouse was wiped out and the museum was intact. On the night of the incident, there was no staff in the warehouse, so there was no damage to any personnel, except for the cultural relics.

  Looking at it this way, a fire in the warehouse is more like an intentional arson incident.

  At this moment, a teacher from Nancheng University stood up,

   "It's really weird. I just contacted National National Taiwan University. I will let the teachers of our school come to observe and study tomorrow. We haven't gone yet. Why are the things burned out first? Tsk tsk tsk."

  The timing and tone of this Weibo post are too subtle, even if you don’t want conspiracy theories.

  【I have a bold idea. . . . Isn’t it all saying that the fire is man-made? ? Isn't it because the people at National National Taiwan University were afraid that Nancheng University would find out something, and it burned down? 】

   [Looking at the tone of the professor at Nancheng University, I think we should be inseparable from the ten? ? ? 】

  Netizens said yes, but there was no evidence until the Linxi City Police issued an official notice,

  The specific content of the notification is that the fire in the warehouse is indeed man-made.

  (End of this chapter)

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