Chapter 1386

   "What's the price?"

   After Chu Yi asked this question, it was obvious that the black-robed man in front of him was smiling.

  Although he covered his face with a huge hat, Chu Yi just felt that this person was smiling strangely, and a chill suddenly climbed into his heart.

   "The price is to capture the soul of the bloodline of the Feng family, let it become the fire of life, and ignite the life of Emperor Xia Yuan."

   "What do you mean?" Chu Yi frowned, "I can't understand a word of what you said."

  The black-robed man stood up and said, "You know, why for thousands of years, no one else has discovered the ancient tomb of Longqi Mountain, but it is the Chu family and the Feng family that are involved in him?"

  "Isn't it because of accident?" Hearing the black robe man's tone, Chu Yi heard something wrong, "Could there be other hidden facts?"

   "The Great Xia Dynasty was overthrown, and all the history of civilization was erased, but what was erased was the memory, and it did not mean that the blood was erased,"

   "Bloodline? Us?" Chu Yi frowned tighter. "You mean, we are descendants of that dynasty?"

"For so many years, the bloodlines have been mixed, but the deeper the bloodlines, the easier it is to draw each other. The little girl from the Feng Family has a rare and pure bloodline. Don't you still keep her corpse? You want to resurrect Emperor Xia Yuan. Use the life of the wind family."

  Chu Yi said with a sullen face, the black-robed man looked at him for a while, “Hey, the world says that Young Master Chu is cruel and ruthless. Seeing it today, it seems to be inconsistent with the rumors, right?

   "Nonsense!" Chu Yi seemed to have been poked to a point that couldn't be touched in an instant, "Isn't it the life of the Feng family? I'll let people prepare immediately."

"Hahaha," the black-robed man laughed up to the sky, "Young Master Chu is so happy, then ten direct bloodlines of the Feng family are required, preferably under 15 years old, plus Feng Wuyou, I will let you that person in the secret path resurrection."

  "Why should I believe you?" Chu Yi looked at the black-robed man with suspicion in his eyes, "What you said cannot be explained by science at all."

  The black-robed man stood up and said, "You don't have to believe it. Three days later, I will be waiting for you in the old place."

  The words fell, and the black-robed man left the room straight away.

  Looking at the empty seat in front of him, Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He also sent someone to check the origin of this black-robed man, but he found nothing.

  He has no relatives or friends, no background, and no future as if he is a person who is free from this world, a person without a source.

   Just when Chu Yi was thinking, Su Yao came in with a cup of tea outside the door, "Young Master, take a sip of tea."

  Since the last time she was injured, Chu Yi has no longer bothered Su Yao’s clothes, and has no longer forced her to wear a red skirt.

  Now, Su Yao is wearing a light-colored floral dress, her whole body is fresh and refined, full of blue waves, her eyes flowing, making people heart-wrenching.

  Chu Yi wanted to try one last time, he took Su Yao’s hand, "You go to a place with me,"

   "What?" Su Yao's eyes widened slightly.

  "Come here"

  Speaking, Chu Yi took Su Yao to the next bedroom.

  Su Yao struggled twice, Chu Yi pulled her hand tightly, Su Yao compromisingly followed Chu Yi into the bedroom.

  Chu Yi hasn’t slept in his bedroom for a long time, and now he rests in Su Yao’s room.

  Su Yao has never been to Chu Yi’s bedroom. This is the first time.

  This bedroom is quite large and empty. When I walked in, the icy atmosphere permeated everywhere, which made my heart numb.

   Seeing the huge ice coffin in the middle of the bedroom, Su Yao’s pupils instantly enlarged.

   Perceiving Su Yao's instant stiff body, Chu Yi turned around, "What's wrong?"

Su Yao pointed to the ice coffin, "What is this?"

Chu Yi smiled at Su Yao, "My ex-wife, Feng Wuyou, do you know me?"

  Looking at Chu Yi’s smiling face, Su Yao only felt cold on the back of her spine, and she smiled reluctantly, “I’ve heard that, I don’t know, she is your ex-wife, how would I know her.”

  While Su Yao was speaking, Chu Yi kept observing her face.

   "Why did you bring me here?"

  Looking at Feng Wuyou lying in the ice coffin, his facial features looked like a living person, Su Yao shook subconsciously, "I'm afraid, I want to leave."

   "Don't be afraid," Chu Yi pulled Su Yao into her arms and kissed her affectionately, "You don't need to be afraid anymore."

  Su Yao raised her head, a pair of apricot eyes with just the right amount of panic and curiosity, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Yi smiled, "I will get rid of her soon, and I will let someone cremate her. After she dies, how about you move to my room to sleep?"

  Su Yao only felt a cold sweat behind her back, she looked at Chu Yi in horror, "Young Master."

Seeing Su Yao's shocked look, Chu Yi curled her lips and stretched out her hand to touch Su Yao's hair, "Just kidding, don't take it seriously, you are my baby, how can I be willing to let you be like this? Rest where women have stayed."

  Hearing Chu Yi's words, Su Yao's pupils shrank slightly, "Young Master, you can really be joking."

   "Okay, let's go out." Chu Yi took Su Yao's arm, lowered her head and kissed her on the face.

   "Hmm." Su Yao grabbed Chu Yi's arm and walked outside with him.

When    walked to the door, Su Yao suddenly looked back at the ice coffin in the bedroom.

  Looking at the figure lying in the ice coffin, Su Yao pursed her lips.

   Chu Yi turned her head slightly and glanced at Su Yao, her eyes narrowed slightly.


  After a few rains in autumn, the weather got colder and colder. The light rain fell on the petals, and the water droplets on the petals trembled slightly, and spread out in a patch of vegetation.

In   Manor, An Lao is acting as a model for embroidered new styles, constantly trying Xia Wanyuan’s new autumn clothes.

   Putting on a loose white velvet sweater, An Lao reached out and fiddled with the embroidery on her clothes, "Yuan Yuan, why are you so good at painting? What is this? It’s so beautiful."

  Xia Wanyuan looked up and said, "This one is for you."

   "Really?" An Lao came over and hugged Xia Wanyuan's arm. I know you are the best. You should try it too, it's so beautiful. "

  Xia Wanyuan just wanted to refuse, she suddenly remembered that now she has "unloaded" her body, and her figure has returned to the original level, so she no longer has to worry about her children.

  Xia Wanyuan stepped forward and changed two items. An Lao held his chin for a long time, and suddenly a malicious smile appeared on his face, "Yuanyuan, your figure seems to have improved."

  Xia Wanyuan was taken aback for a while, followed An Lao’s gaze and glanced down, with some embarrassment on her face.

   "Tsk." An Lao circled Xia Wanyuan twice, "It's also a child, how come you become so good-looking after giving birth, I'm just like before."

   "No, it doesn't make a difference," Xia Wanyuan put on his coat, covering An Lao's vision.

  (End of this chapter)

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