Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1392: Resurrection day

  Chapter 1392 The Day of Resurrection

  Xia Wanyuan also seemed to see Yuding's sudden lightening, she frowned, put her hand up and touched Yuding, but Yuding did not change anything special.

  Xia Wanyuan looked at Yuding suspiciously. Could it be that she read it wrong? ? Maybe it's just the refraction of light?

  "What's here?" While Xia Wanyuan was looking at Yuding in doubt, Jun Shiling walked in from outside, bowed his head and kissed Xia Wanyuan first.

  Xia Wanyuan smiled and pushed Jun Shiling, "I'm thinking about business, can you be more serious."

  Jun Shiling's hand touched Xia Wanyuan's back, "I can't be serious, I have been sealed for so long, how can you compensate me more."

  Xia Wanyuan slapped Jun Shiling's hand off in an angry manner, then pointed at Yuding, "Look at this Yuding, do you think something is wrong with it?"

  Jun Shiling looked at it quietly for a while, then pointed at the dragon hovering on the jade tripod, "Look here."

   Following the direction of Jun Shiling, Xia Wanyuan took a look, then his eyes widened.

  Perhaps she was too familiar with Yuding. After getting it, she didn't find any strangeness at all. Now she discovered that the dragon hovering in the middle of Yuding had no eyes.

   "That's not right, I remember it was there." Xia Wanyuan looked at it carefully, "I saw this jade ding in Father's hands once, and it clearly had eyes."

  Jun Shiling's expression slightly sinks, "The finishing touch."

  Hearing what Jun Shiling said, a trace of doubt appeared on Xia Wanyuan’s face, "What do you mean?"

  "The eyes are the core of the whole dragon, that is, the core of the whole jade tripod. Recall that when your ancestors left this jade tripod, didn’t you say anything else?"

  Xia Wanyuan thought about it, then shook his head, "No."

   "Okay, if you don't have it, I don't want to," Jun Shiling put the jade cauldron into the box, "You are worried enough. You are already thin, but you have become thinner recently."

  Xia Wanyuan just wanted to say something, but was picked up by Jun Shiling, "Hey, what are you doing, Jun Shiling?"

Jun Shiling smiled and kissed Xia Wanyuan, "Don't think about it, take you up to sleep, how big can your little brain hold? You worry about this day by day, I'm still there, so you just need to sleep well. "

Xia Wanyuan struggled to no avail, and was sent to the bedroom upstairs by Jun Shiling.

  After watching Xia Wanyuan fall asleep, Jun Shiling went back to the study to deal with various things.

  "Sir." On the secret network, a subordinate sent back news,


   "According to your instructions, we have investigated all the places that have been recorded in the literature, and visited 231 remaining ancient tribes, and compiled some records of legends that may be related to one file. Please check it out."

  Speaking, the subordinate sent an encrypted file package,

  Jun Shiling opened the document and looked at it word by word.

  When he saw the records of an ancient tribe named Split Yuan, Jun Shiling slowed his eyes.

  This tribe has become a legend as early as a thousand years ago. In the legend, this tribe can obtain the conversion of time by communicating with the God, but the cost is quite terrifying.

  Change time, these four words sound not only evil, but also powerfully attractive. Countless people want to take the split yuan clan as their own and let it work for themselves.

  In the long-term battle, the Split Yuan clan gradually disappeared, and finally, it completely became a legend.

  Looking at the words Transforming Time and Space, Jun Shiling's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked at the time of the existence of the Split Yuan Clan organized by his subordinates, and immediately sat upright.

  The data shows that the time when the split yuan clan that existed in this legend officially disappeared was the time when the Great Xia Dynasty was founded.

  Is there something involved in this, or is it just a coincidence?

  Jun Shiling stared at the file for a long time, then stretched out his hand to shred the file in front of him.

  At this time, Zhou F, the Chu family,

  "Young Master Chu, this is your sincerity to show me?" The black robe man sat in the living room, took the tea cup and sent it under the wide brim of his hat.

  The moment he was drinking tea, the brim of his hat opened slightly, and a small piece of pale skin could be seen. Chu Yi's eyes were half-closed. He did not expect that this man in black robes would be so young?

   "Am I ready for everything you want?" Chu Yi frowned, "What do you want?"

   "What are you ready?" The black-robed man suddenly patted the table, "You are ready for the ten Feng Family members I want, but I ask you, where is Feng Wuyou's corpse?"

  Chu Yi looked straight at the black-robed man, "Why do we have to have a corpse with no worries? I found you twenty Feng family members, isn’t that enough?"

   "Feng Wuyou is the Feng family with the purest blood in these hundreds of years," the black robe man explained quietly, without any emotion, "only her soul can ignite the fire of Yuan Emperor's life."

  Hearing the words of the black-robed man, Chu Yi only noticed the two words soul, "What do you mean? She has been dead for so long, how could there be a soul?"

   “So I said that the bloodlines of the Feng family and the monk are quite special. Within a year, as long as I adopt the appropriate method, I can gather the wind and worry-free spirit that escapes between the heaven and the earth.”

  Chu Yi gradually sat up straight, and the expression on his face gradually became serious, "How to do it?"

  The black-robed man looked at Chu Yi quietly for a while, then suddenly laughed, "Young Master Chu, you don't want to resurrect your fiancee, do you?"

  Chu Yi's hand on her leg tightened slightly, "How is it possible."

  The black-robed man sneered, "Young Master Chu, this matter can't deceive me. In short, I won't tell you the steps. As for whether to resurrect Emperor Xia Yuan, that's something you have to decide."

  Speaking, the black-robed man sat there quietly, waiting for Chu Yi's reply.

  For a man, especially a man full of ambition and desire to conquer like Chu Yi, the wealth represented behind Emperor Xia Yuan actually did not attract him much.

What attracted him the most was that the way of unlocking the secrets of Emperor Xia Yuan step by step was full of wit, challenging and exciting. Especially, this is a corpse from a thousand years ago, which can resurrect people from a thousand years ago in his own hands. People can resist such temptations.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Chu Yi finally nodded, "I promise you, when can I start?"

  "Three days later, at this time, I am already optimistic."

   "Okay, just as you said."

  The matter was finally settled, and the black-robed man quietly left the Chu residence.

  Chu Yi sat in the living room for a long time, until the pattering rain began to fall outside, and the raindrops drifted down the eaves to him, and he finally woke up and took a look outside.

  (End of this chapter)

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