Chapter 1505 Wills

  Three years ago, Xiaobao was able to enter this study. At that time, Xia Manyuan always occupied the sofa, Jun Shiling was doing work on the side, and Xiaobao was sitting on a small specially customized desk to practice calligraphy and painting.

  I re-enter the study at this moment, all the decorations are the same as three years ago, even the position of the stool is as if the next day, it has never changed.

  Xiaobao's eyes were sour subconsciously, he walked slowly to the safe, and tried to open the safe with a few passwords he knew.

  Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan were basically undefended against Little Treasure. The password of the safe was the same as that of three years ago. Little Treasure opened the cabinet after only one attempt.

  The safe is very large, with two large boxes inside. Little Treasure moved the boxes out and slowly studied the way to open them.

  There are many complicated patterns all over the box, which looks a bit similar to the formations Xia Wanyuan taught him. Xiaobao tried to solve it according to the principles of the five elements and gossip.

  He flicked eastward and fiddled westward, which really made the pattern at the mouth of the box half out.

  But it’s only half. No matter how Little Treasure gets it later, the pattern on the box is always missing a little, and it can’t become a complete flower.

  Xiao Bao’s face was a little sweaty, he stood up, and wanted to find some tools that could provide hints in the drawer of Jun Shiling.

  Xiaobao flipped through the drawer of Jun Shiling, and when he opened the bottom drawer, he was instantly set in place.

  Because it is a will, the signature Long Feifengwu on the cover is exactly "Jun Shi Ling".

  Xiaobao's hands were shaking a little, he took out the file and sat on the ground slowly watching.

  This will was signed by Jun Shiling a month ago, and it distributes the Jun’s group and his other personal properties in detail.

  The above stated that after he "leaved", Xia Wanyuan inherited the entire Jun family group, and Xiaobao and Xiao Jiajin also had shares, but Xia Wanyuan, as Xiao Jiajin's guardian, could hold the shares of Xiaobao and Xiao Jiajin on his behalf.

   even mentioned Xiao Xia Xia in her will. Although Xiao Xia Xia was only the one they picked up halfway, she also got along with each other during this time. Jun Shiling bought a fund for Xiao Xia Xia, which can support her until she reaches adulthood.

  Little Bao quietly flipped through the will, and stormy waves in his heart.

  There are countless guesses in his heart, what happened to Jun Shiling? ? Why make this will? ? Will mother come back?

  In the past few years, Jun Shiling has never revealed the whereabouts of Xia Bangyuan to them, but now in this will, the Jun group belongs to Xia Bangyuan. Does that mean Xia Bangyuan will come back? ?

  Xiaobao sat on the ground quietly thinking, and a long time passed without knowing it.

  Until the sound of the car coming back from outside awakened Little Treasure, she put all the documents away, neatly put them in the safe, and then slipped out of the study.

  Downstairs, Xiao Xia Xia, who has been playing in the amusement park for a long time, has no sadness and sadness between her eyebrows. She laughed out two big dimples, "Dad, I love you the most!!"

Jun Shiling responded softly, touched Xiao Xiaxia's head, and noticed the temperature on her head. Xiao Xia Xia's eyebrows were curled, and she took the initiative to hold Jun Shiling's hand, "Dad, we will go together next time. "

  At this time, Xiaobao also went downstairs, and yelled respectfully at Jun Shiling, "Dad."

  (End of this chapter)

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