"Bang …" With a bang, the door was pushed open and Fei Xiaolei ran in. Behind him was a middle-aged couple. The man was carefree and unrestrained, the woman was steady and graceful, and she seemed to be extremely compatible with him. As the two of them neared, the fragrance of medicine wafted over …

"My aunt can do it. Prince, you must not hit my junior sister's child." Before Fei Xiao Chai could even stand properly, he shouted out with an anxious look. On the other hand, the couple behind him had calm expressions without a trace of impatience, especially the woman, who even had a trace of impatience on her face.

"You can just call me Valley Master. You and I, master and disciple, have had our chance." The middle-aged man who was also the's Valley Master spoke with an indifferent tone, though no emotions could be discerned.

After painstakingly nurturing his disciples for so many years, he had turned around and betrayed them. No one would be able to bear it. If he didn't have a single temper, then he would truly be a hypocrite.

"Yes." Valley Master's expression slightly relaxed, but still did not smile at Feng Qi. Feng Qi let out a bitter laugh, and stood to the side, not saying another word.

"Prince Yanbei? Yun Kai's husband? " The Valley Lord's gaze fell on the prince. He sized him up and furrowed his brows. Clearly, he was unsatisfied.

"Sky Doctor Valley's Valley Lord, the master of this wangfei. The person beside you must be this wangfei's mother, right?" The tone of the prince was not exactly good, and his attitude was even less friendly. Even if the person in front of him was Ji Yunkai's master, the woman beside him was Ji Yunkai's mother.

"No, it's just that are you sure that Yun Kai is willing to meet with you?" The prince's gaze fell on the Valley Master's wife.

No matter how difficult it was for this woman, it was still a fact that she left Yun Kai behind. Furthermore, Yun Kai's life in Ji Family had been really bad, but this woman did not care about his Yun Kai at all.

This woman was really scary and selfish.

"What do I want her to see? I don't owe her anything. " However, the Valley Mistress did not feel the slightest bit of guilt. She said coldly and arrogantly, "I'm a doctor. Doctors cure illnesses and save lives. If wangfei wants to cure illnesses, she has to see us. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to see us."

"This King understands." No wonder back then, Feng Qi and Fei Xiao Chai did not dare to tell Ji Yunkai about her mother.

This woman was truly cruel. She was cruel to him, and so was she to her own daughter.

The woman had said that she was only a doctor, not his consort's mother. It didn't matter whether she liked him or not.

"He's just a doctor. There's no need to discuss it with Yun Kai. This king can make the decision." The Duke admitted that he understood Ji Yunkai quite well. Based on his personality, her mother wouldn't care about her, and she wouldn't care about her mother either. Even if she cared about her mother in her heart, she wouldn't show it.

He did not know what Ji Yunkai had experienced, but he knew that Ji Yunkai had probably been injured, which caused her to be stingy with her sacrifices. As long as there was a slight possibility for others to leave her, she would take the lead and leave this place, to ensure that she would not be harmed.

His Royal Highness's words were cold and distant, but the Valley Mistress did not care at all. She replied in the same tone, "Please make the arrangements as soon as possible. My daughter is still young, I do not have much time to stay here."

"Mother …" As soon as the Valley Master's wife said this, the one who had the biggest reaction wasn't the Duke, but Fei Xiao Chai, followed by the Sky Doctor Valley's Valley Master, "Yun Jing, the pearl has been taken care of, we don't need to rush back."

"The child is too young to be separated from the mother." The Valley Master's wife, Cloud Realm, had a dull expression on her face. She didn't seem to realize how hurtful her words were.

The prince's gaze when he looked at the Valley Master's wife instantly became slightly colder. "As expected, you are only a doctor."

A child is too young to be separated from his mother. Could his Yun Kai leave his mother in the past?

Yun Kai was only his daughter, not his son. As long as Valley Master and Madam Gu were to care, taking an unfavoured daughter away from Ji Family was not a big deal.

If he hadn't guessed wrong, this woman not only didn't have any feelings for Yun Kai as a mother and daughter, she also hated his Yun Kai …

"Not a doctor. What kind of status does Your Highness want me to have? "Your Highness, you should understand that I have never treated anyone. If it wasn't for Little Chai's repeated requests, I wouldn't have come here." The Valley Master's wife still had a cold face, her words revealed information that she did not take Ji Yunkai as her daughter at all.

"If it's so difficult, I won't be keeping you, the Valley Master's wife, and I won't send you off." The prince's face turned cold. Chase them away!

Although his Yun Kai did not hold out much hope for his mother, it did not mean that she would not be injured. If the Valley Master's wife was like this in front of Yun Kai, Yun Kai would definitely be injured.

He would rather not have the child, than let her get hurt.

"You want me to go? Are you sure you want me to go? You should understand that no one other than me can remove a fetus from her womb without harming her and the child's lives. " The Valley Master's wife was not angry. Her aura was still gentle, but her words were overbearing and full of threat.

She, had used her actions to show that she didn't really care about Ji Yunkai's life and death …

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