"Not what? General Xu, this prince does not know when you have temporarily taken over the responsibilities of the officials and can judge this case. "

Along with the sound of the door being broken, the voice of the Prince could also be heard.

"Your Majesty." Father and Mother Xu were so scared that their faces turned pale. They obediently stood aside, not daring to move.

"This king really does have to punish you. You don't know your enemies well, and you let spies into the Xu residence, leaked information about the military, and even tried to cover up the spies. With you being so stupid, even if this king does not punish you, you should not do so." The prince was indeed very disappointed in General Xu, but this disappointment was not enough to make him angry. He would personally teach General Xu a lesson.

For people like General Xu, as long as he showed his dissatisfaction, someone would take care of him.

The reason he personally spoke out to reprimand General Xu was entirely because of Ji Yunkai.

Before he came to the Xu Residence, Ji Yunkai had warned him repeatedly that General Xu would not be able to understand a thing from a woman. He would rather believe the wives of his colleagues that lived in his house than believe his own wives.

Although the Prince did not think that it was wrong for a man to be partial to his lover and trust the woman he liked, Ji Yunkai was very angry. Adding that General Xu's favor was exactly that of the woman he had colluded with in the Southern Wilderness, the Prince had promised Ji Yunkai that he would help Lady Xu to vent her anger.

"Your Royal Highness, you mean …. Is it really Yinyin? Is it her? " General Xu widened his eyes in disbelief as he looked at the prince, "This, this is impossible. Yinyin is very timid and kind, but the most important thing is that her husband died in the Southern Wilderness. How could she collude with the people of the Southern Wilderness?" Your Highness, is there some kind of misunderstanding? "

As General Xu said this, he couldn't help but look at Lady Xu …

He suspected that it was very possible that it was his wife who framed Yinyin, and he was wondering if he should say it out loud …

If he said it out loud, Yinyin would definitely be fine, but for Wan Niang, she would definitely die, and the Xu family would definitely be implicated as well.

"The way you look at women is really strange." Initially, the Prince had thought that Ji Yunkai was exaggerating, but now, it seems that he took it for granted.

General Xu was not only pampering his woman and trusting her, he was also being deceived by her.

"This King's general was deceived by a woman and is still arguing on her behalf. This King really doubts your abilities." Even if such a person was brave and battling, he wouldn't dare to use it.

Today, he would be tricked by a woman. Tomorrow, he would be tricked by a second woman.

Time and time again, Yanbei could endure a few more twists and turns.

"Your Royal Highness, this lowly general's wife …" General Xu was at a loss. He wanted to say several times that Lady Xu had framed Yin Yin, but when he raised his head and saw Lady Xu's mocking gaze, he couldn't.

"Bring the Jiang Clan over." The prince was too lazy to waste words with General Xu.

It was to the extent that if it wasn't for Ji Yunkai's orders, he definitely had to let General Xu see the Jiang Clan's face clearly and make General Xu regret.

As for General Xu's doubts, would he resent Lady Xu because of it? That was all a matter of the Xu family, so what did it have to do with him?

Very quickly, the guard brought a short, petite, but exquisite looking woman over.

This woman was the Jiang Clan. She wasn't even thirty years old, but on the surface, she looked like a seventeen or eighteen year old young girl. Her pair of watery eyes were innocent and timid, like a little white rabbit that had accidentally entered a hunter's encirclement.

With just a glance, the prince knew why General Xu had been deceived.

This Jiang clan was exactly the same as that imperial concubine, the Rui Wang. They both had delicate appearances, and looked as if they wouldn't be able to survive even if they were separated from a man.

How could a rough man like General Xu be a match for such a woman? Not to mention General Xu already somewhat liked the Jiang Clan, even if he didn't like them at all, in the face of such a weak woman, he still wouldn't be able to refuse her request.

After the Jiang Clan was brought here, their eyes were filled with tears as they looked at General Xu with reddened eyes. It was as if General Xu was her sky and her land …

"General, General, you are innocent! I beg you, please save me! I beg you, please let my wife show mercy and let my child go!" General, if it wasn't for you, then my child would have died. You are the god in my heart, but I do not dare to have any presumptuous thoughts towards the general. I only want a tile to cover my body. "If Madam doesn't allow me to do so, I can leave immediately …"

The Jiang Clan cried like they had suffered a great grievance. There was only General Xu in her eyes, and her eyes were filled with dependence, as if there was nothing else but General Xu.

His Royal Highness watched the scene with interest, laughing from time to time …

During this period of time, Yun Kai had been bored out of his mind. Before he came, he had specially instructed him to let the Jiang Clan have a good performance and not let the matter end too soon.

Then, when he returned, he would explain to her how the Jiang Clan's white lotus acted weak and pitiful.

At first, he did not understand what the white lotus meant. However, after seeing the appearance of the Jiang Clan, he understood.

Isn't this a pitiful little white flower? It's just that this little white flower eats people.

"Yinyin, you, you really didn't collude with the Southern Wilderness?" General Xu didn't like it in the first place. A weak and kind-hearted woman like Jiang Yinyin, who never went out, colluded with the Southern Wilderness. Upon hearing the Jiang Clan's words, she immediately wavered.

"General, I'm just a weak girl. How could the Southern Wilderness set their eyes on me? Even if I create them, they wouldn't use me. General, this is the Lady, the Lady. She framed me. "Madame wanted to be on good terms with Princess Hua-Yang, so she framed me for Madame's sake. I beg, I beg you, General, to uphold justice for me!" The Jiang Clan was crying as if their husband had died. They were powerlessly lying on the ground as if they had been ruthlessly destroyed by someone.

General Xu's heart immediately ached. He lifted his head to glance at Lady Xu, but she didn't look at him. He then looked at the prince, as though he had made some important decision, and spoke slowly, "Your Highness …"

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