His Royal Highness had always been a person who kept his promises. If he didn't speak, he would definitely do it, but …

But this time, Ji Yunkai didn't believe it, nor could he.

He did not spend much time at the side courtyard, and did not even see Ji Yunkai pay any attention to him for two days. The Duke knew that this time, Ji Yunkai's anger had not died down that much.

Ji Yunkai let out a bitter laugh, and didn't say a word …

The human world was suffering from eight hardships: life, old, illness, death, love and separation, grievances for a long time, and could not be begged, could not be let go. How could she possibly lose face if she was asked to abandon her newborn son?

She had never had a father, and having a mother was tantamount to having a mother. She had sworn that no matter what happened, she would grow up with a child. She wasn't like her parents, who would leave her alone.

However, reality told her that she couldn't do it.

She was even more repulsive than her own mother. Even if her own mother wasn't good enough, she would still have been raised for a few years. What about her?

The child will have a full moon and will throw him to someone else.

Xiao Jiu'an had truly gouged out her heart.

Carrying the child, Ji Yunkai closed his eyes and silently shed tears …

The Duke never thought that Ji Yunkai would actually cry so easily, and he immediately jumped in laughter.

He knew better than anyone what kind of person Ji Yunkai was. This woman wasn't someone who could easily cry.

The duke sighed lightly and sat down. He held Ji Yunkai and the child in his embrace and clumsily wiped the tears off her face. "Don't cry …"

From pregnancy to childbirth, she was full of anticipation. No matter how much suffering she had to endure, she still had to give birth to her child. It wasn't easy for her to make it safely to the ground, but she had to abandon him.

Lifeless, she, was not a qualified mother.

"We'll be back soon." This was a promise from the prince, "If it doesn't work, we can take the child back after we familiarize ourselves with the world."

They knew nothing about the Ten Directions World at the moment, and it was unwise of them to bring their children along, not to mention the fact that they were still young and could not withstand a long journey.

Although he didn't really care about this child, it was still his child after all. He didn't want anything to happen to the child.

"Must I go? I don't want to leave the child. " Ji Yunkai fell into the Duke's embrace and sobbed softly.

Of course not!

You don't want to leave your child, and I don't want to leave you!

These words were almost said out loud by the prince, but when he thought about Ji Yunkai's personality, he held back and said softly, "This king does not know what the situation is in in the Ten Directions World, and this king needs your help."

This was also the truth. According to what he had heard from the people in the Southern Wilderness, although the Holy Maiden had the ability to produce a hundred herbs, she was still weak in her ability. At the very most, she could help the flowers and plants grow faster and better.

Thinking about it, it made sense. If the Southern Wilderness really had that kind of ability towards women, they would have no lack of food and would not be restricted by Yan Bei.

"You … Such selfishness! " Ji Yunkai took a deep breath and stopped his tears, but the grief all over his body did not decrease one bit.

The Prince did not dare to say anything else, he only hugged Ji Yunkai and lightly patted her back as he comforted Ji Yunkai with this kind of clumsy method.

Ji Yunkai leaned into the prince's embrace, not saying a word. The prince did not know what to say, and could only quietly hug Ji Yunkai.

Little Changze, who was squeezed between the two of them, was very obedient and didn't cry at all. However, children were children after all, and when he was hungry, he would cry.

When it was time for him to eat, but he didn't eat anything after a long time, Little Changze curled his lips and burst into tears …

Ji Yunkai was shocked, and immediately pushed the prince away. He hugged Little Changze and coaxed him for a while, then carefully checked his diaper. After realizing that there was no wetting, Ji Yunkai immediately knew that Little Changze was hungry.

The Prince was suddenly pushed away by Ji Yunkai. If it were not for the fact that Ji Yunkai did not have much strength, the Prince would most likely have been pushed to the ground.

The prince who was pushed away felt even more stifled when he saw Ji Yunkai not looking at him at all as she circled around Little Changze.

He had long ago said that he couldn't let Ji Yunkai take care of the child. Ji Yunkai originally did not even see him in her eyes, so it was even more impossible to see him for the children here. Sad!

After eating the milk, he felt uncomfortable in some place. He then spat out some milk, causing Ji Yunkai's heart to ache even more, this way, Ji Yunkai would definitely not be a prince, his heart was only circling around Little Changze.

Until the prince left the courtyard, he did not receive a single glance from Ji Yunkai. When Wang Lu set off, Ji Yunkai was helping Little Changze change his diapers. When Ji Yunkai heard Wang Changze say that he was going to go out, he only looked at him for a second, then quickly said "take care" and went to change Little Changze's diaper.

His Royal Highness left the courtyard in a depressed manner, galloping at full speed all the way to the front lines. When he found out about the battle in the day and the small defeat in Yanbei, his rage flared up even more.

He did not care if the soldiers of Yanbei had not recovered. He brought an elite army and attacked the southern border army before dawn …

The King had vented all his anger on the people of the Southern Wilderness, taking the lead and releasing his killing intent. Wherever he went, the grass would dry up, and flowers would be destroyed. When the people of the Southern Wilderness saw this, they were all terrified.

Who was this? Who had angered this God of Slaughter, Yanbei?

His anger was about to burn the entire Southern Wilderness.

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