In the evening, Nan Jin Zhao arrived at the Yanbei Army camp, full of uneasiness and a hint of anticipation.

At this time, the Yanbei Army's army camp was no longer depressed. The entire camp was in order, training, patrolling, taking care of the wounded, all taking care of their duties. All the soldiers came and went, every one of them looking full of spirit and vigor.

That did not make sense, the Yanbei Army had just suffered a crushing defeat, and according to his past experience, even if the Yanbei Army's morale was not low, it should still be depressed. After all, the Yanbei Army had no other choice after being poisoned by the Southern Wilderness poison other than to lower his head to them.

The two of them came over together. Upon closer inspection, they realized that Xiao Shaorong had fallen behind by half a body, and this was the intent of respecting Feng Qi.

Other people might not understand what Xiao Shaorong's half-step distance meant, but Nan Jin Zhao did not know what it meant, but he understood what Xiao Shaorong meant. This was Xiao Shaorong taking the initiative to say that he would not argue with Feng Qi, and Feng Qi would be the main judge of Yan Bei's matters.

These two people actually didn't compete in power as he had expected. This was simply … Unbelievable.

Was this an act on purpose? Or were the two of them really not competing?

The light in Nan Jin's eyes flickered, and the unease in his heart grew even stronger.

He had schemed against Feng Qi, separated Feng Qi and Yanbei Army, and had included Xiao Shaorong's ambitions. He thought that Xiao Shaorong would guard against Feng Qi and was not happy that Feng Qi had come to divide the authority.

As long as Xiao Shaorong was not stupid, he would grab hold of it and use this opportunity to weaken Feng Qi's influence in the Yanbei Army and in Yanbei.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Shaorong really did seem to be a fool …

It would be very disadvantageous for him if the two of them got together.

He only wanted to turn around and leave, but right at this moment, Feng Qi walked over quickly. "Southern Goblin King is here, this Feng greets you, please forgive me Southern Goblin King."

"Sir Feng Qi is too courteous, you and I are schoolmates, why are you saying that." Since he couldn't leave, Nan Jin Zhao had to force himself to stay, he tried his best to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and silently prayed that the harmony between Feng Qi and herself was fake.

He believed that both Feng Qi and Xiao Shaorong understood what the power and influence in Yan Bei represented. He did not believe that these two people would actually look down on him.

"The Southern Goblin King said yes, there is no need to be courteous, you and I will go together. Southern Goblin King, please come in." Feng Qi calmly turned to allow Nan Jin Zhao to take the lead.

Looking at the Yanbei Army that was glaring at him from the left and right, Nan Jin Zhao's heart flashed with a cold intent. However, his smile remained unchanged on his face as he said passionately to Feng Qi: "Feng Qi, let's go together."

Since he was already here, he might as well settle for now. He had already entered the Yanbei Army's camp, so it was impossible for him to leave at this time. Today, he would see what Feng Qi was up to.

He did not believe that Feng Qi would dare to kill him.

Not to mention whether Feng Qi could kill him, if she did, the Southern Wilderness would send troops to attack Yan Bei.

If nothing unexpected happened, Xiao Jiu'an would leave Yanbei tomorrow and head to the Ten Directions World. Feng Qi and Xiao Shaorong had not yet completely subjugated Yanbei Army, so at this time when they were fighting with the Southern Wilderness, Yanbei did not have the slightest advantage.

Forget about Sky Martial and Beichen who were still staring at Yan Bei from the side, as long as Feng Qi and Xiao Shaorong took one wrong step, the Sky Martial Empress and Emperor Beichen would definitely not mind and they would join hands to eat Yan Bei.

With his heart at ease, Nan Jin Zhao's footsteps became lighter, and he followed Feng Qi into the commander camp.

Within the tent, the banquet singing and dancing were all prepared. Although the environment was simple, there were still quite a number of ways for aristocratic families to entertain guests.

The moment Nan Jin Zhao entered the tent, a song and dance sounded. Nan Jin Zhao laughed, "Feng Qi, you will still enjoy it, but when we arrived at the Dao Palace, Mister said that you are a true gentleman, and Mt. Tai collapsed before it, but your face didn't change at all, so even if Mt. I didn't believe it before, but today I did. Yanbei Army was defeated so badly, I thought you would have difficulty sleeping and eating. I wanted to comfort you a little, but I didn't think that you would not be affected at all.

Regardless of how bland he pretended to be, or how much he tried to console himself, in the end, Nanzhao couldn't hold back any longer, and tried to sound out the situation.

"Victory and defeat are commonplace in war. It is merely a small defeat, there is no need to put it to heart. Southern Goblin King, you don't even care about losing your ancient path, why would I, Yan Bei, care about the outcome of this battle? " Feng Qi replied indifferently, his expression the same as he invited Nan Jin Zhao to take a seat, "Southern Wilderness King, today we are only discussing personal relations, not business."

Didn't Nan Jin Zhao say they were classmates?

Today, he had a good discussion with Nan Jin Zhao about his schoolmate, letting him understand that he wasn't the same schoolmate as Nan Jin. Even if he was the same schoolmate, he was still the same schoolmate.

"Alright, alright, alright. We will only talk about personal relationships today." At this time, he wasn't too sure what Feng Qi meant, so he could only sit down and watch what Feng Qi was going to do.

Feng Qi held up the wine jug and poured a full one for Nan Jin Zhao: "I didn't know that the Southern Wilderness King had gone to the Dao Palace to seek education back then, it really shouldn't have happened until you left. I toast the Southern Goblin King and we missed this one. "

"Feng Qi, you don't know me, but I do know you. Back then you followed Master Mo Wen, do you know how much we people envied you? " Nan Jin Zhao lowered his head and took a sniff, confirming that there was nothing wrong with the wine before drinking it.

"What's there to be envious about? I'm just learning from you, sir." If you had revealed your identity back then, Master would have definitely accepted you. " Since Mr. Mo Wen was already dead, Feng Qi did not want to mention his former teacher at this kind of occasion.

There was no question that Teacher Mo had recorded in the records that the "Perfect Young Master" comment. If he wanted to have today's status, he would have to put in more effort.

To him, it was a blessing in disguise.

Don't tease me, don't ask me who mister is, why would he accept a disciple because of his status, I'm not as good as you are, it's only right that mister has his eyes on me. Nan Jin Zhao knew that Mr. Mo Wen was not ordinary to Feng Qi, so he brought up Mr. Mo Wen, reminding Feng Qi of his death.

Just as Nan Jin Zhao had predicted, Feng Qi was indeed depressed. But even so, Feng Qi was still impenetrable, not allowing Nan Jin to say a single word.

After thirty years of drinking and eating, even after half a day, Nan Jin still hadn't managed to get any useful information out of his mouth. Seeing that it was about time to leave, he put down his bowl and chopsticks and took his leave.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave now, he wouldn't be able to leave …

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