Separating mother and son hurt the most, and the pain of being cut off was like cutting open the heart for Ji Yunkai. She couldn't even breathe due to the pain …

Since the time he was carried into the ancient way, Ji Yunkai had been immersed in his own world and had not spoken a single word. Besides hugging her, the duke also didn't have anything to say to comfort her.

However, judging from the state of his body, it must have been at least a day.

"Two days? We're still in the Ancient Path? " Ji Yunkai was shocked, "Didn't the ten-sided world only give us one month's time? Yesterday was the last day of the month. Will Mo Qixi and the little wolf cub be alright? "

"Nan Jin Zhao must have had some sort of special connection with the Ten Directions World. Since we left yesterday, the Ten Directions World must have received some news. They know we're here, so they won't touch us."

Mo Qixi was the only bargaining chip in this world that could threaten him. Before he was seen again, Mo Qixi was very safe.

"That's good. If something were to happen to them …" Ji Yunkai could not imagine it, so she could only harden her heart, abandon her son, and accompany the prince to this world.

Compared to the life of Mo Qixi's family of three, the short separation between mother and child was no longer that important.

After all, she would return one day sooner or later. If they hadn't come to the Ten Directions World, Mo Qixi's entire family would have been doomed.

"The Ten Directions World wants This King. Mo Qixi will be fine." The Prince increased his strength and hugged Ji Yunkai tighter. Using this method, he told Ji Yunkai that things were not as bad as she thought.

"Put me down. After walking for two days, I believe you are tired. You should be hungry too." She hadn't eaten or drank anything these two days, so the prince must be the same.

Compared to Ning Xuemo, it was much more difficult for the prince to carry her and walk away.

The Duke carefully placed Ji Yunkai down, and in the instant that Ji Yunkai's legs were weak, he immediately reached out to support her: "Be careful."

"Below my feet is …" His legs felt soft, as if there was no gravity beneath him. When his foot stomped down, it felt like he was stepping on air, and Ji Yunkai almost died from fright.

"A rotten thing. I wonder what it is." It wasn't normal for the prince to enter at the beginning, but after walking for two days, he had gotten used to it.

Ji Yunkai lowered his head to take a look. His feet were pitch black, making him look like black mud, but it wasn't enough to stain his shoes. He wanted to see clearly, the light in the ancient path wasn't enough.

Ji Yunkai did not know how long this ancient path was. There was light within it, but it was not sunlight. It was like the dark clouds pressing down on one another, the kind of gloomy atmosphere where the sky could fall down at any time.

The ancient path was also rather stifling, and the air was extremely thin. The air was filled with an aura of death, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Here... It gives me a bad feeling. " The lifeless breath made her feel breathless.

"This King is the opposite of you, so I feel that this place is very good." In contrast to Ji Yunkai, although the prince wouldn't be like a fish in water on the ancient path, he was still more at ease outside.

If not for this, it would have been impossible for him to walk for two days without resting while carrying Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai had no way to like this place.

"The aura of death?" The prince smirked as a hint of a cold smile appeared on his lips.

The closer he got to the ten-sided world, the more certain he became that he was not the son of Emperor Beichen. He … He had come from a ten-sided world.

This ancient path gave him a familiar feeling, as if it was a part of his body.

"No, it's a kind of aura that makes one despair. I feel very uncomfortable staying here." Perhaps it was due to her abnormality, she didn't like this kind of lifeless place. What she liked was a place full of life.

"This path is very long, we can't leave for the time being." Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable Ji Yunkai was, he had to endure it.

Ji Yunkai nodded his head, "It's been two days, we haven't eaten, let's eat first."

Even if the Prince wasn't hungry, she was.

"All of our food is broken." The Prince spoke in silence.

If it wasn't for the lack of food, he wouldn't have starved himself for two days. He wasn't stupid, even if he didn't need to eat, Yun Kai would still want to eat.

If he had food, he would have fed it to Ji Yunkai in the past two days no matter what.

"What do you mean?" Ji Yunkai had a bad guess.

If her guess was right, she was afraid they wouldn't make it out alive.

"As you can imagine, the food in the old ways was very bad, and in less than a day it was all moldy." They had brought dry food, but it was no use at all.

"Let me see the seed I brought with me." Ji Yunkai's heart skipped a beat, he could not care about the weakness of his body, and immediately retrieved the closely kept seed.

Looking at it, Ji Yunkai was also dumbfounded …

"It's broken by more than half!" Ji Yunkai laughed bitterly, but she was an optimistic person, "Fortunately, there is still a small half that can be used."

Forget about half of it being available, even if one pellet was available, Ji Yunkai would still be able to create a world for it.

Ji Yunkai picked out the remaining necrotic seeds and stimulated them to grow …

With her current ability, she could grow more than a dozen seeds at once. She was quick to produce her Discipline, and the seeds sprouted at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. But when they reached the size of a palm, their speed clearly slowed.

"In this place, I can't use my full strength." Ji Yunkai tried to increase the magnitude of the abnormality, but found that it was still useless.

Ji Yunkai had no choice but to give up on a portion of the seed and focus on maturing two of them. This way, she would mature much faster, but when the other two were matured, the remaining sprouts would all be dead.

"This place is really scary." Ji Yunkai gave birth to watermelons and corn. There were a lot of these seeds, and one of them was full, while the other was thirsty.

"We'll make it out alive." The Duke took out a watermelon that was about one and a half times bigger, and gently pried it open with a little force. He then picked out the melon meat inside and fed it to Ji Yunkai …

No matter how difficult the ancient path was, they would definitely leave this place alive. This was a promise by Xiao Jiu'an …

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