Mo Qixi looked at her beloved wife and child. She was unwilling to part with him, but he still took that step forward …

"I'll go out. Close the city gates and stop the beasts from entering the city. Stay here and don't leave, okay? " Mo Qixi said her last sentence to the little wolf cub.

She loved this man, but hated him even more.

"For your brother's sake, are you going to abandon your wife and children?" He glanced at Mo Qixi as tears rolled down his cheeks.

She didn't want to say that, but she couldn't help it.

It was always like this, this man was always like this. He placed his brothers first, hatred placed second, and only the two of them ranked last.

"Xiao Jiu'an came to this ten-sided world for our sake, and thus fell into the trap of the Four Major Clans." Mo Qixi knew what he was thinking about and also knew what he was dissatisfied with, but he couldn't do anything about Xiao Jiu'an.

For so many years, he and Xiao Jiu'an had protected and supported each other. It could be said that without Xiao Jiu'an, the current him would not have existed.

He could die, but Xiao Jiu'an definitely could not die.

"What do you mean by falling into the trap of the four families for us?" Mo Qixi, have you gone silly? It was clearly us innocent being moved by him, the people the Four Major Families wanted were Xiao Jiu'an, but what about the result? It was our son who was hurt. " She had always kept these words in her heart and didn't dare to say them out loud. But now, she couldn't hold it in any longer.

Pointing at Mo Qixi, he said with a face full of anger, "Mo Qixi, it's Xiao Jiu'an … All of this was caused by Xiao Jiu'an, if not for him, our son wouldn't have been injured again. Look what our son has become. Mo Qixi … None of the three of us have let Xiao Jiu'an down, and it was Xiao Jiu'an who had let us down. And he won't accept your kindness, will he? "

There was no denying this point, and Mo Qixi could not deny it either. However, there was also a point that he could not deny …

He had always remembered that it was Xiao Jiu'an's mother who brought him out of that terrifying world.

Every time he met with danger, Xiao Jiu'an's mother would block his path and protect him.

That weak woman, that kind woman, had a mouthful of food. She would not give it to him, nor give it to him, but give it to him.

After encountering such danger, the first person the woman protected was also him, and not Xiao Jiu'an.

Sometimes he even thought about how wonderful it would be if that woman was his mother's concubine.

Mo Qixi looked at every single detail on the arena as she said powerlessly, "Sparse, do you think that without Xiao Jiu'an, we would still be able to survive in this ten-sided world? After living in this world for so long, you should understand how miserable the situation of those lower class people is in this world. Our family of three has no special abilities at all. In the ten-sided world, they are all low class people. Even if the four noble families were to let us go, it would be very difficult for us to survive in the ten-sided world. "Only you, your highness, can make us live well..."

There was no way to refute Mo Qixi's words, but she was even more unwilling to take the risk. "Qi Xi, we … Let's leave, let's go back. You can't, you can't abandon me and Mo Mo, this is too cruel to us, you know? "

After leaving the two of them in this decadent world fed by wolves, Mo Qixi wasn't worried at all. Would the two of them not be able to survive?

Didn't Mo Qisha know how difficult it was for a woman with a child to survive in this savage world?

"It's scattered. I didn't leave you behind … I am only going to stop the beasts from entering the city, I am not sure if anything will happen to me. " Mo Qixi patted her scattered back as she comforted softly.

He knew that the series of incidents that had occurred in succession, as well as the fact that he had abandoned a few things in the beginning, made him feel extremely insecure. However …

There was nothing he could do.

He couldn't do it, so he hid in a corner and watched Xiao Jiu'an go out on her own.

He and Xiao Jiu'an were brothers, so there was no reason for Xiao Jiu'an to do nothing when he met with danger.

"Will it be okay? Are you lying to me, or are you … " Slightly crying, she berated Mo Qixi, but before she could finish her words, the little wolf cub suddenly spoke up, "Go … I protect my mother. "

"Mo... Mo Mo Mo, you, what did you say? " He was so shocked that he even forgot to wipe his tears away. He could not be bothered with Mo Qixi.

In the scattered eyes, Mo Qixi was very important, but no matter how important he was, he was not as important as the little wolf cub.

A woman was stronger when she was a mother.

"Mother, I …" "Protect you." The little wolf cub repeated, and held the scattered hands. His dark pupils stared at the scattered, firm and strong.

"Mo Mo..." The scattered tears fell even more violently. She held the little wolf tightly, constantly calling out the name of the little wolf.

She was still crying, but now it was tears of joy.

She was so happy that her son finally called her mother and took the initiative to get close to her.

She had been waiting for this day for so long, so long that she had thought that this day would never come. She had never imagined that …

Happiness came so suddenly.

"Mother, don't cry!" The little wolf cub stretched out his thin hands and awkwardly patted his back. One beat at a time, it was mechanical and stiff, but he was extremely serious.

Seeing the mother and son hugging each other, Mo Qi Xi's eyes turned red …

He stepped forward and gently embraced the two of them, saying in a low voice, "Mo Mo, take good care of your mother. I will definitely return. Trust me."

The ten-sided world brought them great pain, but it also brought them great gratitude.

In this ten-sided world, they had found their son. Although there was still a slight bit of regret, he still believed that …

Everything would be better. They would all leave this place alive …

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