After a day and a night of fighting, the king finally finished cleaning up the wild boar in the secret location.

If it weren't for Princess Mengxi and the royal family's special ability users causing trouble, with the combined efforts of the prince and the little wolf cub, it wouldn't have taken so long.

"I'll clean it up." The Adept was overjoyed when he heard the Prince's words. He hastily called for the Wind element Adept to split the wild boar meat into several pieces. Then he had the Water element Adept clean up the meat.

Not long after, a fire was lit and the barbecue began.

Perhaps it was because they were too tired, or perhaps it was because the Imperial clan's Adepts couldn't help but feel that the piece of wild boar meat they were personally roasting was extremely fragrant. Some of them simply couldn't hold back and drooled.

But even so, after they finished roasting the first piece, they presented the meat to the Prince, "Nihility Sovereign King, you eat first."

The prince glanced at them, but didn't refuse them …

After the prince received the piece of meat, they gave the second piece to the little wolf cub. Seeing how calm and obedient the little wolf cub was, the royal family's special ability users were a little afraid of him. But now …

He still felt that the little wolf cub was very cute.

How could a bunch of adults not accomplish something that even a child could?

The Adepts from the royal family swore in their hearts that if they ever encountered any danger, they would take the initiative to advance. They couldn't allow a child this young to contribute.

The wolf cub didn't say anything. He took the piece of barbecue and continued to eat. He didn't even give the royal Adept a glance.

His world was too small to hold other people.

The Imperial Adepts didn't pay much attention to this. They simply assumed that this child had a personality.

After that, the Imperial Family's Adepts separated the pieces of roast meat from Mo Qixiu's, and finally it was Princess Mengxi's turn.

Princess Meng Xi received the roast meat with one hand but didn't say anything. She only lowered her eyes, covering her eyes … Lost.

In the past, it was almost impossible. The royal family wouldn't prepare food for Mo Qixi's family. It was a mutual understanding that they had formed on their own along the way …

For a special ability user from the Royal Family, the first one to receive food was to present it to Princess Meng Xi. This was a rule from the Royal Family, but now this rule had been quietly broken. As for everyone else present, besides Princess Meng Xi, no one else had noticed.

The prince continued to fight for a day and a night. Although his body could still endure it, they did not know what dangers lay ahead. Thus, it was not appropriate for him to continue fighting. Therefore, on this day, they rested on a pile of wild boar corpses.

Fortunately, these wild boars had special abilities. Apart from the smell of blood, they didn't smell anything strange. It was enough to give everyone a good night's sleep.

The next morning, when everyone woke up, they picked up the ingredients on the spot and ate their fill before continuing their journey …

On this day, Princess Mengxi was silent. Everyone followed behind the prince in tacit understanding. The royal family's special ability users were always on guard, maintaining a battle-ready posture. Unfortunately, they didn't encounter any danger on this day.

The size of the secret grounds was something that no one knew about. They had walked for three days without encountering any danger, and naturally, they had never seen any edible strange fruits or things.

The ten-sided world was not the Revelation. Although he was good at gathering intelligence, he would not be tricked in a foreign place.

For example, people from the four great families knew that this secret location was extremely dangerous. They intentionally spread the news to lure the emperor over to send himself to his death?

Mo Qixi felt uneasy and stayed in the secret location for ten days. However, she was unable to find any strange fruits. Thus, she told him her guess …

Before the Prince could express his opinion, Princess Meng Xi said, "That is a possibility. Throughout history, the Four Great Aristocratic Families have used this move to lure and kill the Silent Emperor countless times, and almost every single one of them have been deceived. "

"All of them will fall for it? "Why?" When Mo Qixi heard this, she became even more uneasy. She was even more certain that this was a conspiracy.

Princess Meng Xi looked at the Prince, and seeing that the Prince was not dissatisfied, she said, "Because …. Every single one of the Nihility Sovereign King believe themselves to be extremely strong, not afraid of any danger, not afraid of any danger. "

Because he was arrogant, because he was arrogant, because he was too confident in his own strength, so …

Even though there were eight Nihility Kings up ahead, even though each of them were so powerful that they could stand at the peak of this ten-sided world, none of them were able to become the King of this ten-sided world.

There was no other reason but that they were too arrogant, too conceited, and did not have the slightest bit of fear in their hearts. In fact, they did not even put the heaven and earth in their eyes. In the end … A crushing defeat.

"So... This secret location was most likely a trap? In that case... The birds and wild boars were indeed strange. If Nine An continued to use the power of annihilation, then the flock of birds and wild boar would continue to grow. Every time you use the power of annihilation, it would consume your life. Are the Four Major families using this secret land to consume the lives of the Nine An? " The more Mo Qixi thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case.

"The four noble families are too treacherous!" Mo Qixi said angrily.

Princess Meng Xi didn't reply. She silently looked at the prince and waited for his reply …

However, the prince didn't say anything. He just kept walking forward, with no intention of stopping.

Mo Qixi opened her mouth to persuade him, but seeing that the little wolf cub was silently following behind the prince, she swallowed her words of persuasion.

They had already entered the secret grounds and exterminated the flock of birds and wild boar. At this time, not to mention Jiu An, even he was unwilling to give up …

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