At midnight, the temperature of the Red Pearl Desert dropped abruptly. A red moon hung in the night sky by itself, without a single star in its surroundings. It looked extremely strange …

"This red moon really does look strange, as if it was dyed red with blood. Just by looking at it, I feel like my skin is seeping all over the place." Moqi stood inside the house, looking out the window at the moon, feeling an indescribable unease in his heart, "I keep having the feeling that something bad is about to happen."

"There is such a thing? Why didn't you say that before? " As expected, Mo Wuji didn't dare to probe any further.

Ji Yunkai laughed and hugged the little wolf cub tightly. He lightly patted its back and said, "Don't be afraid. With me around, you won't turn into a Scarlet Spider."

Ji Yunkai did not know how the Scarlet Spiders were formed, nor did he know if Tang Hai's words were true or false. Although it was a bit strange to say that the Scarlet Spider would turn into a Scarlet Spider under the One Reflection of the Red Moon, and it was also completely unscientific and out of line with Ji Yunkai's understanding.

In a place like the Ten Directions World, anything could happen.

Ji Yunkai still believed in the existence of these plants rather than not. He looked at the little wolf cub carefully and used his superpower to grow some plants with large leaves. He then strung these plants together to form a cape that covered the entire cub from head to toe.

"This way, I won't be afraid of the red moon." Ji Yunkai could clearly see that the little wolf cub was afraid. Naturally, he would not let it go.

She knew very well that this child was extremely insecure. With Mo Qixi and the occasional absence, she would have to shoulder the responsibility of being the mother of a young wolf cub.

After all, it was impossible to count on the prince to take care of the little wolf cub.

His Royal Highness did look at the little wolf cub in a different light, and was rather "taking care of" the little wolf cub. However, no one was willing to take care of him, because …

His Royal Highness had completely treated the little wolf cub as his disciple to teach him, and had even treated the little wolf cub as a completely different person.

"Yeah, I like it." Sure enough, after the little wolf cub was wrapped up, his entire body relaxed. He no longer dragged Ji Yunke along and dared to sit by his side.

Tang Hai and Er Moqi, seeing the little wolf cub being so obedient, couldn't help but laugh. They were no longer afraid of that red moon outside …

"In the Red Pearl Desert, the most terrifying thing is never the natural environment, but the unfathomable human heart." Tang Hai was not a lost cause, but he had a good impression of the little wolf cub. Seeing that the little wolf cub was sitting by himself, he hesitated for a moment before sitting next to the little wolf cub. He told him about the Red Pearl Desert and the evil in the hearts of the people in the Red Pearl Desert.

Although the little wolf cub didn't say anything, he was listening very seriously. His eyes were like black grapes as he stared at Tang Hai without blinking. It was obvious that he really liked listening …

With someone helping him, Tang Hai was very happy. He not only told everything that happened to him in the Red Pearl Desert to the little wolf cub, but also told him everything that he had heard.

Of course, these were mostly legends. The stories created by others weren't real. Everyone knew that they were only listening to Tang Hai's words as a story, but … …

The little wolf didn't know, so he took Tang Hai's words seriously.

While Tang Hai was telling stories to the crowd, the eight people who wanted to rob the King were also preparing to take action. But …

The red moon in the sky made them afraid to go out.

"Big brother, the red moon is out. Are we still going?" "What if I get bitten by a Scarlet Spider?" In the Red Pearl Desert, there were some legends that were only legends, but there were also some legends that were true, such as …

The legend of the Red Moon.

In the Scarlet Pearl Desert, the red moon wouldn't turn into a Scarlet Spider, but...

With the appearance of the red moon, groups of red spiders would inevitably appear. They would attack and bite humans. On this day, if a human being who had been bitten was exposed to the red moon, their body would undergo a change and turn into a spider.

The head of a human was the body of a Scarlet Spider, and its four limbs would become the pincers of a Scarlet Spider. However, the Scarlet Spider had eight pairs of iron pincers. The other thing was …

The process of the mutation was extremely painful. No one could endure it, and even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would still be incomparably weak. At this time, both humans and the Scarlet Spiders would make a move to kill him. They would not let him live.

In the eyes of the Scarlet Spiders, these mutated spiders were nothing but beasts. In the eyes of humans, these spiders were also mutants. Neither side wished for the mutated spiders to survive.

In the Red Pearl Desert, there would be one or two people every month who would become mutated spiders and die miserably in the process.

Fortunately, the red spider's corpse could not be used as medicine nor as a weapon to make materials. Otherwise …

Every time the red moon appeared, countless people in the Red Pearl Desert would mutate and die tragically.

Humans were the most compassionate race, but they were also the most cruel.

Humans could give the most care and concern to weak dogs and cats, but they could also raise their butcher knives towards their companions and slaughter them without any hesitation, as long as there were enough benefits.

Tang Hai did not stay in the Red Pearl Desert for too long, and he only knew about the first level. He had heard about the situation inside from others …

Some of it was reliable, some wasn't. Tang Hai tried his best to tell it to the little wolf.

This was not something Tang Hai was responsible for, moreover …

If his words were unreliable, even though the little wolf cub wasn't willing to talk to him, it would look at him with disdain, making him unable to continue.

As a man, Tang Hai also had his own pride. In order to not let the little wolf cub despise him, he had to pick the right one and tell the little wolf cub about it. But unfortunately …

Before Tang Hai could say anything, a wave of chattering sounds came from outside the door. It was too far away, so the crowd couldn't tell whether it was the spider's attack or someone approaching, but no matter which one, it was still a disaster for them … …

The room that they were staying in was located in the middle of the first floor. If the Scarlet Spiders attacked them, the first to be hit would be the people outside. They could also hear it in advance, however …

They didn't hear anything!

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