Although the process of her becoming Prince Duan's Wife was a little shameful, because of the status of Prince Duan, Prince Duan's Wife was always sought after by people in the capital, even the Grand Princess would give her some face.

Regardless of what the Son of Prince Duan had said, Prince Duan's Wife did not give her a good impression of herself. Even if she did not, she had no way of liking this Prince Duan's Wife who only acted just to feel good about herself.

Prince Duan's Wife took herself too seriously. Did she think herself an empress and that everyone had to support her and follow her orders?

Initially, she had only wanted to show her might and to put on a show of force. However, when Prince Duan's Wife intentionally went against her, she could only let Madam Zhu suffer a few more times.

Prince Duan's Wife waited for a long time, but seeing that Ji Yunkai did not take the initiative to apologize, her expression became even stiffer. Ever since she had been married to Prince Duan, she had never been looked down upon so much and had never been so humiliated.

The atmosphere was stiff. All the noble wives present were intelligent, so they were naturally able to see the tension between Ji Yunkai and Prince Duan's Wife. It was just that...

Although they respected Prince Duan's Wife, they did not like this enchanting and enticing woman that was not cut from the same cloth as them. Therefore, even if they understood Prince Duan's Wife's discomfiture, no one would speak out to smooth things over.

Of course, if they did not help Prince Duan's Wife, they would not help Ji Yunkai either. They were here to watch the show.

Prince Duan's Wife waited for a long time but still did not hear Ji Yunkai speak. Seeing that the others were not trying to smooth things over for her, she finally could not take it anymore and gently said, "Prince Yanbei's Wife, today is the Grand Princess' banquet, and you are beating someone in the Grand Princess Mansion. On account of my face, can you let Madam Zhu off?"

She was gentle, kind, and considerate she acted as if she did not have a temper and as if she always thought of others. Even if the noble wives present did not like Prince Duan's Wife, they had to admit in their hearts that they could not hate her either.

"Naturally, Prince Duan's Wife has to be given face." Ji Yunkai was not a violent person in the first place. Otherwise, with Madam Zhu's mouth that did not know when to stop, even if she killed her, no one would say a word.

Since Prince Duan's Wife gave in and said nothing else, Ji Yunkai had to give her face: "Baoqin, enough."

If Prince Duan's Wife wanted to be seen as a good person, she naturally had to do so from the beginning to the end. Seeing Madam Zhu lying on the ground, she hurriedly said, "Quick, help Madam Zhu go see a doctor."

Prince Duan's Wife turned her head and saw that Ji Yunkai disdainfully looking at her, not caring about what she had said at all. Anger flashed past her eyes and she then worriedly said, "Prince Yanbei's Wife, what you are doing…. She's too undisciplined, but no matter what, Madam Zhu is a fourth-rank madam. If you beat her up like this, how will she be able to establish her foothold in the capital in the future?"

"Prince Duan's Wife, are you lecturing me?" With a *pa*, Ji Yunkai placed the teacup heavily on the table and raised her head to look at Prince Duan's Wife. Her eyes coldly looked at her.

Prince Duan's Wife was startled, but she quickly recovered from it. A hint of injury flashed across her gentle and beautiful face, "Of course not, I just… I do not wish for you to be too violent. It will be bad if word of us girls fighting and killing each other spread out. "

Ji Yunkai coldly said, "Thank you for the reminder, Princess Duan. However, there's no need for you to worry about the matters of our Prince Yanbei's Mansion."

In the end, she was still affected by the Son of Prince Duan. She admitted that Prince Duan's Wife's words were said seemed to be purely out of good intentions, but it just did not sound good to her.

If Ji Yunkai had hesitated about not giving her face before, then now it could be said that she did not hesitate to no give Prince Duan's Wife any face at all. All that was missing was Ji Yunkai saying it out loud. Prince Duan's Wife felt that this was too much and she could no longer hold it in, her expression extremely ugly as she sat at the side with her lips pursed, not saying a word.

She sat alone at the side, feeling depressed.

She was a noble, kind, and gentle Prince Duan's Wife. She could not be like Ji Yunkai and let her maidservants drag people down to teach them the rules when she was unhappy.

Prince Duan's Wife refused to speak due to the lack of face, and the others also refused to speak. Thus, the atmosphere froze, and Ji Yunkai did not care in the slightest as she drank the tea on the table by herself, feeling very satisfied.

Ji Yunkai did not care about the atmosphere, but the others could not do it. After sitting for a while, there were a few ladies who uneasily moved their bodies, opened their mouths to speak, but did not know what to say, as they were afraid of invoking disaster.

No one spoke. The awkward and stiff atmosphere in the pavilion lasted until the Grand Princess returned.

The Grand Princess had come back and had changed into a set of bright red palace clothes.

"What's wrong with you all? This Princess gets here and you won't speak? Could it be that you are arranging plans behind This Princess' back?" Before the Grand Princess came, she already knew what had happened at Water Swallow Pavilion. She was just pretending that she did not know.

A lady, who had reacted quickly, immediately stood up and said, "Of course not... We were all stunned by the Grand Princess' beauty. The Grand Princess' outfit today is really beautiful."

"Ling Wan is still as good at talking as before. I thought that after you got married, you would be a bit more mature." The Grand Princess stepped forward and took the lady's hand; she was familiar with her.

"What I said was the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask everyone present if they were all taken aback by the beauty of the Grand Princess." The lady known as Ling Wan was very good at people-pleasing. She immediately took care of everyone and the crowd soon echoed her words. For a time, Water Swallow Pavilion returned to its original bustling state.

The Grand Princess chatted with the other noble wives for a while, then said, "There's no point in sitting here and chatting. The young ladies are having a good time in the parlor, and the old people here are having fun too. I've arranged people to have a feast by the lake, so we can drink and play at the same time."

The rest of the people did not object, and they all stood up and left. Ji Yunkai did not care, but even if she did have objections, the Grand Princess would not let her leave.

From start to finish, the Grand Princess had never asked where Madam Zhu had gone. One could only imagine the Grand Princess' attitude toward Madam Zhu.

Thus, the few noble wives who had originally belittled Ji Yunkai no longer dared to underestimate her...

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