There was no hope left in this place, it was like the Four Great Families of this ten-sided world!

This time, the tide of Scarlet Spiders lasted for an entire night. It was only when the blood moon disappeared and the sun rose that the tide of Scarlet Spiders finally came to an end.

One by one, they built more small buildings, just like the ones before the Red Spider tide. One by one, they built the buildings, and then began to build the second layer of the city wall …

When the Duke and Ji Yunkai saw this scene, they were stunned for a moment, and then let out a sigh.

Indeed, there would be no sprouts sprouting from these ruins.

The Scarlet Spider Tide came and went, and they would rebuild it, and it would happen over and over again. The village was still the same, but the people inside had changed …

Tang Hai looked at the small buildings built one by one and couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder after so many years, this little village in the Scarlet Pearl Desert is still the same as when we first met it, it turns out … … "I see."

"I was wondering how such a simple building could exist in the desert for so many years. So it was reconstructed after a period of time. "No wonder these houses are so simple and crude. Besides being able to live in it, they can't even survive in the rain. So there's actually no need for that." Moqi also sighed silently.

At first, he was glad that the Scarlet Spiders, which had mutated from a human, had no value at all. Otherwise, this Red Pearl Desert would have turned into a man-eating beast.

This little village that towered over the Red Pearl Desert had never been a green area for humans to live on, but a prison for red spiders to keep food in.

"This is too terrifying!" The Adepts who followed the Prince felt their scalps go numb.

In this place, the evil of human nature was pushed to the extreme!

… ….

Outside, the group of Adepts who had rebuilt the building was extremely efficient. It took less than two hours to repair all the buildings on the second floor, and while the walls were being repaired, nearly a hundred people poured out from within.

With the help of these people, the city wall was built quickly. This batch of people started to build the outermost small buildings.

It was as if those people had agreed upon something, and all of them simultaneously ignored the small building that the prince's group was in, and it was built around their small building.

"These people sure have good eyesight." Er Moqi let out a laugh as he watched the small buildings rise up from the ground. There was only ridicule on his face.

The four great families would be destroyed sooner or later, and this place shouldn't exist.

Second, of course, it's too early to be happy.

Just as he finished speaking, dozens of other Adepts joined forces to launch a deadly attack at the building they were in.

"Boom …" The extreme white light surged in from all directions, and the yellow sand that filled the air rose up from the ground. It was like a curtain that was raised high up, surrounding the small building, and then pressed down towards the small building at the same time.

"Not good, they launched a sneak attack!"

"Run!" "We can't let the yellow sand bury us. If we bury us under the yellow sand, we're dead."

In the small building, Second Mo Zhen, Tang Hai, and the others were shocked. They all went up to protect a growth master and brought his men to jump out, but …

Too late!

"Boom …" The yellow sand flew in the air and instantly covered the small building. The huge force threw all of them back.

With a swoosh, the yellow sand that was flying in the air heavily fell down, covering everything and not leaving a single blade of grass behind.

The building had been destroyed by his Discipline and buried by the yellow sand. Not a single person had been able to fly out. Naturally, they had all been buried by the yellow sand as well.

"Hahaha... What Silent Emperor, nothing more. " The young men from the four families, with their Adepts, were hiding among the cultivators in the building. Seeing this scene, they all burst out in laughter …

Emperor Niu Wu was dead!

Died at their hands.

They didn't even have to sacrifice a single person before they managed to kill the four families that were hiding like stray dogs, the Nihility Sovereign King.

"The Clan Elders had said that the Emperor of Chi Wu was powerful, but in reality, what about you guys? "It's nothing more than that." With just one attack, he managed to bury the group of Nihilum Sovereign King. This group of youngsters were extremely pleased with themselves.

"What do you mean by 'ruler of the world'? To destroy everything, I think it is all just an exaggeration. No matter how powerful the Emperor of Chi Wu is, two fists are not enough to fight against four hands, how can he fight against the Heavens alone? We have so many people from the four families, one mouthful of saliva each, and we can bury him. "

The group of youths were smug beyond belief, and the Adepts who joined the fray were elated.

The four great families had promised them a set of Scarlet Spider Armor. Regardless of whether they had killed the Silent Emperor or not, as long as they made a move, they would be able to wear the armor away.

They had even thought that in order to obtain the Scarlet Spider Armor, they would have to pay a great price. To think that this Nihility Sovereign, who didn't want to be blown around by others like a god, would be so incompetent.

With just a casual wave of their hands, the Emperor of the Fences of the Void was reduced to ashes.

With this armor, they would no longer have to worry about encountering Scarlet Spiders in the future.

Of course, there was no lack of people who were more stable among them. The commander said: "Alright, don't get too excited. Move some more sand over and bury it properly. Don't let Emperor Wu Ji escape."

"Alright!" There was no shortage of sand in the Red Pearl Desert. The Adepts who had received the order immediately used their Disciplines to bury the layers of yellow sand in the original location of the building. Soon a massive sand dune was built.

Anyone who had ever lived in the Scarlet Pearl Desert knew that very few people who had been buried by the sand had survived.

If you pushed one side away, the other side would press again. Even those with ten thousand jin of strength would not be able to crawl out of the pile of sand alive, let alone one mountain, which was as tall as a hill, and find its way to the top.

It was completely impossible for Nihility Sovereign to climb out of this desert mountain alive …

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