What color is the sea?

It was pitch black and a complete mess.

The Nihility Sovereign King did not act according to their plans, attacking their 'main culprit'. Instead, he suddenly attacked the people on the boat. This move was completely out of their expectations.

"Don't, don't kill me! Save me, save me!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die. Lord Nihility, I beg you, please let me go, please let me go."

"I didn't do anything, I'm just surnamed Song. Lord Niu Wu, you can't do that, you can't …"

The most terrifying thing was that this black fog, which had taken their lives, had surrounded the very outer perimeter of the team.

Emperor Niu Wu's actions meant that he was not giving them a chance to live. He was forcing them all to their deaths. At this moment, other than jumping into the sea, they had no other choice.

But could the sea be safe?

Nameless Island was thousands of miles from the coast. Only large ships would be able to reach it. Now that all ships were destroyed, even if they were Adepts, they wouldn't be able to survive even if they fell into the ocean.

Needless to say, there was still the Silent Emperor who died on the island. As long as they emerged from the water, there would only be death.

The people on the island watched as the Adepts died. They watched as the people closest to the island jumped in to the water. They didn't know whether to be sad or rejoice.

All the direct descendants of the Venerable family were arranged to be closest to the island, to be closest to the position where there was no king.

They had originally thought that if Emperor Niu Wu was to make a move, he would definitely spread out from Nameless Island.

The thought process was completely different from what they had thought. The Flawless Sovereign was fighting from the outside, and he was not willing to let any one of them go.

"Silent Emperor, they are innocent …" Watching the Adepts die one by one, the Song, Song, and Ming families all felt a terrible pain in their hearts.

Even though they already knew that these sacrifices were necessary, and only their own sacrifices could be exchanged for the Nihility Sovereign King's, when they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't help but blame themselves.

In order to have Lord Niu Wu die with them, so many people died, is it really worth it?

"Innocent? You have become innocent with This King. Isn't This King's soldiers in Yanbei innocent? Isn't This King's child innocent? Why didn't you think of their innocence when you killed them? " The Prince looked at the three families and sneered.


What right did these people have to talk to him about innocence?

He, Xiao Jiu'an, was so innocent. He had no heart to rule the world, no power to influence others, and only wanted to stay in Yanbei to protect his wife and the children he had gotten with great difficulty.

One by one, all of them acted like they were selfish and tried to destroy his peaceful life under the guise of killing him beforehand. They tied up his men and then added, "We don't want to either. We are just afraid. We just have to prepare for the future..."

Humph... If you can prepare for a rainy day, can't This King prepare for a rainy day and kill all of you?

"Emperor Wu Ji, there is a misunderstanding here … You've also killed so many people, do you think it's possible for us to sit down and have a good talk? " Looking at the countless Adepts who had died without being able to fight back, the few elders on the island were unable to describe what they felt.

This kind of feeling, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, was truly unbearable.

They vaguely understood the feeling these lowly people had when facing them.

In front of an Adept, a lowly person like him couldn't fight back. In the same way, they couldn't fight back against the Emperor of the Terminator.

This feeling of helplessness was truly terrible …

However, just as they would not negotiate with the lower class, the Emperor of the Fences of the Terminator would not give them the chance to do so.

Just as Emperor Niu Wu said, are they worthy?

Just like how a lowly person was unworthy of speaking to them and begging for forgiveness.

They were not worthy of being inferior, so naturally, they were no longer worthy either.

"Emperor Niu Wu, even if you kill all the people from our four great families, you won't be able to return. If you want to return, you have to die, why must you suffer?" The Song, Song, and Ming families all had helpless looks on their faces, and the person standing in the middle was even more angry, not daring to let out a sound.

In front of the Lord of the Nihility God Stage, they were equivalent to lowly people in front of them.

How easy it was for them to kill low level people, and how easy it was for the Lord of the Nihilum to kill them.

The two sides were not on the same level at all. If the Lord of the Nihilum raised his finger and killed them, what would they use to negotiate with the Lord of the Silent Hades?

"Therefore, This King left all of you behind." Did he really think that he didn't want to kill the culprits?

No, he thought. But he could not kill any of these people.

These people were dead, so who would he find to open the way home?

These people were worth more than death. He would squeeze out their value and then let them die.

The Prince looked at them and smiled mockingly. "Before I came, I had a chat with people from the Imperial Family."

The imperial family was a fence-sitter to begin with. They would try to curry favor with him for benefits previously, and then for benefits later on, they would join the four families to deal with him. But now …

Naturally, for the sake of a better future, they would sell out the four families that were on their side.

Why was he so clear on the layout of this island?

Although the Song, Song, and Ming families' movements were big, they had done their best to keep it a secret. Within such a short period of time, even if Second Mo had sent out all his spies, it still wouldn't be possible to investigate this clearly.

As soon as he came, he could accurately find the location of the buried gunpowder. It was all information provided by the royal family.

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