11: 83 - 11: 83 Attack

During this period, there had been a lot of people who had come to seek refuge with the prince, but no matter how many people there were, they could not withstand the expansion of his territory.

Previously, the prince only had thirteen cities in his possession, but by the time Nan Jin Zhao dispatched his troops to attack Xiang An city, the prince already had fifteen cities in his hands.

The high-ranking officer guarding the city could guess Nan Jin's target. It might be a certain city, but he didn't have the intention to attack all five cities at the same time. However …

They still didn't dare to move.

Firstly, he couldn't determine which city this Southern Jin Zhao was planning to attack. Secondly, he was afraid that they would be able to transfer the troops away at any time. Thus, the Southern Wasteland Society decided to send thirty thousand troops to attack the city.

It could be said that Nan Jin Zhao's move was a conspiracy, but one that he had resorted to.

Under these circumstances, even if they knew that Nanzhao wanted to attack Xiang An City, they still wouldn't act rashly. At the very least, before the 150,000 strong army arrived at Xiang An City in unison, they wouldn't act rashly.

Nan Jin Zhao's move was indeed ruthless, but they could only bear it. The people of the five cities were all prepared for battle, and the surrounding cities were also under martial law.

Therefore, when the 150,000 strong army arrived at Xiang An City, the people of Xiang An City were on guard, and they didn't panic in the slightest. Instead, they felt a sense of comfort as the dust had finally settled.

They were not afraid of fighting. The world had been in chaos for three years, and their lives had never been separated from the flames of war. They dared to fight, and they were determined to fight to the death.

What they were afraid of was not being able to see any hope. Being hung in the middle by Nan Jin Zhao, it wouldn't make much of a difference, but now …

After the dust settled, one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers had gathered in Xiang An city. Even though there were only five thousand soldiers, they weren't afraid of a battle.

However, before the battle began, the city guards had already prepared their plans to protect the old man and the child. They had arranged for the women to act as logistics for the soldiers to come out and fight against the great army.

"The weapons are all sharpened!"

"The food is all ready!"

"Put on your battle uniforms."

"Brothers... Behind us are our wives and children, our brothers' parents. Even if we die on the city walls today, we must protect Xiang An city. Did you hear that? " There was nothing to fear from being on guard, but he could not ignore being surrounded by a hundred and fifty thousand strong army.

Ever since the 150,000 strong army had gathered at Xiang An City, the garrison had never closed their eyes. Every day, they would either patrol the city walls or discuss defensive strategies with their subordinates.

Yes, defense.

In a situation like this, they had no ability to take the initiative to attack. They had no other requests but to protect Xiang An city.

There's no need for too much, just three days is enough. After defending for three days, the prince will be able to bring troops over from the main city. At that time …

Not to mention that Nan Jin Zhao had only sent one hundred and fifty thousand troops, even if he had sent three hundred thousand troops, they still wouldn't be afraid of a fight.

How did His Highness train his soldiers? As soldiers who had been trained by the Prince, they have the most right to speak.

They weren't afraid of one against a hundred, but they weren't afraid of one against ten.

If, this time, Nan Jin Zhao didn't send one hundred and fifty thousand troops, but fifty thousand, or they had twenty thousand, as long as they had twenty thousand, they wouldn't be afraid to fight against Nan Jin Zhao.

However, the 150,000 men sent by Nan-Jin Zhao only brought 5000 men and horses. This truly made them feel pressured.

The generals sent by Nan-Jin Zhao were well aware of the situation of the cities in the prince's hands. They knew that they only had three days at most, and if they were unable to attack Xiang An city within that time, they would be finished when the reinforcements arrived.

Therefore, the general wasn't impolite at all. The army of one hundred and fifty thousand had only been gathered for less than two hours, and he had already ordered thirty thousand vanguards to attack the city.

These thirty thousand men were thrown out by Nan Jin Zhao to test the strength of the prince...

But these 30,000 men didn't understand. They knew that there were only 5,000 soldiers in Xiang An City, and they didn't even put the officers in the city in their eyes. The moment their general gave the order, these 30,000 men seemed to be playing around as they laughed and charged forward with their sabers …

"Brothers, follow me and kill our way up. Break the city gates, perform meritorious deeds and go sleep with the women."

"There are women and food in this Xiang An city. As long as we break through the city, they'll all be ours." Brothers, attack! "

The main general at the back did not care. He just looked at them coldly without blinking his eyes …

He wanted to see clearly just how much ability the people in Prince Yanbei's hands actually had.

Thirty thousand people rushed up. Although Nan Jin Zhao treated these people like cannon fodder and stones to be thrown at him, he didn't treat them unfairly. Chariots, catapults, ladders, footholds …

The people at the front controlled a catapult and continuously smashed rocks into the city walls. However, none of the rocks smashed into the city walls. Most of them could only smash onto the walls, leaving behind shallow marks.

Meanwhile, this group of people noticed that the city walls of Xiang An city seemed to be slightly higher than the normal city walls, to the point that the stone-throwing cart was unable to smash onto it.

The catapults were useless, the people at the front were pushing the siege chariots and charging forward with their lives. However, just as they approached the city gates, arm-thick stalagmites shot out from the middle of the city walls. Their speed and power far exceeded the imagination of ordinary people …

The tall fescue and the city wall were one and the same, completely embedded within the city wall. If one did not pay close attention, one would not be able to notice that there were so many fescue hidden within the city wall.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh … * The tall fescue that shot out from the middle of the city wall was like a dumpling being shot out. It shot out four to five people at once. However, this was not what frightened them the most. What frightened them the most was … )

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