After half a year, when he once again arrived at the Revelation's Imperial City, Ji Yunkai was both overjoyed and worried …

He was happy that he was about to see his son, worried that Ji Xin would become a demon.

Only the heavens knew how she had spent the past six months …

As for the other fifty thousand soldiers and horses, it was enough to attack the Revelation.

In this half a year, although they did not send any spies to the Revelation, but they had always been doing business with the people of the Revelation. 90% of the Imperial City's food was provided by them. Even if Ji Xin wanted to manage it, she couldn't.

Ji Xin was an empress, she did not need to worry about food and clothing, but what about the people beneath her? What about her soldiers? What about the people in the city?

So what if they were starving to death? Even if they had to take the risk, so what?

Ji Xin could not resist it!

She did not send any spies to the Revelation's Imperial City, but those who lived in the and bought food with them were their best spies. With them working together, it would not be difficult for them to stabilize Ji Xin and break out of the Imperial City.

When the great army arrived at the city gates, it was Ji Xin's beast army that welcomed them. In contrast to the lean and dark fur of the Beast Army half a year ago, the army under Ji Xin's command was sturdy and healthy. They appeared to be in high spirits, and their numbers had increased by quite a bit as well.

"These beasts... It reproduces very quickly! " Ji Yunkai didn't need to ask to know that quite a lot of the food that they had sold to the Imperial City had probably fallen into Ji Xin's hands, allowing Ji Xin to rapidly expand her Beast Army.

No matter what, Ji Xin was still an empress. They were going to sell food in the Imperial City, so this food should at least fall into Ji Xin's hands. Therefore, they had been caught off guard from the start. Anyone that wanted to exchange food with them would be exchanged for by them. In any case, what they wanted were not gold and silver, but iron and copper artifacts.

Ji Xin had a large amount of iron grade equipment in her hands. She didn't take these things seriously and gave them a large number of weapons in exchange for food and meat. Why would they reject her?

Besides, she, Ji Yunkai … personally grown food was not so tasty. Ji Xin wanted to borrow her food to expand her beastmen army. At most, she would be able to trap South Jin Zhao.

"Go, light the spice!" Seeing the rows and rows of vicious beast soldiers, Ji Yunkai did not even bat an eyelid.

The thing they didn't need to worry about the most was these demon beast soldiers. The food they sold to the Revelation was produced through special fertilizers. The meat they sold to the Revelation was also fed with food, and the food and meat could not find any problems with it, nor did they have any problems eating. However, they would eat this food and meat all year round.

This poison was naturally harmful to the body, but if there was no cause for it, then the poison would continue to lurk around, and it might even remain dormant until death.

On the other hand, if there was an inducement, the poison would immediately act up, causing one's hands and feet to become weak. One would need to take medicine to be able to cure it.

In this half a year, everyone in the Revelation Imperial City had been living off of the food provided by Ji Yunkai, and the meat that the Beast Army in Ji Xin's hands had also been fed by Ji Yunkai. How deep the poison in these people and beasts was, Ji Yunkai could not be sure, but she could be sure of one thing, that was …

Within the Imperial City, regardless of whether it was man or beast, at least half of them had been tricked.

Right now, she only needed to ignite the spices that caused the poison, and they would easily break into the city so that Ji Xin wouldn't have time to move her son away.

Ji Yunkai didn't even want to wait a moment. As soon as Ji Xin's army lined up, she gave the order to ignite the spice. Very quickly, the spice ignited.

Ji Xin's army of beasts was at the forefront. The beasts at the front were already reacting, their heads shaking, as if they were about to fall down at any moment.

"Leave the rest to This King." The prince rode beside Ji Yunkai and held Ji Yunkai's hand. "This king guarantees that nothing will happen to you."

Spices can induce their poisons, but their spices are limited in their range, and they cannot wait for spices to knock down the whole city before attacking it.

If Ji Xin knew about the problem with the spice, she wouldn't have allowed her army and beasts to stand still, waiting for them to burn the spice.

The best way was to burn the spices while attacking the city, allowing the Yanbei Army to attack the city while holding a torch made from spices.

As for the weird thing about holding a torch in broad daylight, His Royal Highness didn't care about it at all …

This kind of strange technique could only be used once. It was impossible for them to use the same technique, so what if others could see through it?

Seeing that the spices outside the city were almost all burnt up, the King released Ji Yunkai's hand, spurred his horse forward, and pointed his sword towards the sky: "Attack the city!"

"Phew!" "Hu!" The Yanbei Army s all stepped forward half in unison. Taking out the torches behind them, they orderly moved forward to light them up, and then …

Attack the city with a torch!

"Aooo …" Although Ji Xin's army had been hit, not all of them had no fighting power. Other than the beasts in the first row, most of them still had more than fifty percent of their fighting power.

After Ji Xin's training, these beasts already had the intention to attack. Seeing Yan Bei's army rushing over, this group of beasts did not need anyone to command them, so they immediately charged over, using their claws and sharp teeth to bite Yanbei Army. But, to their disappointment, most of them threw themselves at empty air.

This was what the Duke and Ji Yunkai had expected.

The majority of the troops that they brought this time were the original Yanbei Army, while the rest were the elites among the elites. Every one of them fulfilled the requirements of the Yanbei Army.

These weren't the main point. The main point was …

During this half year, the Prince trained them to fight against wild beasts. Train them to avoid and kill wild beasts.

After half a year of training, they did not dare say that the fifty thousand people in their hands could easily defeat Ji Xin's Beast Army. However, facing a Beast Army with only fifty percent combat strength, Yanbei Army did not put them in his eyes at all.

Two hours!

From the time that the Duke and Ji Yunkai declared war on Ji Xin to the time that the Yanbei Army s destroyed their cities, only two hours had passed. Ji Xin was invincible in battle, and the beast army that could attack anything was not even able to withstand a single blow from the Duke and Ji Yunkai. Ji Xin immediately panicked when she received the news of the city's fall...

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