It was unknown if it was due to her not eating and sleeping well in Ji Manor while growing up, or if she was short in the first place, but Ji Yunkai was not that tall at all. She was half a head shorter than the Grand Princess.

Of course, she did not do this because she was afraid of the Grand Princess, but for... convenient communication.

Ji Yunkai said, "Even if I killed her, what can you do to me?"

"What do I admit? I'm just asking you a question. Even if I killed a person, what can you do to me, Princess Chang Ning!" Princess Chang Ning was the former title of the Grand Princess. However, ever since the Emperor ascended the throne, she was conferred the title of Grand Princess, and no one called her that anymore.

The Grand Princess' expression changed, and she seemed to be dissatisfied. But, she did not bother with what Ji Yunkai had called her, and instead replied, "You're the one who killed her, so of course you have to die for it."

"If you kill someone, you pay with your life?" Ji Yunkai chewed on these words, and lightly clapped and said, "Well said! Princess Chang Ning, I wonder how many people have died by your hands in the past few years? How many lives can you lose for them?"

It was not a secret that the Grand Princess was not a good person. Even though she had a Prince Consort, the Prince Consort was unable to control her. Older princesses, like her, had harmed countless young men from well-to-do families.

"Impudent! Who dares to make This Princess pay with This Princess' life!" The Grand Princess knew that she could not hide anything from her. She would never hide anything that she had done, not even when she was killing someone.

"Princess is bold." Ji Yunkai was no longer an ignorant, hot-blooded girl. Although she hated the Grand Princess to the bone, she was not stupid enough to seek justice and ask the Grand Princess to kill herself over her evil deeds.

The law was used to restrain the commoners. Even the nobility had their special privileges, not to mention the Grand Princess who was from the Imperial Family.

The Grand Princess' backer was the Emperor of Revelation. As long as the Emperor was on the throne and was willing to protect her, no one would be able to touch her.

"Same logic. Even if I killed someone, who would dare to make me pay with my life?" Ji Yunkai used the words of the Grand Princess to block her.

The Grand Princess was stunned by Ji Yunkai, but she quickly regained her senses, "The person you killed was an imperial court lady, she was not an ordinary person."

"Is there any difference?" Ji Yunkai never thought that these noble wives were any different from commoners.

Everyone only had one life, did they not?

At the very most, they could be reincarnated. The only had their current status by having a good father anyway.

"Of course there's a difference. If you kill an imperial court lady for no reason, then you'll be punished by the law." Although the Grand Princess' actions these past few years were absurd, she had never offended anyone that she could not afford to offend.

She only attacked ordinary people who had no way of resisting.

"The law only stipulates that when one murders, one pays with their life. It doesn't say that there's any difference between killing an imperial court lady and killing a commoner. Princess Chang Ning, don't bully me because I don't understand the law." Ji Yunkai did not understand from where the Grand Princess get such confidence. Did she truly think that she could punish her if she pinned a murder on her?

Had the Grand Princess forgotten that she was currently Prince Yanbei's Wife and that as a dignified Prince Yanbei's Wife, she did not need to personally kill someone? Would she pay with her life just because she killed an ordinary person?

What a joke!

She wanted her to pay with her life?

Unless someone like the Grand Princess or Prince Duan's Wife died by her hands, no one would be able to do anything to her.

This was privilege. As long as one did not offend someone one could not afford to offend, no one would be able to do anything. Even if one committed murder.

"Did you forget, Grand Princess, that Madam Zhu was the first to charge at me? Based on what she said earlier, if I killed her on the spot, what could you do to me?" It was rare to see such a foolish person like Madam Zhu in the capital.

She had thought that, with the Grand Princess as her backer, she would be able to do whatever she wanted in the capital.

She had never met anyone, who held a status similar to the Grand Princess and who did not place the Grand Princess in their eyes, before. If she had, then her ugly mouth would have been the cause of her death sooner or later.

She had only given her some slaps, and that was already considered kind.

Yet, there was someone who treated her kindness as her being easy to bully!

"You already taught Madam Zhu a lesson earlier, and she was thoroughly taught. Why do you have to do this to her?" Every word the Grand Princess said stated that Ji Yunkai was the one who did the crime.

Ji Yunkai was bored, and she could not be bothered to talk to the Grand Princess any longer. She directly said, "Baoqin, let's go!"

"Ji Yunkai, you killed someone! You cannot leave!" The Grand Princess once again blocked Ji Yunkai's path. This time, Ji Yunkai was not courteous, and with a move of her shoulders, she knocked the Grand Princess away, "Grand Princess, don't provoke me!"

With a *dong*, the Grand Princess was caught off guard and fell to the ground, knocked by Ji Yunkai.

The noble ladies were all shocked. People in their circle had always talked about it but never dared to act. Today, Ji Yunkai had made her move more than once.

This woman was so scary!

All the madams and young misses looked at Ji Yunkai but did not dare to say a single word, including Prince Duan's Wife.

The Grand Princess was furious as she pointed at the guards and shouted, "You all… Catch her for me!"

The guards stepped forward, but before they could even draw their blade, Ji Yunkai said, "I am Prince Yanbei's Wife. Do you guys want to touch me and see what happens?"

The Grand Princess had great power and was deeply rooted in the heart of the Emperor. However, she was not the Emperor, and this place was not the Imperial Palace. The Grand Princess was dreaming if she wanted to keep her here.

"This... this..." The guards' hands that were holding onto their blades stiffened. They did not dare move forward, nor did they dare draw their blade. When Ji Yunkai took a step forward, they consciously took a step back, afraid that they would run into Ji Yunkai.

With the support of the maidservants, the Grand Princess stood up. As soon as she stood up, she slapped the maidservants by her side, "Are all of you dead people!? Can't you stop her?"

The guards could not touch Ji Yunkai, but the maidservants should be able to, right?

"This servant will go now." The maidservants around the Grand Princess immediately rushed forward, fearing that if they were one step too late, they would be hit by the Grand Princess. Before they could even get close, they were all kicked away by Baoqin.

After arrogantly kicking them away, Baoqin had even arrogantly released a few words, "You should rejoice that My Princess is merciful and unwilling to kill you; otherwise, it wouldn't have been as simple as kicking you away."

This was the way this world worked. The Grand Princess' maidservants were also only servants. If they were to offend Ji Yunkai, even if she killed them all, no one would dare say that they would sacrifice their lives for them.

"You… Ji Yunkai, how dare you! You dare behave so atrociously in my residence!" The Grand Princess was so angry that her entire body was trembling, and she pointed at Ji Yunkai without regard for her manners, and said angrily, "Ji Yunkai, don't think that you can ignore me just because you're married to Xiao Jiu'an! Today, I'll let you see the consequences of offending me!"

"You all..." The Grand Princess pointed at the guards and said harshly, "Attack! If anything happens, I'll bear the consequences! Even if she dies, it'll all be on me!"

So what if Xiao Jiu'an cared about Ji Yunkai? If she died, then she was nothing. She did not believe that Xiao Jiu'an would feel bad for a dead person...

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