Knowing that Little Changze had fallen behind, the Duke and Ji Yunkai did not linger at all. The two of them left the Sky Doctor Valley the same day and rushed to Mt.

The Valley Master told them that it was "too late" and "too late", so they did not give up.

This time, not to mention resting, the three of them had even eaten and drank on the back of their horses.

She was barely able to stabilize herself with the help of the prince.

As soon as he said those words, tears immediately streamed down his face...

Why? Why tell her such a cruel thing?

She wasn't afraid of death, but why …

Was it her child who was hurt?

How long had it been since her child was born?

He's innocent.

Ji Yunkai sobbed until she was unable to sob. She looked at the Valley Master's wife, and her entire body was about to collapse.

How could she.

"No reason." The Valley Master's wife's expression was cold and indifferent, completely disregarding Ji Yunkai's grief.

"He is my son, the son I gave birth to with my life, my only child." Every word that Ji Yunkai said caused his heart to bleed.

However, the Valley Master's wife's expression did not change as she calmly said, "Feng Qi is my only disciple, the disciple that I want to protect with my life."

"So you want to use my son's life in exchange for Feng Qi's? Must it be him? Is my life not okay? " Fresh, red tears fell from Ji Yunkai's eyes. She looked at the Valley Mistress with wide eyes, wanting to hear different answers from her mouth. But...

Disappointed her. The Valley Mistress coldly replied, "It can only be him, it has to be him. Only he can. Ji Yunkai, you must remember, it was Feng Qi who used his life in exchange for your son being able to live until now. I am not using your son's life in exchange for Feng Qi's life, but to have your son return his life to Feng Qi.

Without Feng Qi, your son would have died a long time ago. If not for protecting your son, Feng Qi would not have died. "

Feng Qi could sacrifice his life for Ji Yunkai's son.

Now, sacrificing Ji Yunkai's son in exchange for his life, what's wrong with that?

Ji Yunkai's son had already lived for so long, it was time for him to return his life to Feng Qi.

She was not wrong! He did not do anything wrong!

Her husband didn't object, neither did her stepson. Everyone in the world …

There was no objection.

Ji Yunkai, even more so, did not have the qualifications to oppose her.

"Ji Yunkai, this is what you owe Feng Qi, and it is not what your son owes Feng Qi either. You are the most unqualified person to stop me, do you understand? " She looked forward with a cold and detached expression, and did not look at the Ji Yunkai who was so sad that he could not even speak.

Ji Yunkai was the person who didn't have the qualifications to be sad.

If Feng Qi could sacrifice himself, why couldn't Ji Yunkai do so?

Did Ji Yunkai think that she was a god?

Everyone deserved to sacrifice themselves for her, to run and run for her. She only needed to stand there and smile, and make people fight for her, and even sacrifice their lives for her?

She didn't know what the others were thinking, but she knew.

In her hands, Ji Yunkai's tears and Ji Yunkai's grief were completely useless.

Back then, Feng Qi had sacrificed himself for Ji Yunkai, and now it was Ji Yunkai's turn.

"Is there no other way?" At that moment, even with the Marquis' support, Ji Yunkai was unable to stand steadily, and her legs went soft, causing her to fall to the ground.

She helplessly and sorrowfully asked, "Is this really the only way? Is there really no other way? Really … Is it really only my son's death? Is my life not good enough? "

Using her son's life in exchange for Feng Qi's, was this right or wrong?

She didn't know, but she knew.

She was so selfish that she didn't want to do it.

She wanted Feng Qi to live, but not at the cost of her son's life.

Couldn't there be another way?

Must you be so cruel?

"Do you think I would wait until now for your life to end?" The gaze of the Valley Master's wife fell on Ji Yunkai's body, carrying a trace of faint disdain and arrogance: "Ji Yunkai, you have no choice. I said it already, you owe Feng Qi this! "

"Pfft …" Ji Yunkai opened her mouth and spat out fresh blood.

"Yun Kai." The expression on the prince's face changed. He hugged Ji Yunkai and was pushed away by her, "I'm fine."

Ji Yunkai wiped the tears off his face, as well as the distress and indignation on his face. She struggled to stand up, and looked at the Valley Mistress coldly, asking word by word, "Ruo Ruo, what if I insist on stopping? You can't catch us! I'm not as weak as you think. To be honest, if there's only one person who can survive between my son and Feng Qi, I hope that it's me …


Yes, she felt guilty towards Feng Qi, she had let her son down, and Feng Qi had sacrificed far too much, including his life for her. But even so, she could not do it, and take her son's life in exchange for Feng Qi's life.

When she found out that Feng Qi had died, she was already grieving for him once. It took her nearly four years to recover back to her normal state.

However, her mother, the's Valley Mistress had told her that Feng Qi could live on as long as her son died.

In other words, four years ago, she would have to suffer the same pain as when her own kin had died, but …

She didn't want to!

She didn't want to at all!


She would not accept it. She would take her son's life as compensation, even if …

From then on, she would live her entire life filled with guilt and live in the shadow of, who had let her down.

She, Ji Yunkai, could forever cherish Feng Qi with her remorse and guilt, but not with her son's life. Ruo Ruo …

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