The three of them were completely speechless.

"Chang Ze didn't die!"

With a pale face and an emaciated appearance, Fei Xiaolei walked out from behind the altar in a daze.

The child opened his big, clear eyes and asked, "Uncle, are you going to kill me?"

He cried on the spot, tears and snot all over his face.

He wanted to say no, but he couldn't …

Then the kid said, "Then can you hurry up? It hurts so bad I'm afraid I'll cry. My grandfather said that my father and mother are heroes, and so am I. Heroes don't shed tears. I don't want to cry. "

The child's naive words were like a knife, slicing his heart one after the other. He almost kneeled down without being able to say a single word.

"Uncle, hurry up, hurry up and stop hurting." The child was still urging him, urging him to hurry up.

He knew that it wasn't that this child didn't know what it was like to die, but it was just that …

Compared to death, waiting for death was more terrifying and cruel.

In order to prevent this child from dying, he painfully waited for death. Feeling the helplessness of the arrival of death, he fed this child a pill, causing him to lose consciousness.

"How long before the drug fails?" Even though Ji Yunkai had learned Chinese medicine, he still did not understand such a profound medicine like the Qi Observing Pill.

"He'll wake up in a day." Fei Xiaolei's entire body was listless and listless.

Knowing that Little Changze was alright, Ji Yunkai also regained her rationality. She carefully carried him and looked at Fei Xiaozui, asking, "What's the reason for this failure? If I don't come, will you continue? "

She was afraid that Madam Gu and Fei Xiaozui would be so crazy as to not give up and kill her son again.

In order to prevent this possibility, she … First kill them.

"For her sake, she could kill everyone in the world." No! There won't be a next time. " As Fei Xiaolei spoke, his tears began to flow. He covered his face with his hands and said in pain, "Senior Brother Feng Qi … I just saw Senior Brother Feng Qi. He didn't want to. He said I was wrong, he said. If something were to happen to Chang Ze, he would never see it again

"Meet me."

"Feng Qi, he …." Ji Yunkai was completely stunned.

What did Fei Xiaoyu mean?

Could this altar really connect Yin and Yang?

If it was really possible, then she could use her son's life in exchange for Feng Qi's?

This, this is impossible …

How could there be such a miraculous thing in this world?

"It's true. I've seen senior brother. Although it's just an illusion, I'm sure it's senior brother." Originally, he didn't believe it either. This was also the reason why he was ashamed to face Chang Ze. He had risked his life for the sake of exchanging a sliver of a chance, but he didn't think that it would be real. If he really succeeded, his Senior Brother might really survive, but...

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