Two days later, Chang Ze woke up!

After waking up, Changze looked at Ji Yunkai and the Marquis with a confused expression. His black grape-like eyes were round and stared at Ji Yunkai and the Duke for a long time.

He was looking at it without even blinking, as if he was looking at some strange object.

Chang Ze, who couldn't understand, poked his face instead. The more he poked, the more he was confused and confused he got. It was as if he had trapped himself in a dead end, unable to get out no matter what …

She tightly held onto Chang Ze's hand, trying to open her mouth wide in order to prevent herself from crying out loud.

"Living? Impossible … You look like my mother, how could you possibly be alive? "When I saw her before, they were always like Bing Bing, and they didn't know how to laugh or talk." Chang Ze had a serious expression on his face. His little head was shaking like a rattle drum. It was as if he would never lie to me and that he would never believe in his innocence.

"I am really... The real one is also your mother. Did your grandfather show you my portrait? Look. Am I exactly the same as the portrait? If you touch it, I am hot and I am alive. " Ji Yunkai had never thanked Master Ji like this before.

She didn't know how she was going to explain to Changze that she was his mother, the one who had given birth to him but left him behind.

"She said that the Valley Master's wife was not a good mother, and that to Changze, she was not a good mother at all." You. Is it really my mother? Living? You're alive from the painting? " Chang Ze's eyes instantly widened. He looked at Ji Yunkai in shock, and when he turned his head, he saw another familiar person. He couldn't close his eyes immediately. You're my father? You look exactly like my father? Good

Weird, mom is here, dad is here too. Am I really not dead? "

Speaking till here, he had to talk about Master Ji's selfish motives. Master Ji's selfish desire for Zhang Ze to be closer to Ji Yunkai, which was why he called Ji Yunkai his mother, appearing to be closer to him.

As for the prince?

It was not like the Ji Family could not afford to raise children. If the Prince Yanbei was not satisfied, then he could just let Zhang Ze tell them that the Ji Family was surnamed.

"No!" No! Mother and your father are here to see you. We came late and made you suffer. " Ji Yunkai held onto Zhang Ze's hand tightly, and shook his head continuously.

Chang Ze immediately screamed out loud. "Are you really my mother? My mother? A living mother? Will they play with me, tell me stories, and make me a mother of beautiful clothes? Grandfather said that he liked my mother the most and loved her the most. He accidentally lost me and had been looking for my mother the entire time? " Yes, yes, yes, I'm your mother. I'll play with you, tell you stories, give you beautiful clothes. Mother was too stupid, accidentally losing our Changze, it took me so long to find our Changze. Chang Ze, you. Don't despise your mother for being so stupid, okay? " Ji Yunkai tightly covered his mouth.

"Her son is smart and sensible to the point that it makes her heart ache." Mother … You finally, finally came to find me. "Changze was so scared just now, so scared …" Chang Ze took another look at Ji Yunkai and confirmed that she was exactly the same as the mother in the painting. He immediately crumbled and fell into Ji Yunkai's embrace as he cried out loud, "Mother, Chang Ze is so scared … Harmful people, they are going to kill

Chang Ze. "Mom, Changze is in so much pain. They want to let Changze bleed. Changze is in so much pain and so much fear." No, no... With mother here and her mother here, there will be no one in the future who can hurt our Changze. Changze, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mother is here. In the future, Mother will never abandon you, and will never lose you. " Hugging the small, soft and small person in his arms, Ji Yunkai's entire heart …


Her son, her son.

She had not done her duty of nurturing her for the day, but her son had been thinking of her, and it was good, it was good!

"Mother, I am afraid … They locked me in a box. It was so dark that Chang could see nothing and could not speak. Mother … Changze, I'm so scared, so scared. " After being forcefully kidnapped, he had been jolted along the way and almost died. No matter how smart and sensible Chang Ze was, he was still just a child.

Previously, without the presence of familiar people, he didn't have anyone to act like a spoiled child and could only forcefully face the consequences. But now …

After seeing his mother and father, he could no longer hold on. With a wail, he began to cry.

hugged him, coaxing him nonstop, but no matter how he coaxed Ji Yunkai, it was useless. Chang Ze seemed to be terrified, holding Ji Yunkai and crying loudly, one sound after another was stronger and stronger than the previous one.

Just from his crying, one could tell how much grievances he had suffered and how much fear he felt in his heart.

Changze, no matter how smart he was, how sensible he was, he was still just a child. Being kidnapped by strangers, waking up every day to face strangers, a small child not scared silly is already brave enough, this time seeing his longing for his mother, how could he bear it …

"Mother, Mother …" I'm afraid, I'm afraid, Chang Ze is very afraid. What took you so long to find me? Mother, Chang Ze misses you very much. He misses you every day. "Mother, mother …" Chang Ze cried until he couldn't breathe, but he didn't stop. He was still crying, as if he was going to cry out all the fear and grievance he had suffered during this period of time …

Ji Yunkai heard Zhang Ze crying and his heart broke. Her Chang Ze, her child …

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