The three of them were completely speechless.

The battlefield was ever-changing. No one knew what would happen in the next second, and no one knew what would happen until the very end, but …

No matter how much time passed, the positions of both sides on the battlefield would not change.

In addition to that, Lei Zheng had never expected that Nan Jin would suddenly make a move against him, someone who could still be considered an ally. He was stupefied for a moment, and only reacted when he was hit on the head by Nan Jin's men.

"Nan Jin Zhao, you actually hit one of my men! Are you crazy?!" Nan Jin Zhao wasn't crazy, Lei Zheng didn't know, but Lei Zheng was.

No matter what, he had an alliance with Nan Jin Zhao. Would he treat his allies like this?

Looking at the men who were being suppressed by Nan Jin Zhao, Lei Zheng's face was unsightly.

The truth was in front of him, and he had no choice but to believe it.

Nan Jin Zhao was a wolf, an ingrate. After getting the benefits, he turned around and attacked the main house. Such a person …

Damn it ten thousand times.

Not to mention Lei Zheng, even Xiao Shaorong was stunned by the sudden appearance of Lei Zheng, who was pointing his sword at Lei Zheng.

Was Nan Jin Zhao really that shameless?

Under the gaze of everyone, he attacked his allies. In the future, would anyone dare to ally with him or rely on him?

He admitted that Lei Zheng was not a good guy. He had his own plans, but at least Lei Zheng was willing to put on an act. No matter what Lei Zheng thought, no matter what he was actually going to do, on the surface, Lei Zheng was going to rush back and save the car.

It was wrong for Nan Jin Zhao to keep Lei Zheng here for his own selfish reasons, and now he even made a move against Lei Zheng's troops for his own selfish reasons. Was this really what a human should do?

"I am convinced by this Nan Jin Zhao. It's the first time in my life that I've seen such a person. " Xiao Shaorong looked at the two parties battling passionately not far away and couldn't help but shake his head.

He was still able to barely remain calm after seeing the Prince's move. After all, he was their Prince. If something really happened, he would feel weird and ally with Beichen Tianque to kill Sky Martial. That would fit their image.

However, he really couldn't understand the fight between Nan Jin Zhao and Lei Zheng, and he couldn't stay calm either.

"General, what do we do now? Do you need help? " Xiao Shaorong was completely shocked, and the assistant general beside him did not know whether to laugh or cry.

He had fought on the battlefield for tens of years, but he had never seen anyone fight before, so he was the first to do so.

"Help who?" There was no need to fight, there was no need to worry about not being able to protect the Duke's foundation. Xiao Shaorong was in a great mood right now.

"Of course it's to help Lei Zheng. Lei Zheng is not a match for Nan Jin Zhao." Putting aside the fact that Lei Zheng had brought less soldiers than Nan Jin Zhao, just his strength alone was better than Nan Jin Zhao's. This time, Nan Jin Zhao led his troops and attacked Prince Yanbei. Unlike last time, he didn't specially pick out some useless troops to test the waters. This time, the troops brought out by the Southern Wasteland official were all the veterans of his wars, and they were all from the southern border. Most of them had followed him from the very beginning, all the way till the end.

Now …

Those people had fought in wars of all sizes for many years, and there were at least a hundred of them. How could they have survived until now?

The troops brought by Nan Jin Zhao were not invincible on the battlefield, but they were definitely stronger than those under Lei Zheng's command who hadn't fought for years.

This was because the Sky Martial and Nan Jin Zhao had formed an alliance. Although Nan Jin Zhao would occasionally harass the Sky Martial's borders, he didn't keep sending troops to the border all the time.

For the past four years, both and Revelation had been immersed in a fiendish battle.

That was both good and bad …

The good news was that the citizens of the Sky Martial were blissful, and were able to lead a normal life in this chaotic world.

The bad news was that the soldiers and horses of the Sky Martial had lost the opportunity to train themselves in actual combat. Compared to the troops and horses of the Revelation and Beichen, they were simply too weak.

This was also the reason why the Duke and Beichen Tianque, along with Beichen's troops, could easily invade the Sky Martial's Royal Courtyard.

Of course, a bigger reason was that, in order to cooperate with Nan Jin Zhao, in order to split half of the Revelation, the Emperor of Sky Martial had sent all the strong soldiers to the Revelation, causing the void at the back of the Sky Martial to be taken advantage of by the Duke and Beichen Tianque.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Xiao Shaorong and the rest. In Xiao Shaorong's opinion, this was not the reason for them helping Lei Zheng.

"His Royal Highness is attacking the Sky Martial, we are the righteous ones, are you sure you aren't disagreeing with his Royal Highness?" This was to let the outside world know that these people were not satisfied with the prince, and were dissatisfied with him?

No matter what Lei Zheng thought, he had not done anything. He was still the marshal of the Sky Martial and if they wanted to help Lei Zheng, they would have to help the Sky Martial.

The suggested face turned pale and said timidly: "T-then …" "Then what about my … my … my ?" "We will help Nan Jin Zhao?"

"Pah!" Xiao Shaorong flicked his wrist, "Are you stupid? Can you help Nan Jin Zhao? Are you crazy? "

There was only one person who could survive between them and Nan Jin Zhao.

Help Nan Jin Zhao?

Humph... How big was Nan Jin's face?

"If we don't help Lei Zheng, we can't help Nan Jin Zhao either, so who should we help?" The man rubbed the place where Xiao Shaorong had hit him, and said with a bitter face.

"Who set the rules? Who do we have to help?" Whether it's Lei Zheng or Nan Jin Zhao, neither of us will help them. It's best if we beat them to death one or two times, in case our prince comes back, and take the time to take care of them. " Xiao Shaorong said with an arrogant face and a complacent expression.

What Lei Zheng, what Nan Jin Zhao, what Enlightenment Alliance, what million strong army … With the presence of their prince, they were all trash with no fighting capabilities at all.

As for Lei Zheng and Nan Jin Zhao? These two ambitious bastards, I will slowly beat them up myself. It would be best if I were to beat them up to death. It would save them a lot of trouble...

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