The three of them were completely speechless.

Beichen Tianque sent an envoy to deliver the letter. To show his sincerity, the King sent Xiao Shaorong to the front lines to discuss the matter of dividing Beichen up.

When Nan Jin Zhao received the news, he was overjoyed and laughed, "Xiao Jiu'an never loses out. Xiao Shaorong is even more cunning. Who knows? Even after I took Beichen down, they still hadn't come to a conclusion. "

The news of Beichen Tianque requesting the Prince Yanbei to send troops and help Beichen had already spread far and wide. In order to stabilize the morale of the troops, in order to stabilize the rear, before the Prince had even agreed to send out the troops, Beichen Tianque had already spread this news among the army.

One had to say, the prince's reputation was great enough, and his credibility was also good enough.

It was just an unconfirmed piece of news, but the moment Beichen Tianque spread it out, it stabilized Beichen's crumbling mind, and dispersed Huanzhi's morale. Seeing that, Beichen Tianque valued his cooperation with the King.

Knowing that the Prince had sent Xiao Shaorong, Beichen Tianque knew that the Prince also valued their cooperation.

"Of course, this emphasis is on Beichen's homeland." Seeing Xiao Jiu'an's actions, you are determined to win against us, so we have to come up with a good plan, which is to have Xiao Jiu'an go all out, and at the same time protect the majority of our strength. " Xiao Shaorong coming over personally to discuss would help to stabilize the morale of the troops and make Beichen believed everything.

Their cooperation with Xiao Jiu'an was real, and was not just empty words, but...

Xiao Shaorong personally coming here to discuss also gave Beichen a lot of pressure.

Beichen Tianque originally wanted to coax the King to lead the troops and help him drive Nan Jin Zhao out, help him stabilize the situation, then discuss the matter of dividing up the country.

Xiao Shaorong coming personally meant that he couldn't persuade her, which also meant that the Revelation wanted a lot.

Beichen Tianque's previous thoughts of using a few pieces of barren land and a few barren mountains to dismiss the Prince were destined to end in vain.

But, thinking about it, Beichen Tianque put it down.

As a human being, one should not be too greedy. Originally, even if Beichen was split into pieces, he had only occupied a few cities.

With Xiao Jiu'an's help, he finally managed to unite the majority of Beichen, which allowed him to gather the necessary strength to lead troops to attack the Sky Martial.

To be able to defeat the Sky Martial so quickly, he had to thank Xiao Jiu'an for his help.

Thinking about it this way, it didn't seem hard for Beichen, who had Xiao Jiu'an occupy half of the room.

The other half of the Beichen s were originally fought down by Xiao Jiu'an himself, and the most important part was that … He did not forget that although Prince Yanbei's identity was unknown, Xiao Jiu'an's mother was indeed his royal father's concubine and his royal father had also admitted that Xiao Jiu'an was his son. No matter who Xiao Jiu'an's father was, from the surface, from the looks of the evidence, Xiao Jiu'an was his father …

The son of the Emperor, was a prince of Beichen.

"This time, we will definitely suffer a lot of losses. Fortunately, we have the Sky Martial to make up for the losses, so we can be considered lucky in the midst of misfortune." Beichen Tianque thought it through, and when he gave up half of his position, his heart also would not be displeased.

However, in order to show that he was not such a useless person, Beichen Tianque had discussed this matter with his aides and wanted to announce the identity of the prince. Xiao Jiu'an's mother is my royal father's concubine, he was born in Beichen's Imperial Palace, and is a prince of Beichen. Of course, the reason why Beichen Tianque admitted to being the Prince was purely because he wanted to use the name of his brother to hide his identity.

He gave up half of Beichen's incompetence.

"Is Prince Yanbei really Beichen's prince?" This news was extremely confidential, so not many people knew about it. When Beichen Tianque said this, his aides were all shocked.

This could be considered a big news, a huge piece of news.

"Yes!" Prince Yanbei Xiao Jiu'an and I are from the same father and mother. " Even if it wasn't, Beichen Tianque had to believe it.

"Only then would he have a reason to let half of Beichen go. With this news, we won't have to be passive. It was reasonable for the Prince Yanbei to send out their troops, and it was reasonable for Beichen to take half of the army. Beichen's commoners and soldiers should all be able to accept it. " The aides were originally worried that Beichen's citizens and soldiers would give up after knowing about this.

Half a homeland, only then would the Prince Yanbei send out troops to scold Beichen Tianque for selling his own country for honor.

They were really not worried at all, not even worried that Xiao Shaorong would ask openly.

"In order to take the initiative in the negotiations, we have to spread the news first." The aides all suggested to list the rules and regulations, so that they could spread the news that the Prince was Beichen's prince as soon as possible.

During the discussion, Beichen Tianque mentioned another matter, "Not only is Xiao Jiu'an a prince, the youth by his side named Mo Mo is a nephew of this king, and his father is also a prince of Beichen."

"God bless me, Beichen." The eyes of Beichen Tianque's aides lit up: "No wonder the Prince Yanbei would help the Duke, no wonder the Prince Yanbei would help us, Beichen, so the Prince Yanbei is actually Prince Beichen, this is really, really great."

With the king being Prince Beichen, no matter how Beichen Tianque and the king collaborated, it was not about selling the country or benefits. It was about brothers giving way to each other and helping each other out. In order to further confirm that the Prince Yanbei was Prince Beichen, and to let the world believe that the Prince Yanbei was Prince Beichen, Beichen Tianque's aides pushed the credit that Beichen was able to unite with the army and bring the Sky Martial down to the Duke, saying that it was because of the Duke's contributions that Beichen had been able to survive in this chaotic world.

Rise. You have to understand that the previous Beichen couldn't care less, how could he have the energy to expand? It was only because the Prince Yanbei returned and gave Beichen a tug that Beichen had what he was today!

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