In this day and age, it's hard to be a good person!

It is harder to be a good person than it is to be a good person.

If you met a person who was about to starve to death, if you gave him a steamed bun, he would thank you and even spread the word for you. He would have all the people who were about to starve to death come to you or ask you for it when he met you.

The and himself were not enough, and even if they had enough food, they would not sell it to Beichen in time of war.

Who knew, after they sold the food to Beichen, whether it would be Beichen's people eating it, or Beichen's army eating it.

If it was Beichen's army that ate it, wouldn't that mean he was helping the opponent raise their own army?

How stupid were they to raise the enemy's army so fat and strong?

Revelation and Sky Martial did not sell food to Beichen, so Beichen's food was even more tight. And with the limited amount of food, those princes naturally had to prioritize the needs of the army.

To them, an ordinary commoner would be starving to death, but if the army starved to death, Beichen was done for.

Beichen's food must be given priority to the soldiers. There were very few that could reach Beichen's citizens. Following that, Beichen Tianque led his troops and attacked Sky Martial, collecting a batch of food, to ensure that the army could fight, causing Beichen's citizens to be in an even worse state.

Indeed, Beichen's citizens were in a miserable state. They were innocent and pitiful, but no matter how miserable or innocent they were, they could not save the entire Beichen!

One must know, the citizens of the Revelation were not much better off.

Before the prince and his wife came back, before the princess had provided them with a large amount of seeds and food, thousands or even tens of thousands of innocent citizens of the Revelation would starve to death every day.

Now, although their Revelation was stable, as long as they were under the jurisdiction of the Duke and the Princess, no one would starve to death, but their stock of food was still insufficient.

Under these circumstances, they could only barely guarantee that they would be able to obtain the food they needed. What could they use to rescue Beichen?

Most importantly, they had rescued Beichen. Would Beichen be grateful to them?

Maybe some of them will, but not all of them will, eat their food, put down their bowls and swear.

After all, they were not from Beichen. Even if the news of him being the Prince of Beichen spread, even if they were to say that he was Prince Beichen …

Their prince did not admit it!

So what if he admitted it?

Admittedly, Beichen's people might submit, but there was still one more possibility, and that was …

Relying on the fact that the princes were princes of Beichen, Beichen would make more and more demands of them, and ask them princes to treat him well, to take care of him, because they were princes of Beichen, aren't they supposed to be taking care of the citizens of Beichen?

If they, the Duke, were not good to Beichen's citizens, did not want to be good to the citizens of the Revelation?

Their Prince was a prince of Beichen!

The identity of Prince Beichen was a convenience but also a shackle. With this convenience, they would be able to take Beichen's land very smoothly, but at the same time, they would be carrying the burden of Beichen.

"I finally understand why Beichen's palace is so straightforward, transferring half of the country to us. Beichen and the rest of the citizens are simply a huge burden, anyone who carries them will be dragged to death." Feeding these people with food would drag out the country's finances to the point of death.

If the country did not have enough financial resources, how could it develop its military? How to develop a business? How to develop education?

"In Beichen's palace, it was simply 'painstaking effort'." It's no use talking about it here. In my opinion, I should first send a letter to the prince, asking the prince to decide what to do. As for Beichen and the other citizens, we can't ignore them. We have more than enough food. Otherwise … "First, they would collect the rations on the basis of the number of people. Each person would receive one litre, allowing them to estimate for themselves."

He ate for three days. It is also a good opportunity to familiarize the people of the city with each other, and to pick out spies and suspicious people. "

One of the deputy generals suggested, and the rest of them agreed after some consideration.

Once the decision was made, it would soon be carried out. The citizens of the city received the King's army and wanted to give them food, so they all cried tears of joy and rushed forward to inform all their friends and relatives. At the request of the soldiers, they obediently lined up, waiting to gather the food one by one.

1 litre of rice was not a lot, it could be eaten in a day by adults. It was indeed a little less than what Third Young Master had to eat, but at least with this amount of rice, people would not starve to death.

There were many people who were satisfied, but there were also those who were furious. They felt that this increase in rice was too little.

"Why are your Revelation people so full every day? We only give you one liter of rice every three days. What can a liter of rice do? We haven't eaten in days. Are you going to starve us to death by giving us this little bit of rice? "

"That's right, that's right. If you don't give us food, then don't give us food, why are you pretending to give us a liter of rice? Aren't you treating us like beggars? "

"I see, I see that you have delivered a lot of food. So much food, you only gave us one liter, you black-hearted people, how can you be so bad. Do you Revelation people want to starve us to death? "

"Isn't the Prince Yanbei the prince of our Beichen? Why are you doing this to us? If the citizens of the Revelation can eat until they are full, then we will only eat one liter of rice every three days. "

… …. Just like the soldiers were thinking, Beichen's citizens were not satisfied with just this bit of food, after receiving "charity", they wanted more …

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