In Changze's memory, Ji Xin's mother never hit him, but whatever he did, she never hit him. She just told him to play around and do whatever he wanted, which made him …

A little disappointed.

Grandfather had clearly said that any child who made a mistake would be beaten up by his mother to teach him a lesson and never make a mistake again.

"No need to thank me, if Big Brother Mo gets beaten up in the future, Chang Ze will protect Big Brother Mo." He stretched out his hand and tiptoed, wanting to be like an adult, patting the shoulder of the little wolf cub, but...

After standing on tiptoe for a long time, he realized that he was too short to hit!

Chang Ze's face reddened. He couldn't pat the wolf cub's shoulders, so he could only pat the cub's chest resentfully.

There was no helping it, this was the highest height he could reach.

Wu wu wu … Brother Mo Mo, you're too tall. When will I grow up to be as tall as you? " After Chang Ze was done, he raised his head to look at the little wolf cub and then at his own body which was as small as a bean. He had an aggrieved expression on his face.

Compared to Big Brother Mo Mo, he really was too short. No wonder the letter mother wrote to him had to be given to Big Brother Mo Mo to help him read it out.

Big brother Mo Mo Mo was taller than him and could read more words than him, and his martial arts were better than his, and he had never been hit by a mother before. If he was a mother, then he would have trusted Big brother Mo Mo more, so he wasn't careful.

"Soon, you'll be as tall as your brother." The little wolf cub who was not good at comforting small children thought about it for a long time and finally came up with this answer.

Changze envied him for his height, and he envied his lord as well. Changze wanted to be as tall as him, but he wanted to be as tall as his lord. Indeed …

Compared to Chang Ze, he was too greedy. In the future, he would treat Chang Ze better. Chang Ze was too obedient.

The wolf cub stroked the head of the shorty, making a silent decision in his heart.

Ji Yunkai sent a letter to Changze and Little Wolf Bastard, asking them to follow the army. In order to ensure their safety, he also sent a letter to the generals of the army. In the letter, Ji Yunkai did not blame them for inducing Chang Ze, nor did he blame them for handing over the responsibility of pacifying Beichen's citizens to a child to decide for themselves. In the letter, Ji Yunkai only told them to bring Zhang Ze to continue their march and protect Zhang Ze's safety.

I didn't say anything, but.

Even so, the generals were startled when they received Ji Yunkai's letter.

Ji Yunkai was the manager of all the government in the Revelation. Almost all of their policies now had Ji Yunkai's shadow in them. Everyone who had followed the prince into battle was aware of this, so they didn't feel that anything was amiss.

They only had a few cities, and when there were tens of thousands of people, Ji Yunkai was the one in charge of handling these matters. This alone was enough to convince everyone in the military, not to mention...

The policies she had formulated were advantageous to the nation and the people, giving them hope.

However, no matter how good Ji Yunkai was in government affairs, she still adhered to her duty and never got involved with military affairs.

To tell the truth, this was something even the entire military admired.

Everyone has a desire, and after seeing the charm of power, almost no one can resist the temptation of power. Those old generals of the army had been on guard against Ji Yunkai before this, afraid that Ji Yunkai would coax them to give her the military authority.

After all these years, the Duke had been giving Ji Yunkai more and more authority. By himself, Ji Yunkai had practically controlled the entire nation's food and silver, but she had never been infected by any military power.

She was very clear-headed and rational, never asking about military matters, and never interacting with generals of the army closely, as long as it was military matters, Ji Yunkai would hand them over to the Duke to handle, and not be contaminated.

She kept the regime and the military in separate positions, and her people, who managed the grain and the treasury's income, never interacted with the military.

Ji Yunkai did not have any rights in the army, but the generals had no less respect for her.

They all knew that Ji Yunkai was an outstanding woman. To be able to gather them, bring them, and create such a huge mountain in such a short period of time, Ji Yunkai had to be grateful.

It could even be said to be no exaggeration to say that without Ji Yunkai, there would be no one else like them.

Although the generals had never interacted with Ji Yunkai before, they still heard of her name.

This time, Ji Yunkai, who had never interacted with the generals of the army, took the initiative to write them a letter.

I can't blame them for thinking too much. I can't blame them for thinking too much.

They tricked the Young Master not long ago.

No matter how young Young Master was, he was still their master. As his subordinate, when something big happened, they would naturally ask their master to decide. They were not scammers of the Young Master, but rather people who respected the Young Master. Even if they were to argue with their prince, they still felt that they had reason for doing so.

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