Yanbei Army walked out from the shadow of his defeat. Even though he was grieving over his fallen comrades, they did not have time, and were immersed in the pain of the past. It was not that they did not want to, it was that they did not have time …

The group of people had just hugged each other, licking each other's wounds to recover some of their morale when the news of Southern Jin Zhao taking the initiative to attack came from the front.

Nan Jin Zhao looked like a modest gentleman, but he was actually conceited and conceited. He had always been proud of himself and felt that his strength was extraordinary.

Not to mention the others, even the Revelation Emperor had chosen to bring their troops and horses with them to the imperial city to flee, instead of battling them.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to fight against him?

If it weren't for Ji Xin's sudden appearance, the fearless Beast Army would've been able to fight against Nan Jin Zhao for a while. Yi Nan Jin Zhao's current morale was so high that he could quickly take down the Revelation and then the Sky Martial. Beichen … Wait.

Unfortunately, Nanjin's luck was bad.

No, no, no, it should not be said that Nan Jin Zhao's luck was bad, but his power was not strong enough, not strong enough, not strong enough to look down on the world, causing everyone to tremble in fear.

Ever since meeting Ji Xin, Nanjin Zhao had encountered obstacles on the road to war. He had spent years with her, and countless amounts of money and military power had been wasted. However, this was still a small matter. The biggest problem was …

Nan Jin Zhao had expended a lot of energy and morale in this battle.

It was unknown whether it was because Nanjin Zhao was too confident or because he was too stubborn. He clearly couldn't bite off Ji Xin, who was such a tough nut to crack, but he could have chosen to put Ji Xin aside and first attack another country.

There were obviously more and better choices for Nan Jin Zhao, but he didn't do so. He would just go head to head with Ji Xin, and wouldn't let her go until he was dead. The final result would be …

Even though he had killed Ji Xin, he had also killed his prince.

Victory was in sight. He was about to bite the hard bone Ji Xin. He was only one step away from unifying the four kingdoms. He was just one step away from reaching the top, so he would forever lose the opportunity to do so. Now that the Prince has returned, not to mention taking another step forward, he couldn't even maintain his original position. He was defeated all the way, like a stray dog, by the Prince from Revelation to Beichen, and then on top of that, he was sent by the Prince to command his troops to run all over the place.

He didn't even have a single piece of land that belonged to him.

It could be said that the previous Nan Jin Zhao had been very impressive, and now he was as miserable as ever. Compared to him, Nan Jin seemed like a complete loser.

Even though he suffered a crushing defeat along the way, he did not find the reason for it. Instead, he blamed all his anger and hatred on his prince.

Therefore, when the King's army forced Beichen to a state where he had no foothold, he shamelessly took out the gunpowder he had been getting people to study.

When the Duke and Ji Yunkai were testing the gunpowder at that time, he was in Revelation, so he knew clearly about the power of the gunpowder. Otherwise, he wouldn't have led the four nations' discussion to come out with an agreement to ban gunpowder after the defeat of the Yanbei Army in the first place.

At that time, out of the four nations, only the Revelation had a small amount of gunpowder in his hands, even the Revelation Royal Family didn't have any and didn't understand how to make gunpowder.

Therefore, under Nan Jin Zhao's suggestion, with the cooperation of the Queen of Sky Martial and the tacit approval of the Emperor of Beichen, although the Revelation Emperor struggled a little, but …

His struggles didn't even stir up a single splash. The Revelation Emperor didn't have a choice, he could only agree. The Yanbei Army, on the other hand, was almost completely wiped out by the superpower in the ten thousand different worlds, with only ten thousand soldiers, who didn't even have a say, and although they had the gunpowder in their hands, they didn't have enough stock.

Moreover, they did not know how to concoct. The four countries all agreed to not use gunpowder. Although it was good for them, it was also good for them.

If no one had been able to produce gunpowder, then it was very likely that it would never appear. However, once it was created by someone and the person saw the effect, it was only a matter of time before they would be able to produce the same thing again.

The gunpowder had already come out. With a direction and a goal, he had to work hard in this direction. As long as he had enough time, he would be able to produce the same thing sooner or later.

However, based on the Four Great Empires' people, resources, and material resources, once they found out how to make gunpowder, they would be able to use it on the battlefield.

Compared to them, the Yanbei Army would be at a disadvantage. Even if they could concoct gunpowder, they would still be at a disadvantage.

They don't have enough resources.

No matter how strong the Yanbei Army was, just with his hands, he wouldn't be able to defeat the entire world.

With the tacit consent of the various forces, the plan to ban gunpowder on the battlefield was approved by everyone. After all these years, even in the most difficult years, these countries did not use gunpowder. They were afraid that once they started, they would be uncontrollable. Even if they won the war, they would end up with a country full of wounds.

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