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The difference between them and the Yanbei Army, was simply like heaven and earth. Not only was the difference in strength, equipment, and everything else was huge, the difference between them and the Yanbei Army was enormous. Under such a huge difference, could they really win against the Yanbei Army?

With the gunpowder in their hands?

Someone among the soldiers of the Southern Wilderness said worriedly, "Tell me … Can we catch up to Yanbei Army? "

Yanbei Army knew that they had gunpowder in their hands, and that they were no match for them. They would just stand there foolishly, waiting for them to chase after them.

The Yanbei Army had horses, grain, and all of them were strong. Traveling a hundred miles daily was not a problem, but could they do it?

They could do it on the first day, but on the second day, and on the third?

Putting aside the fact that their physical strength was not as good as Yanbei Army and their marching speed was not as fast as him, how many days could they hold on with the rations in their hands?

What would they do if they didn't catch up to the Yanbei Army even after a few days?

"Of course! They will never run. Just you wait, before it gets dark, we will definitely catch up to Yanbei Army. " Someone in the crowd shouted.

At this time, they couldn't lower their morale. No matter what, they had to maintain the momentum of the entire army and march at full speed. Only then would they be able to catch up with the Yanbei Army, and only then would they be able to defeat him, and take back everything they had lost. Right, right, right. We will definitely catch up to the Yanbei Army. Do not raise the spirits of others and destroy the prestige of your own people. What did the Yanbei Army count for? So what if they were strong? So what if their weapons were sharp? In the end, they didn't die in our hands, but their weapons still fell into my hands …

"In your hands." Someone opened his mouth, and those who thought highly of themselves stepped forward, "We don't have weapons, so what if we don't have food? There are Yanbei Army s, we can snatch them from them, but that group of Yanbei Army s can only run away.


When these people shouted, the originally depressed morale instantly rose. The soldiers of the Southern Wilderness looked like they were on stimulants again, they took two gulps of dry rations and continued to march to chase after Yanbei Army.

Occasionally, there would be some who were sane, but when they were challenged by the crowd, their heads would turn hot and they would forget what they had just thought...

The soldiers of the Southern Wilderness relied on their mouths and moved quickly. Their speed was extremely fast, but to their disappointment, when night fell, they still did not see the figure of Yanbei Army.

Obviously, there was no one to catch up with tonight, and the night was not good for travelling forward.

Not to mention how dangerous it was to march at night, every single one of them was tired after walking for a day. Under such circumstances, if they were to march again at night, their lives would undoubtedly be taken.

Furthermore, they were going to chase after someone else as well. They wanted to follow the traces of the Yanbei Army and search for the Yanbei Army. At night, no matter how bright the torches were, they might not be able to see it clearly.

Most importantly, each and every one of them was carrying a lot of gunpowder on their back, so they didn't dare to recklessly use torches.

One problem was that they were most likely the ones that had been killed in the explosion.

At night, the soldiers of the southern territory found a flat ground and set up camp …

Yanbei Army, who was walking in front of them, had been paying attention to the movements of the southern soldiers the entire time. When they found out that the southern soldiers were only about twenty li away from them, they were worried that the southern soldiers would catch up.

It was not that the southern soldiers were afraid of them, but they were afraid of the southern soldiers. If the southern soldiers caught up to them tonight, they would lose a lot of people, but luckily …

"The soldiers of the southern border did not dare to march at night." We rested in batches during the day, and at night. He stopped resting and continued his march. Tomorrow, as today, you will take turns to rest during the day. The person at the front will rest, and the people at the back will wake up the person in front, do you understand? " a vice commander-in-chief who has temporarily assumed the position of commander-in-chief and is decisive

He gave the order for the army to march at night.

Yanbei Army did not hesitate as they all agreed, carrying their luggage as they silently moved forward …

Not to mention marching at night, when the prince was training them, they would often be out for a day and a night, two days and two nights.

When their Prince trained them, it was even more ruthless than fighting on the battlefield. He completely disregarded them and trained them every day.

During their training, they had also blamed the prince, and felt that his demands were too high.

It was impossible for them to encounter something like a two-day and two-night march on the battlefield in their entire lives. Even if they did meet each other, it would be a once in a lifetime event, but …

But the prince took this standard and asked them to train, asking them to run every three days. After a year, they had spent half of their time in the wild. In the wild, they had spent most of their time running, unable to rest or sleep at all.

At that time, it was truly bitter. It was so bitter that they wished that they could finish training as soon as possible so that they could go to the battlefield.

No matter how bitter the battlefield was, it shouldn't be as tough as training, right?

Later, when they really went onto the battlefield, they discovered that …

Sure enough, there was no bitterness in the battlefield. After going through training like a devil, killing enemies on the battlefield and not sleeping for two days and two nights was too easy for them.

Of course, they also deeply felt the underlying meaning behind Wang Lu's words about crying more before the battle and bleeding less during the war.

They were able to survive on the battlefield for two days and two nights, not because their willpower was strong, nor was it because their physical strength was good. This was all because of the Prince's usual training for them.

Yes, the prince had very strict requirements for them. The training that he had asked them to do was very likely to be useless for the rest of their lives, but …

Once he encountered a dangerous situation, like now.

The training the prince had given them would have saved their lives.

He had to walk one more night than the people of the Southern Wilderness, and one more night than the people of the Southern Wilderness. The people of the Southern Wilderness would never be able to catch up to them.

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