The soldiers of the Southern Wilderness had limited supplies of food. No matter how much they saved, they ate up all of the food three days ago. Everyone in the army was starving. Even if someone had hidden food in their hand, they would not dare to take it out to eat.

At this time, whoever brought out the food would be the cause of the entire army's wrath. Even the general had been starved by the army for three days. He was hesitating on whether he should find the hidden grains to support Wu Er and the others when he saw them run in with great vigor. The general was suddenly filled with strength and quickly stood up without caring about finding anything to eat.

He got up and asked, "Did you get grain?"

Although they could use gunpowder to exchange for food but the amount of gunpowder in their hands was limited. No matter what they had to use it sparingly.

"Come, help me out." With food, everyone would be able to survive. The general was full of fighting spirit, and with the support of the young man, he was no longer as weak as he was before. He walked out of the camp with big strides …

He walked all the way over, and his heart ached when he saw the soldiers who were so hungry that they couldn't get up …

Their king was truly a sinner.

However, when he thought of the food that Wu Er had brought, the great general felt alive again.

No matter what their king did, at least he was worthy of his men, and that was enough.

As the Great General walked further and further away, he saw those extremely hungry soldiers from afar. Although they were surrounding Wu Er, no one dared to have any ideas about food. He immediately nodded his head in satisfaction.

When they looked at Wu Er and the others who were guarding the grain and didn't decide to split the grains among themselves, they were even more satisfied.

At this time, if he didn't try to gain merits and steal merits, he wouldn't make a mistake.

"The great general is coming." As soon as the general came out, the starving soldiers saw him. However, they didn't have the energy to shout and could only look on helplessly …

The person who shouted out was a soldier that went with Wu Er to exchange for food.

Although they weren't full, they weren't hungry either.

After all, they had to send food and were too hungry to fight. When they met bandits, they didn't even have the strength to fight.

"General, fortunately you didn't fail your mission." Wu Er raised his head and saw the general walk over. He stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

"Good, good, good." The Great General was also extremely hungry. He patted Wu Er's shoulder forcefully. It seemed like he had a lot of strength, but to Wu Er, it was just an itch.

Wu Er silently lowered his head and could not help but sigh in his heart.

It was a good thing for the army to have a general who shared the same suffering with them, but it was a bad thing for him.

With a great general like this, he would definitely be able to win over more than half of the people's hearts. It would be almost impossible for him to win more people's hearts through some small favors.

After comforting Wu Er, the general called out loudly with a wave of his arm: "Brothers. I promised you that I wouldn't let you starve to death. I did it! "

"Great General, mighty!" The soldiers of the Southern Wilderness were starving. When they heard the general's words, they wanted to shout, but when they opened their mouths, their voices were weak.

Seeing that, Wu Er quickly shouted, and the brothers behind him also reacted, they all loudly shouted, but the number of people was limited, even if they used all of their strength, their shouts were limited.

The general knew that everyone was hungry and that his strength was limited. He announced, "We don't have much food, but the army has been starving for so many days. Today, everyone will eat until they are full."

"AHH!" "AHH!" "Ahhh!"

When the soldiers who were starving to the point of going crazy heard the general's words, they all shouted crazily. Some of them even just lay on the ground, crying from excitement …

For the better part of a month, they had been living on the verge of starving to death. For the greater part of a month, they had calculated the amount of food they ate every day, and did not dare to eat a full meal.

In the entire camp, only Wu Er and the rest still had the strength to walk. When the Great General spoke, they were the only ones left to cook.

Wu Er and the others did not refuse and immediately brought the food back to the tent and started to boil the big pot.

Soon, the fragrance of the burning rice dispersed throughout the camp. Those who were too hungry to move even a single step could smell the fragrance as they struggled to climb towards the source with great difficulty …

Wu Er and the others did not stop them when they saw this. After all, these people were too hungry so they would not be able to fight over them.

As Wu Er expected, among the tens of thousands of people in the army, although all of them were extremely hungry, no one really started a fight.

Earlier, the shadow of the rebels being chased away with their food was still hanging over their heads. Now that there was food in the army, sooner or later it would be their turn. Why fight over it?

If they didn't get the rice by then, they would be thrown out.

They had already seen the people who were thrown out earlier. At least seventy percent of them had starved to death, and the remaining thirty percent had also been killed. They didn't want to end up like that.

The fire cooked the rice, and soon the rice was cooked. There was no accident. The first bowl was for the general.

There was only a big bowl of rice and no dishes to serve the meal. However, the general didn't seem to mind at all. He picked up the bowl and began to eat.

The general was rather particular about it, he remembered to use a spoon. When the others got the rice, they would grab it with their hands and stuff it into their mouths, like how wild dogs rob their prey …

The scouts of the Yanbei Army followed Wu Er and the others to the military camp of the Southern Wilderness. When they saw the reaction of these people, they knew Wu Er was telling them the truth.

This news was grievous news to the Southern Wilderness, but to the Yanbei Army, it was truly good news. When the scouts found out the truth, they didn't waste any more time. They immediately turned back and prepared to report to the general.

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