Ever since Wu Er led his group of traitors to Yan Bei and set this precedent, the Great General knew that there would be more and more traitors later on.

At the same time, he kept telling them that there was a life and death enmity between Yanbei and the Southern Wilderness. Yanbei's people hated them to their bones, so even if Wu Er and the rest betrayed them and fled to Yanbei, it was useless.

Hundreds of thousands of Yanbei Army s died in the hands of the Southern Wilderness people. Yanbei people wanted to skin them and drink their blood.

After the exchange, their side revealed their cowardice and dejection, giving Wu Er and the others an opportunity to take advantage of. Even if the Yanbei Army did not make a move, their Southern Wilderness would lose the chance of winning.

Although they didn't think of winning the battle, and had even thought of fighting with a group of dead people, that didn't mean that they were willing to let their subordinates die at the hands of Wu Er and the group of traitors.

Wu Er's army from the Southern Wilderness was not obvious when they were at the Southern Wilderness. Once they reached Yanbei, they would be able to fight and kill. If only Wu Er had changed so much, he could still accept it, but …

The group of people that Wu Er brought with him all seemed as if they changed their faces. Their spirits and spirits were all different, and when they killed, they were not lenient at all. The comrades back then were completely no match for them.

They were also people from the Southern Wilderness. Wu Er and the others, after going through the Yanbei Army's teachings, became brave enough to engage in battle, and had tacit understanding on the battlefield. In front of him, such a sharp contrast was like a heavy slap to the face of a great general, silently saying that he, the great general of the Southern Wilderness, was useless!

The success of Wu Er and the others, and the bravery of Wu Er and the others, were equivalent to saying that he, as a great general of the Southern Wilderness, did not know how to use troops.

This was humiliation!

And he must exterminate this shame!

He had been in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by the army. The battlefield in front of him was very far away. However, at that instant, it was unknown whether Wu Er and the others intentionally or unintentionally approached him. As for the soldiers under him, under the pressure of Wu Er and the others, they had no chance at all.

What was going on?

His intuition told him that something was wrong, and he had sent someone to check on the situation at the first possible moment.

It was still too late!

He had just sent his men out when the group of people who were having fun with Wu Er suddenly turned around and brandished their sabers. They turned around and pointed the sabers at their own men.

And at almost the same time, Wu Er and his group of brothers all shouted together, "Brothers, let's eat and drink in Yanbei and train well every day. In Yanbei, no one is forcing us to fight, no one is forcing us to fight forward, it's us! It was us who took the initiative to fight! It was us who accepted the challenge! It's us who want to kill the enemy for military merits! It's us who want to be rewarded for our meritorious service! "

"Brothers, listen to me! Take your sabre and kill all these bastards who drive us around like pigs and dogs. Even though they know that we can't beat them, they still want to force us into battle. "

"Brothers, I, Wu Er, promise here that I will bring the head of the Great General and all the other generals here to seek refuge. The Yanbei Army will definitely treat you well."

"Brothers, we'll know when we see it!"

"Brothers, everyone can be promoted in Yanbei, we are no exception."

"Brothers, ever since the great general of Yanbei never hid behind anyone, he has always been at the forefront. Look at our young general, he's already a general, but he's actually fighting alongside us."

"Brothers, kill!" Kill these things that keep dogs. Kill these things that do not regard us as human beings. The nobles who killed these, sucked our blood, and climbed our corpses. "If you kill them, you will be able to provide them with great assistance. You will have a place in Yanbei, and you will be able to get married and have children. You will be able to live a peaceful and peaceful life."

"Brothers, kill!" Kill them all! "

… ….

On the battlefield, during the most intense fight, not only did Wu Er's main force go against him, Wu Er was even more shameless and instigated others on the battlefield to betray him.

The words of Wu Er and the others were indeed very provocative. As his words fell, the people around him all drew their sabers and cut down their personal guards. At the same time, their personal guards also drew their sabers, but …

More than half of the personal guards had been killed by the vice general before they could even swing their blades.

There was nothing he could do, the deputy general did not know whether he was going to protect him or kill him so that he could go to Yanbei Army to surrender.

In the Southern Border Army, most of the people were selfish. In order to survive, killing one or two innocent people meant nothing to them.

These deputy generals didn't care at all about killing a few personal guards. As long as they could survive, they would be able to kill even their own fathers, much less personal guards.

The deputy general killed the personal guards, and the personal guards killed those around them who attempted to rebel. There were also personal guards who raised their sabers and chopped towards the deputy general beside them.

The entire army was thrown into chaos in that moment. It was impossible to tell who was the enemy with a single stab of the saber.

Unknowingly, someone had stabbed him in the back.

And in order to be on guard, even if they didn't have any thoughts of betraying him, they would still kill the people beside them as a precaution.

Amidst this chaos, the first to react was the great general of the Southern Wilderness.

When he saw the Southern Wilderness' army fall into chaos, he was angry and furious. When he thought about how their king was watching his reaction from high up in the sky, he felt even more furious.

Under the protection of his personal guards, he did not dare to retreat even if he wanted to. He could only barely maintain the overall situation …

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