The generals and generals of the Yanbei Army had already finished discussing the important matters. There was only the question of how to settle the thousands of men in the Yanbei Army.

When Wu Er had surrendered, the military officers had already discussed this issue. It was just a matter of coming and going, and if Chang Ze didn't want to hear it, the little wolf wouldn't force him. While the other military officers weren't paying attention, the little wolf had quietly brought Chang Ze out.

"Chang Ze, where do you want to go?" The little wolf cub asked Chang Ze after they came out.

Changze was still surrounded by experts, even if he couldn't protect Changze, and others, Changze might be in danger, but it would not be life-threatening, and that was enough.

Chang Ze was not a flower in a greenhouse, and neither was the prince nor the princess.

The prince and the princess wanted to train him into a man who could support both heaven and earth.

The little wolf cub and Chang Ze left quietly, not informing the military in advance.

The generals were more cautious than the little wolf. They could let Chang Ze take the risk, but they would not let Chang Ze take the risk. They wanted to let them know that if Chang Ze wanted to get behind Nan Jin Zhao, the generals would stop him with their lives.

It was not necessary trouble, so the wolf cub and Zhang Ze planned to cut him off first and play later.

The two of them avoided the military's defenses and stealthily brought out a war horse. Before anyone realized what was happening, they urged their horses to leave …

The great army of the Southern Wilderness was over sixty Li away from the location where the Yanbei army was encamped. It would take about two hours for them to ride their horses.

However, the southern border had just withdrawn and had yet to arrive at the camp. After running for two hours, the little wolf cub and Chang Ze saw the southern army fall behind.

"Abandon the horses and follow them." The little wolf cub looked at the distance between them and decisively carried Zhang Ze down.

After the two dismounted, they did not let their horses leave, but instead turned their horses in another direction, leading their horses to a different direction. In this way, the Yanbei Army generals realized that they had slipped away, and did not expect that they had followed Nan Jin Zhao.

"That's good. Grandpa Marshal doesn't know what we're going to do, so he won't worry about us anymore." Chang Ze clapped his hands in satisfaction as he watched his warhorse gallop off into the distance.

He was not a willful child, and he did not like to let adults worry about him.

If he didn't really want to understand the enemy, Nan Jin Zhao, he wouldn't have come out quietly and made the military's uncles worry for him.

"Right, they won't worry anymore." The little wolf cub looked at Zhang Ze with an innocent smile. He rubbed Zhang Ze's head and smiled.

He quietly slipped away from the camp with Changze. How could he not be worried when the marshal and the rest could not find him?

However, he would not let the marshal worry about him.

After four hours, he would send someone to send a message to the marshal, and from now on, he would send a message every other day to let the marshal know that Changze was safe.

The little wolf cub arranged everything and then brought Changze to follow behind the southern army, not too far away.

He was already a teenager. Based on his appearance and height, it would be easy for him to stay within the southern territory's army. However, this was not the case for Chang Ze.

Chang Ze was still a child. If he were to stay in the army, he would be discovered very soon.

Also, Chang Ze didn't want to confront Nan Jin Zhao head on. He just wanted to get to know Nan Jin Zhao, so he could observe him from the shadows.

Chang Ze wasn't an unreasonable person. Everyone around him was telling him that Nan Jin Zhao was a very dangerous person. He naturally wouldn't ask the little wolf to bring him into the army of the Southern Wilderness.

After the little wolf cub brought Chang Ze to catch up with the southern army, he wasn't in a hurry to meet Nan Jin Zhao. Instead, he followed behind the southern army at a leisurely pace.

The two of them followed the southern army for a long time. When the little wolf cub and Zhang Ze saw that the southern army had no discipline, they acted like bandits.

Along the way, the two of them looked at each other, unable to believe that this group of refugees, gangster-like characters, were actually part of the Southern Wilderness' army.

The Southern Wilderness soldiers that had dropped out of the army were all as thin as dried up bones. Their bodies were sluggish and listless as they walked, and they could still be separated from each other …

It was one thing if they were separated, but from time to time, there would be fights and fights. Other than that, there was also the fight for a spot and the death of Sang Shan.

The little wolf cub and Changze had followed the Southern Wilderness' army for two hours when they saw the two fights. Not only had they seen the blood, but they had also seen someone else's death.

They fought each other and killed no one, and the bodies were thrown into the ditch by the side of the road.

Although the people from the Southern Wilderness thought that they had overdone it, they could still accept it.

After all, they were already dead, so what could they do?

However, not only the dead, the people of the Southern Wilderness would throw the living into the ditch as well …

Of course, these living people didn't refer to those who were still alive, but those who were still breathing. Those who were still alive, but were unable to move because of serious injuries.

If they could keep up, they would just leave them to fend for themselves. If they fell on the ground while walking, the people of the Southern Wilderness would throw them into the ditch to prevent them from blocking the way.

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