Accusing Ji Yunkai and Xiao Jiu'an did not work, and so, the only thing that the Grand Princess could do was to focus on the planting of new flowers and to cover up the incident where all the flowers in her mansion had withered and died overnight.

To preserve their lives, the gardeners did their best and worked as hard as they could. In just two short days, they had planted more than ten thousand plants. After they were done, It was impossible to tell that they were new.

This not only clarified the rumors, but it also gave the public a good impression of the Grand Princess; however, it had nothing to do with Xiao Jiu'an.

During this time, Xiao Jiu'an's main focus was on tracking down the Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness. The moment Xiao Shaorong appeared, Xiao Jiu'an asked, "Is there any news about the Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness?"

"Not yet." Xiao Shaorong said little weakly.

His Highness had asked him a few times over the past few days, but he had not progressed at all. He could not help but feel ashamed and useless.

"So, what have you been doing recently?" After searching for four to five days, there was no news at all. Was Xiao Shaorong doing his work seriously?

"I found out that the Wife of Prime Minister Qin arranged for someone to send Young Master Qin off today." Finally, there was one thing that proved that he had done something.

"Feng Zhao had been informed long ago. If nothing unexpected happens, he should have gotten them by now." The Wife of Prime Minister Qin had secretly replaced the Young Master of the Qin Family with someone else in the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

However, if the Ministry of Justice themselves were to discover this and capture the fugitive again, they would at least be able to make up for it.

They did not have a deep relationship with Feng Zhao, but after a few interactions, they had figured out the temperament of both sides. Feng Zhao was a man who did not needlessly offend people and was also very capable. There was no harm to them in helping him out a little.

Just as Xiao Shaorong had expected, when Feng Zhao and his men had rushed to the city gates, not only had they captured the Young Master of the Qin family, but they had also captured the Wife of Prime Minister Qin.

Hearing the Wife of Prime Minister Qin's threat, Feng Zhao just wanted to giggle.

They came for the Qin Family and caught them in the act. The Wife of Prime Minister Qin still wanted to threaten them? How big was her face?

Since the Wife of Prime Minister Qin did not place them in her eyes, they would not be courteous anymore. They would guard them first and then send them back when the sun rose.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice was a neutral party, and he had nothing to do with the Qin Xiang Faction or the Xiao Jiu'an Faction. He was a diligent, serious and responsible old man. Feng Zhao would respect him and his decisions on a normal day, but...

Official positions were all like turnips and craters. If one wanted to be in a higher position, he had to squeeze out the people in front of him. Now that he had such an opportunity, the Minister could only consider himself unlucky.

While the third rank and above officials were in the Morning Assembly, Feng Zhao led the officials to escort the Wife of Prime Minister Qin and the Young Master of the Qin Family back to the city. Then, he high-profile escorted the Wife of Prime Minister Qin back to the Qin Family before bringing the Little Young Master back to the Ministry of Justice.

Feng Zhao's action was preemptive, and he directly revealed to the public that the Wife of Prime Minister Qin was abusing her husband's authority to help their son escape the law. By the time the Minister of the Ministry of Justice and Qin Xiang received the news, it was already too late.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice was furious. Feng Zhao's actions did not conform to the unwritten rules of the officials at all. In the officialdom, all of them had gotten used to it. If they encountered a situation, they would help each other cover it up first and then privately use it to exchange for benefits.

Under normal circumstances, things that they could solve themselves would never be done openly, nor would they be aired in front of the Emperor; however, Feng Zhao did no do that.

Feng Zhao had revealed this to everyone, which meant that he had also exposed the internal chaos and corruption within the Ministry of Justice.

Of course, at this moment, the one with the biggest headache was not the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, but Qin Xiang.

As the Prime Minister of Revelation, although Qin Xiang was not below just one person, but was above all of them. His hands could indeed cover the sky, but...

Even if Qin Xiang's hands could cover the sky, some things could only be done in private but not in public.

For example, when the Wife of Prime Minister Qin meddled with the Ministry of Justice's affairs for the sake of their youngest son, he did not dare say no to any of the officials in private.

If this matter were to be exposed, it would mean that the officials were looking down on the Emperor.

Not to mention an official, who valued his reputation highly, even the Emperor could not tolerate it. The Wife of Prime Minister Qin had completely treated the Ministry of Justice as her backyard; she could do whatever she wanted.

The city gates were extremely important for the capital, but the Wife of Prime Minister Qin could open and close them at will. Did the Qin Family put him, the Emperor, in their eyes?

The Emperor was infuriated. He passed down three orders in a row to denounce Qin Xiang, pushing his reputation to the very bottom.

Yes, the Emperor's orders were all denouncing Prime Minister Qin, and it had nothing to do with the Wife of Prime Minister Qin. It was clear that the Emperor wanted to put all the things that the Wife of Prime Minister Qin had done on Prime Minister Qin's account.

Qin Xiang was the Emperor's adviser, was cautious, and the Emperor trusted him quite a bit as well. Qin Xiang had obtained many disciples and more influence over the years, and the Emperor was unable to do anything to him. Thus, the Emperor allowed him to retain his position as the Prime Minister.

However, the fact that the Emperor had always placed importance on Qin Xiang did not mean that he would always be considered a trusted aide of the Emperor. He had only been unable to find an opportunity to deal with him. Now that Qin Xiang had revealed such a huge weakness, he would no longer be the Emperor if he did not take the opportunity to suppress Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang had been cautious all these years, not daring to make the slightest mistake. Even when something happened to his son, he did not dare to interfere in the Ministry of Justice's case. He could only watch his son be exiled.

Regardless of his being careful all his life, he was taken down by two women from the boudoir. He could not say anything because one of them was his mother and the other was his wife...

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