The Yanbei Army did not lack good things, but all of them had to be exchanged for by military rules. When the soldiers that came to the Southern Wilderness found out about this, they were both sad and happy.

Unfortunately, everything had their own military merits, and they didn't have the slightest bit of that.

As long as they fought with their lives on the line, they would be able to obtain everything that only those rich and powerful people could enjoy in the Southern Wilderness.

He had wasted several decades of his life, to the point that he could do nothing now.

The group of people sighed, each louder than the last. Even Wu Er would be brought back to life by their shouts, not to mention that Wu Er would just fall asleep.

As he was sleeping soundly, Wu Er woke up. He was in a bad mood and was about to break the silence to sell the food, but when he heard these people's words, he swallowed his words back.

"What are you talking about?" When Wu Er heard the words of these people, he was truly shocked.

One had to know, these brothers of his, even though they had been very active in training recently …

This was all forced on them by him, so they had no choice but to train.

If he didn't force them, none of these brothers would want to train.

To be honest, this was the first time he heard his brothers take the initiative to train.

This was simply too amazing.

What happened while he was asleep?

"Second Brother Wu, it's great that you're awake. We are currently discussing how to earn military merits." When this group of people saw that Wu Er had woken up, they all surrounded him, not remembering that he was injured.

"Second Brother Wu, only now did I know that you had high expectations for us back then. It was really for our own good. It would have been great if we could have fought with our lives like you did then." The group of brothers surrounded Wu Er and all started to say how much they regretted.

"Yeah, yeah, if we had fought as hard as you, Second Brother Wu, back then, maybe we would have also earned some military merits. Now that I think about it, it really is a loss."

"Yanbei Army is too cunning. They have so many benefits from military merits, but they didn't even tell us. This is simply too much! Fortunately, we discovered it ourselves, or else we would have suffered a lot. "

Brother Xiao Hei, Yanbei Army told us that military merits are a good thing, and told us to risk our lives to accumulate military merits. He also said that with military merits, we can exchange for a lot of things to make our families live better.

"Their words are so vague, who would know? If I knew my military merits were this good, would I have slackened? Aren't you afraid of me risking my life? Most importantly, if I knew that the military has so many benefits, would I be able to let those bastards spread rumors about the Prince Yanbei and destroy our second brother Wu's military merits? "We, Second Brother Wu, have made a first-rate achievement this time, a second-rate achievement. Who knows how many benefits this merit could be exchanged for. Now that it's done, it's all ruined by those sons of bitches."

… ….

"What are you all talking about? Why are you talking about military merits? " The more Wu Er listened, the more confused he became. What were they all talking about?

Why couldn't he understand it at all?

Moreover, his military merits had been wasted. Didn't they already know that?

They hadn't seen them so angry before, so why were they so angry?

"Second Brother Wu, you don't know, that's why we know about military merits." The group of people were arguing intensely, and when they heard Wu Er ask about it, it was as if they had found an outlet to vent their anger. One by one, they began to talk back and forth, telling Wu Er all the news they had heard from the military doctor.

When Wu Er heard this, his face was puzzled. "Military merits for injury medicine, military merits for a house? Didn't I tell all of you about this before?"

He had wanted to use this to provoke his group of brothers, but …

It was completely useless!

These people weren't the slightest bit agitated.

Fortunately, these brothers of his were still quite obedient. Even if he didn't really care, he told them to train, and they would follow to train as well.

Not for anyone else, just for the sake of training now. A drop of blood could be lost on the battlefield.

When the group of people heard Wu Er's words, they were stunned for a long time, then said: "Brother Wu Er, you did say, but you didn't tell us, Yanbei Army's medicine is so effective!"

It seemed like second brother Wu had really said it, but …

"Is the injury medicine given by the Yanbei Army really that effective?" Wu Er was at a loss.

He really didn't know about this. After all, he had never used it before.

In the army, it was normal to get a few minor injuries. They didn't know how to apply any medicine to a wound, so they just used water to wash it. They picked up a herb to stop the bleeding, chewed it, and applied it to the wound.

"Second Brother Wu, didn't you notice that after talking to us for so long, your butt doesn't hurt at all? Even to the point where you were hit by a military club and in such pain, did you fall asleep after being drugged? " The group of people, seeing that Wu Er did not discover the benefits of the medicine, all opened their eyes wide and looked at Wu Er in disbelief.

Their wise second brother Wu, had actually also had such a stupid moment?

Their wise and resourceful Second Brother Wu actually didn't react too slowly?

This was truly unbelievable.

He had a feeling that he had forgotten something.

Lowering his head, when Wu Er saw him lying on the bed, he suddenly remembered …

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