Although the people in the Southern Wilderness' camp were all shouting about sleeping, not many of them were really asleep. When they heard Wu Er talking to the two soldiers he had brought, all of them pricked up their ears, afraid that they would miss a single sentence.

When they heard Wu Er say that he had injuries on his body, all of them secretly made a "tsk" sound. It was full of ridicule, but Wu Er's temper was surprisingly good. He pretended he didn't hear it and didn't care about it at all.

In fact, they even stopped the two little soldiers that wanted to stick out.

Of course, even if he couldn't hear it, Wu Er would be able to guess most of it.

"Well, isn't he talking about me? He's used to it." I don't know. The events of the past few days were enough for Wan Qian Hu's men to commit crimes. By the time Yanbei Army found out about it, it would take at least two to three days. If Wu Er got hit by a military rod, it definitely wouldn't be for long. But you see, he got hit …

"He can still find us easily even with his military stick. I think there's a 80 to 90% chance that what he said is true."

"We don't know if he was hit by a military club or not. We all heard it from him. Look at his walking during the day. He doesn't look like he was hit by a military stick at all. I think he is lying to us."

"I smell blood on his body. He must be injured. Also, when he sat down, there was a soft blanket under his butt. If he wasn't injured, how could he be so unreasonable?"

"It's possible that he's just putting on an act, pretending to be injured. After showing off the Yanbei Army's medicine, he lured us to join Yanbei."

If Yanbei Army is willing to accept me, I will definitely leave with them. Look at Wu Er and his two little soldiers. How long has it been since they've become strong? "If they were going to fight against us one-on-one, we would definitely not be a match for them." Wu Er said that Yanbei Army has meat, I guess it's true. If he hadn't eaten well, he wouldn't have been able to grow tendons all over his body. He had always been protecting his own people. If the Yanbei Army didn't give his people enough food, he definitely wouldn't …

If he stayed in Yanbei Army, he would definitely take his people and leave. Around, with the ability of thousands of families, he can bring along so many brothers, and beg for a meal wherever he goes. "

"Then according to you, Wu Er was not given up by the Yanbei Army? Does he have status and prestige in the Yanbei Army? If so, why did he bring two people to our place? Are you trying to tease us? "

"Could it be to incite us? for us to cause trouble? "

"If it really was like this, then he wouldn't have brought injuries and would have brought a pile of food and silver with him. With wounds all over his body, will you believe him when he incites you? "

"I definitely won't believe it!"

"Then tell me, why did Wu Er come back? Did he not know that when the king spoke of him, he hated him so much that he wished he could eat his flesh and drink his blood? He has already offended the King, yet he dares to come back. If I say that he has no goal, I will not do it. "

Wu Er was the first person to betray the Southern Wilderness and throw himself into Yanbei. He was a living and healthy person, and his existence gave the Southern Wilderness an extremely bad guidance.

If Wu Er hadn't led the way, then there wouldn't have been tens of thousands of people on the battlefield suddenly turning back and slashing their sabers at their own people.

He really wanted to cut him into a million pieces, but Wu Er was extremely vigilant. After joining the Yanbei Army, other than going to the battlefield, he would never leave the Yanbei Army military camp, and would never give the people of the Southern Wilderness the opportunity to take action.

But now, Wu Er had fallen into their trap and came to their military camp in the Southern Wilderness. If they said that Wu Er's scheme was not big, they would not believe it, but …

In the end, their knowledge was limited. After thinking for a long time, they could not think of any reason. They wanted to ask Wu Er, but no matter how stupid they were, they knew that Wu Er would not tell them the truth.

Just like this, Wu Er said that he had to be important in the Yanbei Army, but then he turned around and told them that he made a mistake in the army.

However, just as they found out that Wu Er was in an accident in Yanbei Army, Wu Er showed them the top-grade medicine given by the military doctor.

They were all soldiers, even though the Yanbei Army was rich, they knew that good medicine was limited, and was not something that ordinary people could obtain.

For Wu Er to be able to obtain such a good medicine, it could be seen that he was indeed highly valued in the Yanbei Army.

But if you were to say that he was highly valued, why would he bring injuries to them?

Does the Yanbei Army not know how much their king hates Wu Er?

Yanbei Army sending Wu Er back to the Southern Wilderness was practically sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it. The more I think about it, the more confused I get." A few soldiers were whispering and exchanging opinions. The more they spoke, the more confused they became. The more they spoke, the more they could not understand.

This matter was too messy and too complicated. No matter how much they thought about it, they could not understand why Wu Er had come back.

As Wu Er listened to these people, he could vaguely guess what they were talking about. There were even a few who purposefully raised their voices, making it clear that they were talking to Wu Er, implying that Wu Er would give them an explanation. Wu Er just pretended he didn't hear it. Together with the other two soldiers, the three of them sat down and rested with their backs against each other. He seemed unaffected by the crowd's attitude and was extremely calm. However, he was actually able to grab a few Southern Wilderness soldiers and make them meet Wu Er …

The three of them sat down and slept, feeling a bit regretful.

However, seeing that Wu Er and the others were sleeping naturally, they were not dissatisfied. They were too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak, so as to avoid letting Wu Er know that they intentionally took up space and did not leave any space for them to sleep.

After the people in the camp discussed for a while, they still could not come to a conclusion. Seeing that Wu Dong and the other two had gone to sleep, they also stopped discussing and slowly fell asleep with confusion and doubt. They still had to hurry on their way tomorrow!

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