In the granary of the Southern Wilderness' camp, two youths of half a year old were huddled up in a corner. They looked at each other and didn't say anything for a long time …

Finally, the elder opened his mouth and said, "Changze, we can't stay in the camp of the Southern Wilderness anymore. In the end, the elder opened his mouth and said," Changze, we can't stay in the camp of the Southern Wilderness.

Close range contact with Nan Jin Zhao …

To Changze, it was too dangerous for a gentleman to stay in the southern border camp instead of standing on the other side of the wall.

Thus, everyone knew that only Changze, the king of Yanbei and the princess, was the sole son of Changze, and that his importance was self-evident.

If he wanted to let Nan Jin Zhao know that he was hiding in his base camp, then even if Chang Ze didn't die, he would be crippled due to Yi Nan Jin Zhao's temper.

Although Chang Ze was young, he was not an ignorant person.

Hearing Mo Wuji's words, Chang Ze let out a sigh. "Wu Er is really stupid. He did not help us, yet he still held us back, causing me to have no choice but to leave. How hateful."

"In the future, there will still be a chance. It's not right for us to alert the enemy." Seeing that Changze was so cooperative, Mo Mo Mo reached out to touch his head, his taut face revealing a gratified smile.

"They are so obedient, Changze." "Right." Zhang Ze nodded his head obediently. After thinking for a while, he said unwillingly, "No, we can't just leave like this. Half of the granary of the Southern Wilderness was made up of mud. When Wu Er noticed this, he would definitely think of ways to make this happen. However, Nan Jin Zhao knew in advance …

If he knew of Wu Er's movements, he would definitely use him to wash himself clean. Before we leave, do this thing lest that idiot Wu Er gets used again. "

Although Chang Ze didn't find the opportunity to get close to Nan Jin Zhao, seeing that Wu Er knew about the secret of the granary and not make a move against him, he guessed that Nan Jin Zhao had a plan.

He wasn't too sure what other schemes Nan Jin Zhao had, but that wasn't important. As long as he exposed the situation of the granary in advance, then no matter how many schemes he had, he wouldn't be able to use them.

"That's fine. We don't need to burn the granary, we just need to tear down the granary and cut these sacks filled with rice for them to see. " Mo Mo Mo agreed to Chang Ze's words without any hesitation.

"Brother Mo, let's go our separate ways. I'll row the rice bags. You just watch how we're going to knock this granary down." Seeing that Mo Li had agreed, Chang Ze was overjoyed. He pulled out his dagger and excitedly slashed at the sacks. He did not only pick up the sacks with dirt, he also cut all of them, only the ones with rice, and the cuts were smaller. This way, more rice would spill out and the quantity would increase.

It was also limited.

Moreover, they only tore down the granary and didn't set it on fire. Even if the rice was mixed with the soil, it would still be edible after a bath.

Although he hoped for the Southern Wilderness to be defeated and for Nan Jin Zhao and his men to die so he could take revenge for his Uncle Feng Qi, however …

He had not been cruel enough to cut off all avenues of retreat for the people of the Southern Wilderness.

If he couldn't guarantee it, then he would be able to kill the enemy in one blow. He had to leave a hole for the enemy to hope for.

Because, you couldn't imagine how terrifying a person who had lost hope and was in dire straits would be.

Although he didn't understand what his father meant, it didn't matter …

His mother's concubine had said that it didn't matter if he understood what his father said. In the future, he would understand that all he needed to do was follow his father's teachings.

The experience that his father had given him was the wisdom of the decades that his father had spent exchanging his blood for intelligence. It was the most valuable experience he had.

When night fell, the granary would be locked up. There were heavy soldiers guarding outside, but there was no one guarding inside. In less than an hour, he had already cut open all the sacks. The sacks that were filled with soil and mixed with the granary and used as food had been cut open by Chang Ze. Even if it was pressed at the bottom, the mud would be spilled.

Not many people came, but once you entered, you could tell the difference between them and food.

Mo Mo's movements were not slow either. Just as Chang Ze finished slashing the jute bag, Mo Mo had already returned. I have done it already. If nothing unexpected happens, when they open up the granary tomorrow morning to gather their rations, this granary will completely collapse and the sacks containing the soil will be exposed to the Southern Wilderness' soldiers. " Mo Mo saw that there was dust on Chang Ze's face, so he raised his hand to take its place …

Changze was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Brother Mo."

Mo Mo also smiled and retracted his hand. "Alright, it's time for us to leave." Brother Mo, should we leave a message for Wu Er? Making him run? "Even though he's from the Southern Wilderness, he's working for us, Yanbei, and we have to protect our people." Chang Ze did not refuse and allowed Mo Wuji to lead him out of the granary.

They left the camp in the southern border.

"Let's go first. After we leave this place, I will have someone deliver a letter to Wu Er." Wu Er's mission this time was not very pretty, but because of his presence, it attracted Nan Jin Zhao's attention, not letting him notice Chang Ze's existence.

Just by this point, they were able to remember Wu Ergong's achievement.

After all, there was nothing more important than Chang Ze's safety.

"Alright, let's go, Brother Mo." When Chang Ze heard Mo Mo's words, he had no objections.

After the two teenagers left the granary, they stealthily snuck into the darkness. Before anyone noticed them, they had already left the vicinity of the Southern Wilderness' camp. Even in his dreams, Nan Jin Zhao would never have imagined that there would once be a chance for him to make a comeback, but he couldn't grab hold of it. He could only watch helplessly as that chance slipped away from his hands.

Some of them had their throne taken away.

However, Chang Ze didn't know any of this.

Even if Chang Ze knew, he wouldn't care. It was only because Nan Jin Zhao was unlucky that it would benefit Yan Bei...

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