Even if the soldiers of the Southern Wilderness risked their lives to save them, they would only be able to snatch out a little more than a hundred stone rations, barely enough to feed the army for five days. Right now, spring had just begun and the seeds had just been sowed.

Putting aside the fact that the Southern Wilderness already had people like them, even if they did, they wouldn't be able to live their lives guarding the land properly.

Nan Jin Zhao also knew about this, so he wasn't afraid of them running away.


Previously, he could only tolerate Wu Er staying in the army because he wanted to use him. Now, Wu Er was useless, so if he could capture Wu Er alive, he would definitely tear Wu Er into pieces.

"Yes, my lord." Zhao Si obeyed and chased after him with his men.

When the others saw Zhao Si bringing his men to chase Wu Er, they all looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Nan Jin Zhao immediately knew that these people were all idiots who had no opinions. If they didn't have a leader, these people wouldn't dare to refute him no matter how dissatisfied and uneasy they were.

The frog at the bottom of the well would never be able to jump out of the well. Even if he climbed out and took a look at the world outside with the help of others, he would still withdraw, because …

The outside world was not something he could live in.

Nan Jin Zhao was well aware that this group of people were like frogs in a well; they wouldn't be able to achieve great things in their lifetime.

Of course, he didn't need these people to build their foundations. If everyone was like Wu Er, then he wouldn't be able to lead this army.

Not giving these people a chance to think, Nan Jin Zhao ordered everyone to get busy.

For these people, listening to orders was the easiest. As long as they moved, they would obey their orders and not think too much about it.

Things went as Nan Jin Zhao expected. As soon as his order was given, the soldiers in the southern border were stunned for a moment. Under the lead of the others, they began to obey Nan Jin Zhao's order without any complaints.

It only took Nan Jin Zhao half a day to reform his team, and then …

Nan Jin Zhao kept his promise and let the army eat to their heart's content.

Before they had even finished their last meal, the soldiers of the Southern Wilderness had forgotten about the grains in the granary.

Nan Jin Zhao wasn't surprised at all when he heard the soldiers' words.

It wasn't the first time he had brought these soldiers, so he was very clear on their morals.

When he was full, he would have to work.

The soldiers of the southern border had long since gotten used to this.

Therefore, when Nan Jin Zhao gave the order to head south, none of the soldiers in the southern border fought back.

Nan Jin Zhao didn't treat them badly either, they had eaten well all the way here, and every meal was full to the end; not a single person was hungry.

After eating their fill, the team's spirit, energy and spirit were all different. It looked like there was a little bit of killing intent.

After nurturing them out of killing intent, Nan Jin didn't even give them time to react before they ran towards the northern troop's camp...

"On the other side, the generals of the Yanbei Army knew that the war was about to start when Mo Mo had already left the southern border camp and burned the granary. After the Dark Guard reported this to the general, the generals of the Yanbei Army knew that the war was coming." There was no food in the Southern Wilderness, and no one could help them now. It was not the autumn harvest time, so they could not find food in Beichen. According to Nan Jin Zhao's habit, he will definitely let go of this matter and try to break out of our encirclement to fight his way back to the Heavenly Awakening Realm.

We must guard this line well, and not let Nan Jin Zhao have the chance to fight his way back to the Heavenly Awakening Realm, and then return back to the Southern Wilderness! " The general said solemnly.

When the generals heard the general's words, they all patted their chests and promised, "General, please be at ease. Not only will we not let the people of the Southern Wilderness go back, we will also kill them here!"

"With these words of yours, this general can be at ease. I'll give you two hours. The general nodded in satisfaction.

"Ah?" General, you mean. We're taking the initiative to attack? " When the generals heard the meaning behind the general's words, they were all astonished.

Their general had always been a conservative attacker, and now that the group of people from the Southern Wilderness had obviously been forced into a corner by them, this time …

The general was actually taking the initiative to attack?

"Yes." The general replied, "The war has dragged on too long. It is not good for us. We must quickly end it."

Beichen Heavenly Que had already ascended the throne of the Tianwu Emperor and built the Beiwu Dynasty, and his king was still only the King of Yanbei.

From what the old generals of Yanbei said, their prince had no intentions of claiming the title of emperor. If there were no mishaps, he would let the young master take the title of emperor.

The Young Chieftain was learning from them and couldn't leave Bei Chen, who was in such a desolate place. In order for the Young Chieftain to become emperor soon, they had to eliminate the Southern Wilderness and escort the Young Chieftain back home.

However, these generals hadn't spoken to the generals and had only found a just and honorable reason.

"We will listen to the general. He can be at ease, I will go and call for troops." This time, none of my soldiers are going to fight with me over this. "

"My left wing! "General, rest assured, I will definitely protect the left side and not let the people of the Southern Wilderness escape."

"My right wing!"

"My cavalry is at the centre front. With us, we will definitely be able to counter-attack the southern border."

"That's right. This time, we must kill off the entire Southern Wilderness. We must not give them another chance to escape."

"I will lead the troops and circle around to the back to surround them. I definitely won't let them escape."

"It's settled, let's get used to it."

The generals were full of fighting spirit. They divided the missions among themselves without waiting for the general to speak further.

It was a good thing that they hadn't forgotten to seek the general's opinion. The Great General naturally didn't have any objections. The men of the Yanbei Army held their own positions, and each of the generals had their own specialties. They all acted according to their duties, so the Great General wouldn't interfere with them too much.

Don't send the newcomers to the battlefield in this battle. This battle was not about training the soldiers, but a decisive battle!

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