The solemn and merciful Buddha statue, with white smoke lingering around it, stood within the Great hall. Standing within the Great Hall, Ji Yunkai was calm. It was not due to the atmosphere, but because her heart was calm.

After kneeling nine times, Ji Yunkai got up and went to find the master of the temple and asked him to light up two lanterns. One of them belonged to Ji Yunkai's mother, Yun Jing, while the other did not have a name written on it.

It was rare to come out, and so, she decided to take a look at the scenery.

After circling twice around the temple and seeing that it was almost noon, Ji Yunkai finally returned to her dwelling. But the moment she stepped into the courtyard, the maidservant, who was taking care of Infanta Shiqing, ran out crying, "Princess Consort! Princess Consort, it's bad! The Infanta is gone!"

"What?" Ji Yunkai looked surprised, but in her heart, she was helpless.

She knew it would be like this. If Shiqing did not cause a ruckus, she would be very suspicious.

The maidservant did not know what Ji Yunkai was thinking and choked with sobs as she said, "Princess Consort after you left, the Infanta was unwilling to rest and said that she wanted to go out to play. This servant could not persuade her, so this servant accompanied the Infanta out. While playing in the rear mountain, she suddenly disappeared! Sister Baoqin and others are currently looking for her there and this servant ran back to tell you, Princess Consort."

"Infanta Shiqing went missing in the rear mountain?" Different from the maidservant's urgency, Ji Yunkai was very calm, so calm that it seemed like she did not care about Infanta Shiqing's safety.

"Yes, yes. The Infanta's hat was on the ground and there were no footprints around. Sister Baoqin said that the Infanta could have been kidnapped." Looking at Ji Yunkai's calm eyes, the maidservant felt an unexplainable sense of guilt. She kept having the feeling that Ji Yunkai knew something.

"Send someone to go back to the capital and tell His Highness to get people to look for her." After Ji Yunkai finished speaking, she walked inside the house.

The maidservant was stunned and stammered, "Prin-Princess Consort, aren't you going to look for her?"

"Didn't you say that someone kidnapped Infanta? How can I find someone when I can't fight and can't run?" Who said that because Infanta Shiqing was missing that she had to be the one to go look for her?

When Infanta Shiqing was kidnapped before, Xiao Jiu'an took her as an exchange for Infanta Shiqing. Because she had no other choice, she went through with it. Now that she had the right to choose, why would she take the risk for Infanta Shiqing?

God knows, if Infanta Shiqing was kidnapped just to bait her, she would be stupid to deliver herself to those people.

"But... but... the Infanta followed you to the temple and only then did something happen to her. Princess Consort, how could you not possibly care about the life and death of the Infanta?" Shouldn't the Princess Consort be in a hurry to find her at a time like this?

Why was it different from what she had previously planned?

"Did I invite the Infanta here?" Today's show was either organized by Xiao Jiu'an or by Infanta Shiqing. No matter who it was, she did not want to get involved.

Seeing the maidservant standing there motionlessly, Ji Yunkai reminded her with good intentions, "If you have the time to talk nonsense with me, then why don't you return to the capital and call for reinforcements?"

"Esteemed Consort, you... you are too cold-blooded! If His Highness knew that something happened to the Infanta because of you, he would not forgive you!" The maidservant's eyes were red. It was hard to tell whether she was angry or anxious.

"It doesn't matter." Ji Yunkai said indifferently.

"Esteemed Consort, you... you..." The maidservant blocked Ji Yunkai's path, but she did not know what to say.

Ji Yunkai did not pay attention to her and only gave her a meaningful glance. After passing by her, she returned to her room.

"Damn it!" The maidservant stomped her foot in anger and quickly ran outside.

She had to find a way to tell the Infanta that Ji Yunkai did not fall for her trap and that they had to replan.

After the maidservant passed down the news to Infanta Shiqing, she did not dare to stay any longer and returned to the capital in a horse carriage.

Since Ji Yunkai already said that she wanted her to go back and get reinforcements, she could only go back.

In the mountain behind Guang An Temple, Shiqing was hiding in a cave. When she heard her subordinate's report, her face immediately turned ugly. If Ji Yunkai did not come out from the temple, how could she scheme against Ji Yunkai and kill people?

"Yes, the Princess says that she can't fight and run, so she can't help find you." The person repeated what Ji Yunkai had said.

Infanta Shiqing was so angry that she almost vomited blood, "What kind of woman did Xiao Jiu'an marry?"

Wasn't her disappearance the perfect chance for Ji Yunkai to show off her goodness and kindness? What exactly was Ji Yunkai thinking?

"Infanta, what should we do next?" The person asked carefully.

Infanta Shiqing did not immediately answer. After a moment of silence, she said, "Send the Third Prince over here to see me."

"What about the people outside?" The person asked again.

The maidservants that Ji Yunkai brought all knew martial arts, while Shiqing herself brought her female soldiers. All of them were searching for Infanta Shiqing in the rear mountain.

"Don't bother with them. Have the Third Prince come as soon as possible." Before she could lead her troops here, she had to let the Third Prince die by Ji Yunkai's hands. If that did not happen, then letting the Third Prince kill Ji Yunkai would be fine too.

In short, she had to make Xiao Jiu'an believe that the Third Prince's target was Ji Yunkai and that it had nothing to do with her.

She did not know how much Xiao Jiu'an had found out, but she had to clear herself of any doubts.

Regardless of whether she accepted it or not, she needed Xiao Jiu'an's trust and support. Without Xiao Jiu'an's consent, she could not do anything.

The person hurriedly left. A quarter of an hour later, a man, whose entire body was wrapped in black clothes, appeared in front of Xiao Shiqing.

"Shiqing, you're finally willing to see me." The black-clothed man took off his hat, revealing a deathly pale, cold face with blood-red eyes.

"I also wanted to see you earlier, but I can't leave the city, you know." Shiqing suppressed the disgust in her heart and revealed a fake smile.

"Can't leave the city, or is he without a heart?" The black-clothed man stared at Xiao Shiqing with his bloody eyes, his gaze like a venomous snake staring at its prey.

However, Xiao Shiqing did not mind at all. She looked straight into the eyes of the black-clothed man and said, "Nan Zeyu, Xiao Jiu'an has already discovered you. You better leave quickly; otherwise, if something happens, I can't guarantee that I can save you."

"Xiao Jiu'an? He can't do anything to me." The black-clothed man, who was also the Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness, Nan Zeyu, did not put Xiao Jiu'an in his eyes at all.

The Southern Wilderness had fought with the Yanbei Army for many years and had always had more victories than losses. Although the situation had changed after Xiao Jiu'an took control of the Yanbei Army, the people of the Southern Wilderness still did not place Xiao Jiu'an in their eyes.

They, the citizens of the Southern Wilderness, were blessed by the heavens. They did not fear Revelation's troops at all.

"I know your capabilities, but this is Revelation. To be safe, it would be best for you to leave as soon as possible." Xiao Shiqing said as she suppressed the disgust in her heart.

"Are you concerned about me?" Nan Zeyu suddenly went forward and grabbed Xiao Shiqing's neck and pulled her into his embrace.

Xiao Shiqing's body stiffened slightly, but she did not move. Instead, she stared straight at him with her bright and beautiful big eyes. She knew that Nan Zeyu liked it when she looked at him.

A hint of ecstasy flashed across Nan Zeyu's blood-colored eyes as he kissed Xiao Shiqing on the lips. "Shiqing, I like the fact that I'm the only one in your eyes."

He was willing to do anything to get her like this.

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