Ji Yunkai knew that Prince Yanbei's Mansion was filled with spies, and she did not know if there were any around them.

After bringing the herbs to Little Doctor Zhuge's Pharmacy, not only did Ji Yunkai close the door, but she even blocked the windows.

"Yes, these herbs cannot be in the light." Since Little Doctor Zhuge gave her reason, she naturally had to use it.

"Princess, what are you trying to do? I'll help you." Seeing Ji Yunkai squatting down to organize the herbs, Little Doctor Zhuge immediately went forward to help.

Ji Yunkai blocked him, and she said with a serious face, "Doctor Zhuge, no matter what you see later, do not make a sound, okay?"

"Alright, I won't make a sound." Seeing Ji Yunkai's serious expression, Little Doctor Zhuge was stunned and stared blankly at Ji Yunkai.

He felt that something very important was going to be seen, and this matter was of such great importance that the Princess could only tell him.

*Thump! Thump! Thump!* Little Doctor Zhuge felt his heartbeat race. He was not excited, but instead nervous and feeling a little uneasy.

Little Doctor Zhuge was very nervous; Ji Yunkai was even more nervous than him, but she had to gamble.

Ji Yunkai took a deep breath, calmed her emotions, and then placed her hand on the herb. Closing her eyes, her expression was solemn and imposing, as though what she was touching was not an herb, but a poison that would kill her if she touched wrong.

Seeing this, Little Doctor Zhuge could not help but take a deep breath and stare unblinkingly at Ji Yunkai, but...

Staring and staring... After staring at her for a long time, he still did not see Ji Yunkai move.

What's wrong with the Princess?

But seeing Ji Yunkai's serious face, Little Doctor Zhuge did not dare speak and disturb her. He continued to wait.

After waiting for another fifteen minutes, Little Doctor Zhuge became bored from waiting. He did not look at Ji Yunkai but lowered his head to look at the medicinal herbs on the ground. When he saw them, Little Doctor Zhuge was dumbfounded.

"Prin—" Little Doctor Zhuge shouted out in shock, but just as he shouted out a single word, he remembered Ji Yunkai's warning. He immediately covered his mouth and widened his eyes as he looked at Ji Yunkai, as well as the continuously growing medicinal herb in her hands.

God, this was unbelievable!

Although he was sleepy, he was certain that he was not dreaming. Everything was real, and with a light touch from the Princess Consort, the herbs on the ground grew in an instant. The longer they grew, the faster they grew...

There was still no sound inside the pharmacy, and Ji Yunkai did not open her eyes either. However, Little Doctor Zhuge no longer felt bored, nor did he find the time to wait difficult anymore. He stared at the herbs on the ground, afraid that he would miss anything in the blink of an eye.

Half an hour later, the other medicinal plants stopped growing, but five of them were still growing and soon became fat.

"So powerful..." Seeing the growing seeds, Little Doctor Zhuge could not help but exclaim softly. His gaze on Ji Yunkai also changed from shock to adoration.

Their Princess Consort was too powerful! Not only had she grown the herbs, but she had also allowed them to bear seeds. Would he still need to worry that he would not have enough herbs from the Southern Wilderness to study?

It was no wonder that the Princess Consort would suggest using the Southern Wilderness' medicinal herbs to concoct the antidote. With her ability, they did not have to worry about not being able to find the herbs in the Southern Wilderness, nor did they have to worry about not having enough to use them.

The Princess Consort was simply a god!

When he thought about this, Little Doctor Zhuge's blood began to boil and his sleepiness disappeared. He could not wait for Ji Yunkai to mature the other medicinal herbs as well, and gather as many seeds as possible before growing them again...

This way, they would have an endless supply of herbs to use. Not to mention thirty-thousand soldiers, they would even have enough to use for three hundred thousand!

Seriously, just the thought of it made him excited.

The more Little Doctor Zhuge thought about it, the more excited he became. He was completely immersed in his little world and had completely forgotten about everything else.

After Ji Yunkai ripened the herbs, she did her best to harvest five different seeds. Just as she was about to see how Little Doctor Zhuge would react, she saw a crazy look on his face, laughing and muttering to himself. Looking at him... he seemed abnormal.

She did not encounter another lunatic, did she?

"Doctor Zhuge, are you alright?" Ji Yunkai suddenly felt that she had been too careless. Little Doctor Zhuge was pure and kind and would keep this a secret, but there was also the possibility that he would continue to ask her for help in the future.

She seemed to have gotten herself into a lot of trouble.

"Ah? Princess, are you done?" Little Doctor Zhuge suddenly woke up from his stupor. Seeing that Ji Yunkai had already harvested the seeds, a look of joy surfaced on his face as he said in admiration, "There are so many seeds! Princess, you are so powerful!"

Little Doctor Zhuge truly admired Ji Yunkai and worshipped her crazily. One had to know that the Prince had sacrificed three thousand elite soldiers just to obtain these seeds, but what about the Princess?

As long as he gave her a stalk of herb, she would be able to obtain the seeds.

"Is it powerful? Don't you think it's scary? Don't you think I'm a beast? A monster?" Not to mention the close-minded ancient era, even in the more open-minded modern era, seeing her ability would make them think of her as a monster, even in the army.

Therefore, she had never had many friends. After all, how many people would be willing to be friends with a monster?

"Princess, how could you be a monster? If one were to talk about strange things, isn't the Prince even weirder? Wherever he goes, His Highness kills any plant. If you want to talk about strange things, then His Highness is ten-thousand times scarier than you." At first, he was indeed frightened, but it was not because of fear, but because it was too sudden.

In the end, he could only be pleasantly surprised and overjoyed. The Princess Consort's skills were too practical and were much better than the Prince's abilities...

He could only be of use in the Southern Wilderness. He was useless in other places, and he was afraid of the Prince. He wished he could stay away from the Prince so that his herbs would not be harmed.

"Yes, I forgot that the Prince is the same as me." He also had a special ability, except what she grasped was life, while Xiao Jiu'an was the one who ruled over death.

"You and the Prince are different. The Prince, he..." When Doctor Zhuge mentioned Xiao Jiu'an, he could not help but shudder. Seeing Ji Yunkai's serious face, he hurriedly assured her, "Don't worry Princess Consort, I will keep this a secret for you. Besides the two of us, I will not let a third person know."

Although the Princess Consort's ability would not harm anyone, it was hard to guarantee that other people would not treat her as a monster. It was better not to say anything about it.

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