Sky Martial Princess said that he, Ji Yunkai, had made a move, that she had beaten someone, and the most direct material evidence was not Sky Martial Princess's injuries, but the smashed coloured glaze treasure carriage, but the ….

Now that the coloured glaze treasure carriage was safely in the palace, it could be seen that Sky Martial Princess had lied about this "conflict" matter!

It wasn't easy for him to blame Ji Yunkai and Xiao Jiu'an, and he couldn't let them bleed, so how could the Emperor stop.

To dare to answer him in such a manner, was Ji Yunkai really that coward?

"Ji Yunkai, don't pretend to be stupid in front of us, we are not Prince Yanbei." He did not buy into Ji Yunkai's tricks.

"I is terrified." Ji Yunkai sighed helplessly and looked at Xiao Jiu'an aggrieved.

Xiao Jiu'an also didn't want to do this, otherwise she wouldn't keep quiet, and let her face the emperor's anger alone.

"From what I see, you do not have a single shred of fear. Not only did you incite the citizens to beat up the Sky Martial Princess, you even sent the people who were causing trouble out of the city and hid them. Ji Yunkai, how strong are your guts?" He had originally wanted to capture a few civilians and calm the Sky Martial Princess down. However, she never thought that once the Imperial Guards left, he would discover that all the people who were fighting had disappeared, including her family.

When he went to the city gate to inquire, he found out that those people had all been sent away by the Prince Yanbei's Mansion and were even protected by their guards.

Hundreds of people were instantly sent out of the city under the watch of the Emperor. Was Ji Yunkai telling him about the power of the Prince Yanbei's Mansion? Was this a threat to the emperor?

"Your Majesty, the person who started the conflict with the Sky Martial Princess was the I. It has nothing to do with anyone else." Ji Yunkai insisted that he and Sky Martial Princess were just in a conflict and that she would never admit to hitting anyone.

"Putong." After he finished speaking, Ji Yunkai knelt down and offered him a short arrow. "This is a lethal weapon used by the Sky Martial Princess.

"What is it?" "Present!" The emperor did not know that there was such a thing, so he hurriedly asked the eunuch to present it. When he saw the emperor's expression, he said in a subtle manner, "Are you sure this is a weapon used by the Sky Martial Princess?"

"If the emperor doesn't believe me, you can ask Prince Jing. At that time, the situation was chaotic, so I believe that Prince Jing did not notice." Ji Yunkai didn't even need to ask to know that both Prince Jing and Sky Martial Princess had probably overlooked this point.

Thinking about it, it made sense. In their eyes, guards and ordinary citizens were nothing more than ants.

"Who was the Sky Martial Princess injured?" The meaning of the Emperor throwing the arrow in front of Ji Yunkai was obvious.

If Sky Martial Princess were to kill an ordinary guard, she would definitely not be held accountable. However, it would be different if he were to hurt Ji Yunkai.

After injuring Revelation, Sky Martial Princess would go from being wounded to being a tyrant, and would no longer be in her right.

If it was in the past, or if Xiao Jiu'an did not accompany her to the palace and did not give her support, Ji Yunkai might have pierced her own body with a short arrow as per the emperor's wish.

With her abilities, not to mention one arrow, even if it were twenty arrows, she would still be able to avoid fatal wounds. She would only see blood, not her life, but …

She was also someone with a backer, so why did she have to self-abuse?

Ji Yunkai did not even bother looking at the short arrow on the ground, she raised her head and looked at Xiao Jiu'an, their gazes intersecting. Xiao Jiu'an nodded: No matter what Ji Yunkai wants to do, he can stop it.

Seeing that, Ji Yunkai's heart was at ease, and she said loudly: "Your majesty, when my Duke was returning to the city today, he met an assassin, and all of them escaped, leaving behind this arrow."


Xiao Jiu'an was startled and could not help but turn to look at Ji Yunkai.

This woman's ability to frame people was really first-rate. She could easily find a reason to do so. She was truly shameless, but he liked her.

The people of Prince Yanbei's Mansion should act in this way, and should not suffer any losses.

Stab a knife into his body?

The Emperor likes to use tricks, he, Xiao Jiu'an does not like to use them, those with ability, do they need to show their weakness?

So what if he was arrogant? So what if he was overbearing? So what if he didn't take the Emperor seriously? He, Xiao Jiu'an, has this ability, there is no need to show weakness!

The emperor was not any better than Xiao Jiu'an. He was stunned for a long while before he found his voice, "Prince Yanbei, is what your wangfei said true?"

How on earth did Ji Yunkai's brain grow? Why did she suddenly open her mouth and come up with a reason that no one was able to find?

"These words are true. This subject even suffered a small injury. Does the emperor want the imperial physician to come take a look?" When he went to the Heaven Prison to interrogate the Third Prince of the Southern Wilderness, he furiously grabbed a handful of iron chains, causing his hands to turn red.

"Where is the injury?" The emperor looked at Xiao Jiu'an from head to toe, but did not see any signs of Xiao Jiu'an being injured.

"The wound is on my hand, it's red from the pain." Xiao Jiu'an extended his "injured" right hand out for the emperor to see.

The emperor was filled with anticipation, in the end, he only saw the red mark on Xiao Jiu'an's hand. He was not angry, nor was he angry, and couldn't help himself from exploding, causing the emperor to forcefully resist the urge to vomit blood as he said while clenching his teeth, "Alright, now that I know about this, all of you can withdraw.

Talk to this couple again and he'll kill himself.

"This subject (I) will take her leave first." Xiao Jiu'an was the unluckiest one, she was still kneeling on the ground.

The two of them saluted before turning around to leave. However, the moment they turned around, the Emperor suddenly spoke …

Master Nine had something to say.

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