Ji Yunkai was stunned!

Not only were the thirty thousand Yanbei Army poisoned by the poison of the Southern Wilderness, they were also poisoned by Beichen?

One or two cases of misdiagnosis could be forgiven, but thirty thousand!

Back then, he had misdiagnosed the case and caused the death of the patient. That was why the angry villagers were burned to death. But now, he had caused the death of someone else.

"Princess, I've killed many people this time." The burden of responsibility and guilt weighed heavily on the little doctor, and her conscience was being condemned every moment.

"It's not your fault. You've done very well." Ji Yunkai sighed, she did not know how to comfort Little Doctor Zhuge.

The life and death of thirty thousand men was not something that could be avoided with a single "not being able to do it" or "not being able to learn".

Looking at the Little Doctor Zhuge that had crumbled a few times, Ji Yunkai was unable to say a word about how you helped me concoct some medicine, and could only say, "Clean up, let's go to Yanbei Army's camp together."

No matter if it was for the sake of the Little Doctor Zhuge or to complete the transaction with Xiao Jiu'an, she could not avoid it.

Little Doctor Zhuge was a good doctor with both medical skills and morals. She should not have been plotted against and ruined.

"Wang-wang-wangfei? You want to go to Yanbei Army's camp? "No, no, you can't go. You absolutely can't go." Right now, the life and death of thirty thousand Yanbei Army was a complete mess. She would rather carry all of the responsibilities on her shoulders than let the wangfei take over.

"I have to go, I am the Prince Yanbei's Wife, if the Yanbei Army dies, it will not benefit me at all." Little Doctor Zhuge's thought was simple, he could guess what she was thinking.

Such a pure and kind child was a rarity in this world. At least, it was the first time she had encountered one like this.

"But, but... They said that Beichen's Corpse Poison had no antidote, and that it was made from a corpse of a plague. Little Doctor Zhuge still wanted to persuade Ji Yunkai to give up.

Some things could not be done just because you wanted to. Some responsibilities could not be shouldered just because you wanted to. The death of a thirty-thousand-strong army meant that they had to find a doctor to take the blame.

"If it's just poison, there's always a way to cure it. As for if I can't cure it? "If you don't see for yourself, how do you know that you won't be able to solve the problem? There are some things that you have to see for yourself before you know if you can do it or not." Ji Yunkai was not someone who liked to cause trouble, but she knew that she could not avoid it. Whether it was for himself, the Little Doctor Zhuge, or for Xiao Jiu'an.

The thirty thousand men were Xiao Jiu'an's forces in the capital. Although the Emperor couldn't do anything to him without the thirty thousand men, it would still be inconvenient for him.

Not to mention that the Sky Martial Princess was still in the capital, without the thirty thousand men, the Sky Martial Princess was even more arrogant.

"Princess, it will be very troublesome." Little Doctor Zhuge sat in her original spot and refused to get up, she stubbornly hoped that Ji Yunkai could stop herself from thinking, but Ji Yunkai did not speak anymore. She resolutely stood up and turned to leave: "I will get people to prepare carriages, do you want to go with me?"

"Ah?" "Go, go, I'll go …" She couldn't dissuade her if she insisted on going, but he could help her and not expose her. That way, even if the poison couldn't be cured in the end, those people would only blame him and wouldn't blame her.

Once Ji Yunkai left the pharmacy, she said to the guard at the door: "Go, arrange for a carriage, I want to go to the barracks." She believed that Xiao Jiu'an would not stop his, although she did not know why Xiao Jiu'an did not tell her.

"Barracks?" The guard was startled, he wanted to confirm it again, but Ji Yunkai had already left, the guard looked at each other, and could not, he could only ask the supervisor, and the supervisor could not make the decision, and could only ask Xiao Jiu'an.

"To the barracks? She's got a lot of guts. " Xiao Jiu'an was also surprised. He knew that Ji Yunkai had some ability, but after knowing that the thirty thousand Yanbei Army s had fallen for the Corpse Poison, he did not think of letting Ji Yunkai deal with it.

In his eyes, no matter how powerful Ji Yunkai was, she was just a woman. He had only asked for Ji Yunkai's help to help Doctor Zhuge previously, that's all.

"Your Highness, do you want to stop him?" The supervisor was obviously aware of the situation in the military, and was also aware that if Ji Yunkai went over now, she might not be able to get back at him.

"No need, let her go. Send someone to protect her." He wanted to see just how strong Ji Yunkai was.

He must at least have some skill to dare to stand up at this moment, right?

"Yes." The steward retreated and immediately ordered the carriage and his entourage to be arranged.

Seeing that Ji Yunkai did not answer, Little Doctor Zhuge lowered her head and hid in a corner, not daring to say another word.

Ji Yunkai looked up and saw that Little Doctor Zhuge was like an abandoned puppy, he was huddled up in the corner feeling wronged, and could not help but chuckle, but when he thought about how he would always sit in the carriage with Xiao Jiu'an and not talk at all, she could not laugh at all.

In Xiao Jiu'an's eyes, did she look like an abandoned puppy hiding in the corner? Yearning to get his attention?

Definitely not!

She was different from Little Doctor Zhuge. Little Doctor Zhuge was curled up in the corner with her head lowered. She was sitting straight in the corner.

Yes, she wasn't curled up in the corner. She was sitting in the corner. Therefore, she was definitely not some pitiful abandoned person, and did not think about getting Xiao Jiu'an's attention!

Ji Yunkai clenched his teeth in anger, and turned his head to no longer look at the Little Doctor Zhuge. When she looked at the Little Doctor Zhuge, her mind would immediately replay.

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